The College of Education is the hub of teacher education programs at Purdue, providing instruction on teaching methods and overseeing all clinical experiences and licensure. Programs in Elementary Education, Social Studies Education, and Special Education are housed within the college. Five partner colleges provide content expertise in subjects including Math, English, Agriculture, Early Childhood and Exceptional Needs, Family and Consumer Sciences, Visual Arts, Engineering Technology, and the Sciences. Purdue Online also provides unique access to a variety of additional licensure programs focusing on High Ability, English Language Learning, Special Education, Educational Leadership, and a variety of Transition to Teaching opportunities.

The College of Education at Purdue University is accredited at the initial-licensure level by CAEP, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Purdue earned this national recognition by demonstrating excellence in the areas of content and pedagogy, clinical experiences, selectivity, program impact, and capacity for continuous improvement for initial licensure within our Teacher Education Program.
The College of Education will undergo a review of its Advanced Programs in Teacher Education in the spring of 2022. Those programs are Educational Leadership, High Ability, English Language Learning, Career and Technical Education Leadership, and Special Education.
If you would like to contact CAEP you may visit, by phone at (202) 223-0077 or mail correspondence to:
1140 19th St NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036.
Educator Preparation Program Comparative Data and Performance Data
All programs are state-approved in Indiana. The College of Education works closely with the Indiana Department of Education to assure compliance with state requirements for educator professional licensure.
By state law, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) collects and reports information from Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) annually. Review the list of information collected from EPPs, principals, teachers, and schools.
This information must be reported using a matrix which is to be posted to the IDOE website. While this matrix is not intended to rank or “grade” programs, it provides an opportunity for the public to interpret or compare program quality based on a variety of data points. Please note that all data points are based upon the September 1– August 31 Title II timeframe.
We welcome community participation in our Teacher Education Advisory Board!
For more information, contact Amber Reed at