Project PUEDE

Professional and Parental Understanding for Equity in Dual Language Education (PUEDE)

About Project PUEDE

The purpose of the project Professional and Parental Understanding for Equity in Dual Language Education (PUEDE) is to increase the overall instructional and family engagement capacities of pre- and in-service teachers, administrators and family liaisons in Indiana, serving in dual language (DL) education by improving DL staffing quality through licensure and adequate Spanish proficiency. The project will foster biliteracy bridges with community agencies, improving EL family engagement, teacher quality and student achievement in English language arts and increased language proficiency in Spanish and English as measured by a quasi-experimental study.


Goal 1: Expand course offerings and EL certificate programs to prepare pre- and in-service teachers to work effectively with ELs in EL and DL bilingual education.

Goal 2: Increase the number and quality of pre- and in-service DL bilingual education teachers through EL licensure, DL coursework and improved Spanish proficiency.

Goal 3: Engage DL families, district family liaisons, educators and community organizations to improve DL bilingual education programs and support EL students’ development and maintenance of their bilingualism.

Goal 4: Form a statewide network, in cooperation with school and district administrators, the IDOE and INTESOL to support the expansion of DL bilingual education.