
The College of Education is the hub of teacher education at Purdue. Seventeen undergraduate majors are part of a collaborative teacher education program organized across six colleges with shared curriculum goals and jointly-appointed faculty.
Teacher Education Council (TEC)
Teacher Education programs are offered through six colleges across the Purdue University Campus which are coordinated by the dean, faculty and staff of the College of Education. Distributed across six colleges, decisions about the undergraduate and graduate instruction are made by a broadly representative Teacher Education Council (TEC).
Program Coordinator Council (PCC)
The TEC is advised by the Program Coordinator Council, which includes program representatives of all teacher licensure programs.
Accreditation, Standards, and Program Recognition
Purdue University College of Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
If you would like to contact CAEP you may visit, by phone at (202) 223-0077 or mail correspondence to:
1140 19th St NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20036.
Teacher Education programs are recognized by Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) affiliated with CAEP. All programs are state-approved in Indiana.
The College of Education works closely with the Indiana Department of Education to assure compliance with state requirements for educator professional licensure.
College of Education Faculty Bylaws | Adoption: March 31, 2022