College of Education undergraduate students encouraged to complete SERU survey

SERU Survey Student Experience in the Research University

All students enrolled in the College of Education are encouraged to take the Student Experience in Research University (SERU) survey. All Purdue undergraduates are invited to take the SERU, but it is important to get a good sample from our College so the opinions of Education majors are accurately represented. Based on our student population and the principles of sampling, we are aiming for a sample of 235 or 39% of all our students. This will ensure we hear from a sufficient number and mix of students.

Students who complete the SERU survey will go into a drawing for a $50 gift card. When you are ready to begin, click the link here: 

The SERU is voluntary. You aren’t required to take it, or to complete it if you choose to begin. Your responses will always be confidential. Your name won’t be included in any reports or any shared data, and your relationship with Purdue University or any person or department in it won’t be affected. Please answer questions honestly. If you need assistance or if you have questions about the survey’s design, contact Purdue’s campus administrators at

If you wish to talk with someone other than the researchers, you may contact Purdue’s Institutional Review Board. Please refer to the “2022 Undergraduate SERU Survey” under protocol IRB-2021-1885. The principal researchers are H. Anne Weiss and Andrew Zehner.