Online Transition to Teaching

Graduate Level Program for Initial Indiana Licensure
Grade Levels 5-12

Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) Approved Program Pathways

To be eligible for program admission one (1) of the following entrance qualifications must be

  1. Hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a major in the subject area or related field in which the candidate wants to teach and an overall GPA of 3.00/4.00.
  2. Hold a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a major in the subject area or related field in which the candidate wants to teach and an overall GPA of at least 2.50/4.00 scale, and five years of professional experience in the subject area you wish to teach.
  3. Hold both a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution and a passing score on the ETS Praxis Secondary Subject/Content Exam in the subject area you wish to teach.
  4. Hold a graduate degree from a regionally accredited postsecondary institution in the subject area or related field in which the candidate wants to teach.

Transition to Teaching

Please visit the Graduate level Online Transition to Teaching (TTT) Licensure Program page for additional program information, including admissions requirements, costs, etc.

Learn more

Program, Examination, and Licensure Requirements

  1. Meet one of the Program Eligibility Pathways above.
  2. Select one subject/content area from this list of available Online TTT program options.
  3. Receive and reference the Transcript Evaluation and Credential Review (TECR) with assigned faculty, staff, and/or licensure advisor(s).
  4. Apply to and be admitted to the Online TTT Program via Purdue Online/Graduate School.
  5. A graduate student is expected to maintain a 3.00/4.00 Overall GPA, and a grade of C or above in any Professional Education course (including any Professional Education electives) must be maintained.
  6. Before the Teaching Internship attempt the ETS Secondary Praxis Content Exam in the identical Online TTT program choice.
  7. Pass the appropriate content exam if passing was not a requirement of admission, along with the ETS Secondary Education Pedagogy Exam prior to applying for an Indiana Initial Instructional License.
  8. For Career and Technical Education content areas, meet clock hours requirement for licensure.
  9. All Purdue University Teacher Education Program and Indiana Department of Education requirements must be met for recommendation for Indiana licensure.

Professional Education

Core Courses
EDCI 58500 – Multicultural Education
EDCI 59600 – Transition to Teaching: Pedagogy I
EDCI 59700 – Transition to Teaching: Pedagogy II
Credit Hours
Core CoursesCredit Hours
EDCI 58500 – Multicultural Education3
EDCI 59600 – Transition to Teaching: Pedagogy I3
EDCI 59700 – Transition to Teaching: Pedagogy II3
Selectives (Choose Two)
EDCI 52003 – Theories and Trends
EDCI 52004 – Teachers as Leaders
EDCI 53000 – English Language Development1
EDCI 55700 – Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners1
EDCI 55900 – Academic Language and Content Area Learning 1
EDCI 59100 – Practical Pedagogy: Tools, Tech, and Trauma-Informed Instruction
EDPS 54000 – Gifted, Creative, and Talented Children
EDPS 54500 – Social and Affective Development of Gifted Students
EDPS 55500 – Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction
EDST 51400 – Economics of Education
EDST 51600 – School Community Relations
EDST 60900 – Legal Aspects of American Education
Credit Hours
Selectives (Choose Two)Credit Hours
EDCI 52003 – Theories and Trends6
EDCI 52004 – Teachers as Leaders
EDCI 53000 – English Language Development1
EDCI 55700 – Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners1
EDCI 55900 – Academic Language and Content Area Learning 1
EDCI 59100 – Practical Pedagogy: Tools, Tech, and Trauma-Informed Instruction
EDPS 54000 – Gifted, Creative, and Talented Children
EDPS 54500 – Social and Affective Development of Gifted Students
EDPS 55500 – Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction
EDST 51400 – Economics of Education
EDST 51600 – School Community Relations
EDST 60900 – Legal Aspects of American Education
Teaching Internship (capstone course)
EDCI 69500 – Internship in Education (includes teaching full-time for 16 weeks)
Credit Hours
Teaching Internship (capstone course)Credit Hours
EDCI 69500 – Internship in Education (includes teaching full-time for 16 weeks)3

Exceptions to Selectives

Career and Technical Education – Agriculture

ASEC 54100 – Program Planning for School-Based Agricultural Education
ASEC 54200 – Leadership and Career Development
ASEC 64000 – Courses of Study in AGED Programs OR
ASEC 59000 – FFA and SAE Coordination OR

These 6 credits will be taken instead of the two selectives for the Agriculture program only.

Career and Technical Education – Family and Consumer Sciences

EDCI 65200 – Seminar in Family and Consumer Sciences

Students will take this course as one of the selectives from the above selective listing.

STEM Fields

Consider STEM- or math-specific alternatives within the online M.Ed Program with advisor and instructor permission for one or both of the selective.

1 Denotes a course in the English Language Learners licensure program. These Selectives might be of interest to students in English Language Arts and/or those interested in adding ELL to their license at some point in the future.