Office of Development

You help launch the future
Thank you for your support of the College of Education! Together, we ensure that our teachers are prepared for the challenges of today’s classrooms. We meet those challenges with a focus on innovation, classroom experience, and the discovery of what works best in education. With your help, we will prepare our students to be leaders in education, business and society. Your support helps our pursuit for each small step and every giant leap!
How your gifts support the college
There are many ways you can support the College of Education—through gifts of cash or stock, gifts in kind, and by spending time on campus, to name a few. One way that is often overlooked is to include the College of Education in your planned giving.
Ways to Give
- Retirement Plans—A tax-wise investment in the College of Education
- Life Income Gifts—Make a meaningful gift to the College of Education and still receive income and tax benefits
- Gift Annuities—A simple contract between you and Purdue University through which Purdue pays you a fixed income for life in exchange for a gift of cash, securities, or other property.
- Pledged Giving—A scheduled way to plan your giving to the College of Education in monthly or single gift options. Download the pledge form if you are interested.
Planned Giving Options
- Bequests—Preserve the use of your assets and make changes at any time in order to achieve your philanthropic and financial goals
- R.B. Stewart Society