Leveraging the Lectura y Lenguaje: A Collaborative Scale Up of Literacy and Language for ELs in Central Indiana

About Project LEVERAGING

The purpose of the project Leveraging the Lectura y Lenguaje [Literacy & Language]: A Collaborative Scale Up of Literacy and Language for ELs in Central Indiana is to increase the overall literacy and English language development capacities of elementary pre- and in-service educators, administrators and family liaisons in Central Indiana. The project will create literacy and language bridges with a community agency that will positively contribute to EL family engagement, teacher quality and student achievement in literacy and English language learning. Dissemination plans are also addressed. Overall, its aims are to increase the expertise and create a stable EL infrastructure for Central Indiana schools. The Leveraging the Lectura y Lenguaje project will serve pre-service elementary teachers, in-service elementary teachers with licensure, building and district administrators, district family liaisons, and EL parents.


Goal 1: Increase the number of specialized in-service EL teachers in Central Indiana through EL licensure cohorts, and improve EL preparation of administrators serving them.

Goal 2: Improve the preparation of pre-service teachers in Purdue University’s College of Education to provide effective language and literacy instruction for ELs.

Goal 3: Engage families, schools and community agencies in literacy partnerships, maximizing the role of parents in EL student’s academic achievement and English language learning.