Honors Program

John Martinson Honors College

Students who enjoy critical thinking and rigorous intellectual challenge can join the John Martinson Honors College. Students are admitted to both the College of Education and the John Martinson Honors College. By joining the John Martinson Honors College, you will:

Meet like-minded students

John Martinson Honors College students spend their freshman year in an honors dorm. You’ll meet students from all majors at Purdue in this intellectually stimulating living environment.

Jumpstart your college career

Gain critical thinking skills through exposure to important world issues. You’ll also get a strong exposure to research skills that will help you assess student learning in your future classroom and make changes to improve your teaching and classroom.

Gain access to world-renowned faculty leaders

Take courses with world leaders who don’t normally interact with undergrads. This year, freshman honors seminars are taught by Purdue President Mitch Daniels and Distinguished Professor Gebisa Ejeta, winner of the World Food Prize.

John Martinson Honors College students within the College of Education have a certain path of courses to take in order to finish their coursework within four years. The honors track for the College of Education begins with the DeVito Scholars program and continues with the Undergraduate Research Trainee Program.

Visit the John Martinson Honors College website to learn more about applying to the John Martinson Honors College.