2019-2020 CAEP Reporting Measures

CAEP (Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation) requires eight annual reporting measures which are used to provide information on program outcome and program impact. Below are the eight reporting measures for our programs with links to data tables that provide supporting evidence for each measure, including the IDOE reports.

Principals surveyed by the Indiana Department of Education in 2020 provided feedback on first and second year Purdue College of Education initial licensure alumni. They found Purdue graduates to be prepared in their knowledge of content and pedagogy and prepared with appropriate professional dispositions. Data for graduates of CAEP Advanced licensure programs are not available from the Indiana Department of Education. Purdue College of Education will conduct its own analysis of these candidates during 2021.

  • Hiring principals agree that our graduates:

Graduates surveyed by the Indiana Department of Education in 2020 represent the classes of 2017, 2018 and 2019 who are employed throughout Indiana schools. Graduates stressed the effectiveness of early Purdue’s field experiences and the strength of their preparation. Data for graduates of CAEP Advanced licensure programs are not available from the Indiana Department of Education. Purdue College of Education will conduct its own analysis of these candidates during 2021.

  • 95%+ of Graduates are satisfied with the training they received at Purdue, including the following areas:

The Indiana Department of Education provides an annual report of teacher performance as evaluated by their building leaders. The report reflects performance by teachers within their first three years based on evaluations conducted in 2018-2019. Data for graduates of CAEP Advanced licensure programs are not available from the Indiana Department of Education. Purdue College of Education will conduct its own analysis of these candidates during 2021.

Principals surveyed by the Indiana Department of Education in 2020 provided feedback on first and second year Purdue College of Education initial licensure alumni. Data for graduates of CAEP Advanced licensure programs are not available from the Indiana Department of Education. Purdue College of Education will conduct its own analysis of these candidates during 2021.

Graduates surveyed by the Indiana Department of Education in 2020 represent the classes of 2017, 2018 and 2019 who are employed throughout Indiana schools. Data for graduates of CAEP Advanced licensure programs are not available from the Indiana Department of Education. Purdue College of Education will conduct its own analysis of these candidates during 2021.

The four-year graduation rate for the class who entered the College of Education in 2015 was 69.8%.

View retention and graduation rates by undergraduate major.

Most CAEP Advanced Programs are completed on a part-time basis and result in a certificate or licensure addition. A review of completers reflects the semesters to completion for the 2018-2019 completer group.

Purdue University is in compliance with Title II reporting requirements.

Title II Section 207 of the Higher Education Act (HEA) requires states, as recipients of HEA funds, and all institutions with teacher preparation programs that enroll students receiving federal financial assistance, to prepare annual reports on teacher preparation and licensing.

See more details in the full Title II Report >

See specific details about alternative programs in this Title II report >

Initial Licensing for Purdue Teacher Education Completers

Program Completers, 2018-19
Program Completers, 2017-18
Program Completers, 2016-17
Program Completers, 2015-16
Tests Taken
Tests Passed
Pass Rate (%)
State Pass Rate (%)
GroupTests TakenTests PassedPass Rate (%)State Pass Rate (%)
Program Completers, 2018-191871759480
Program Completers, 2017-181941879682
Program Completers, 2016-172072039884
Program Completers, 2015-162222109591

View Licensure Results for Alternative Completers >

View Licensure Results for Advanced Program Completers >

Purdue University’s Center for Career Opportunities assist us in identifying employment information for graduates. In addition, we have launched an extensive new effort to track all program alumni annually, including alumni of our Advanced Programs. We will publish the results of our efforts in 2021-2022.

In 2018, 100% of our undergraduate students were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation.

Purdue’s most recent official 3-year cohort default rate is the 2017 rate of 2.2%  The 2017 3-year cohort Default Rate is based on borrowers who entered repayment between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017, and subsequently defaulted prior to September 30, 2019. The rate was released by the U.S. Department of Education on September 28, 2020.

College of Education graduates have reduced their debt load since 2015. 50.4% of undergraduates completed with debt in 2019, 5.8% lower than 2015. Scholarships and grants awarded to education students increased to over $377,000 in 2018-2019.

Purdue’s Advanced Programs in Special Education, Educational Leadership, English Language Learning, and High Ability are part of Purdue Online. These programs were evaluated by U.S. News and World Report in multiple categories. Out of the 311 schools ranked, we are in the top 9% for best online graduate education programs. Out of the 392 schools, we are in the top 11% for best education school.

College of Education
Best Online Master’s in Instructional Media Programs (our Learning Design and Technology master’s program)
Best Online Master’s in Education Programs for Veterans
Best Online Master’s in Special Education Programs
Best Online Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction Programs
Best Online Master’s in Education Programs – TOP 9% – overall ranking for all College of Education online programs
Best Education Schools
6 (tie)
15 (tie)
College of Education20162017201820192020
Best Online Master’s in Instructional Media Programs
(our Learning Design and Technology master’s program)
Best Online Master’s in Education Programs for Veterans6 (tie)
Best Online Master’s in Special Education Programs10
Best Online Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction Programs15 (tie)
Best Online Master’s in Education Programs
TOP 9% – overall ranking for all College of Education online programs
Best Education Schools42464345pending

We welcome community participation in our Teacher Education Advisory Board!

For more information, contact Dr. Anne Roycroft, eroycrof@purdue.edu