Educational Psychology & Research Methodology

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Advance Your Career

Our PhD program prepares students to be leaders in research about human cognition, development, motivation, and learning in education contexts, and their measurement. Our internationally-recognized faculty members offer students strong, individualized mentoring and rich experiences designing and conducting research to extend your skillset.

We equip graduates for careers that create knowledge and improve the welfare of children, families, and school communities. Our graduates work as professors, learning analysts, psychometricians, program evaluators, and education specialists at research institutions, education agencies and school systems, and educational technology and testing companies.

The PhD program requires a dissertation and 60 hours of graduate credit beyond a completed Master’s degree. These plans of study include 45 to 50 credit hours of graduate courses and 10 to 15 credit hours of dissertation research designed by each student with the approval of their advisory committee. Our framework for a PhD plan of study is outlined in the “Courses” section below.

This residential program has rolling admission. An application will be reviewed for admission and funding decisions when it is fully complete and submitted, with application fees paid or waived. For a list of all required materials for this program application, please see the “Admissions” tab.

Application Deadlines

July 1* is the deadline for Fall applications.

November 15 is the deadline for Spring applications.

March 15 is the deadline for Summer applications.

*Those applicants interested in being considered for any available PhD funding should submit completed applications by December 1 for the following Fall semester.

Program at a Glance

  • Major/Department: Educational Studies
  • Research Area: Educational Psychology and Research Methodology
  • Degree Objective: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Program Delivery: Residential
  • Does this program lead to licensure? *No, this is a non-licensure program

Start Your Giant Leap with One Small Step

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A "P" statue for Purdue University is seen in the foreground with yellow trees in the background.

Request Information

A group of students in a discussion in a classroom


Two graduate-level foundational statistics courses by advisement (6)

One departmental advanced research methods course (3):

  • EDPS 63000 – Research Procedures in Education

Two of the following (6):

  • EDPS 53000 – Cognition and Learning in Context
  • EDPS 53600 – Achievement Motivation and Performance
  • EDPS 53500 – Personal and Social Development

Nine credits of enrollment in Variable Title/Variable Credit Seminars (9)

One course (other than EDPS 53300/EDPS 63000) by advisement in research methodology/measurement (3)

Four electives by advisement. Must be different from courses taken to meet requirements in II above (12)

Three electives by advisement from an area of study outside of educational psychology (must be different from courses taken to meet Requirements in II & III above). (9)

Multiple enrollments in EDPS 69900 (Research PhD Thesis) are expected while working on the thesis. Typically, students take 15-21 hours of EDPS 69900 credit for a PhD degree. (15)

Total Credits: 63+

A group of students in a discussion in a classroom

Areas of Specialization

Typical specializations include:

See Educational Psychology and Research Methodology Faculty for their areas of expertise.

The Purdue University gateway arch at sunset.


A graduate application must be submitted and application fee paid (if applicable) by the application deadline. In addition, the materials listed under the Application Requirements section below must be submitted by the application deadline in order for an application to be considered complete and for the application to be reviewed for admission consideration. Please review the How to Apply section below before submitting an application.

A completed master’s degree is not required for admission to this program.

Here are the materials required for this application

We encourage prospective students to submit an application early, even if not all required materials are uploaded. Applications are not forwarded on for faculty review until all required materials are uploaded.

When submitting your application for this program, please select the following options:

  • Campus and Program Tab:
    • Select a Campus: Purdue West Lafayette (PWL)
    • Select your proposed graduate major: Educational Studies
  • First Choice Program Details Tab:
    • Please select an Area of Interest: Educational Psychology
    • Please select a Degree Objective: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
    • Primary Course Delivery: Residential


Charles R. Hicks Chair Professor, Professor of Statistics (Courtesy) Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-9625 Website: Vita
Clinical Instructor Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 496-2354
Assistant Professor Educational Psychology and Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: 765-494-7247 Website: CV
Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor Educational Psychology and Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: 765-494-7333
Clinical Assistant Professor Educational Psychology and Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Website: CV
Executive Director, Center for Instructional Excellence & Professor Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Professor Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-0093 Website: Google Scholar
Professor Emerita Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-7247
Professor Emerita Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 496-2368
Associate Department Head, Associate Professor Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-7295
Professor Emerita Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-7321
Associate Professor Educational Psychology & Research MethodologyEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-7347 Website: Curriculum Vitae

Questions? Contact the Office of Graduate Studies at