College of EducationStudy Abroad

Learning doesn’t have to take place in the classroom.

Explore the world and develop a global world view through our study abroad programs. Twenty-seven percent of our students choose to study abroad. Through our programs, you will:

See the world
Explore culture and history

Spend time in schools
Learn about education around the world

Earn credit
Get up to nine credit hours

Get a minor
Earn credit toward a minor in global studies

Study abroad opportunities offered by faculty members in the College of Education

Group of study abroad students in Brussels.


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Record Tower, Dublin, Ireland


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2023 Outstanding Leadership in Globalization Award: Jill Newton

Professor Jill Newton is the 2023 recipient of Purdue’s Outstanding Leadership in Globalization Award for her comprehensive work in all land-grant pillars.

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Earn a minor in Global Studies

Learning doesn’t have to take place in the classroom. The Global Studies minor within the College of Education focuses on education in an ever-changing globalized world. Combined with classes on multiculturalism in education and an emphasis on globalization, this minor shows employers that you have a global perspective and international experience, which can set you apart from other educators. Explore the world and develop a global world view.

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Complete your student teaching abroad

During their student teaching experience, many of our students choose to stay near Purdue’s campus, but others choose to explore the world through an international student teaching placement.

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Student Voices

Paige Fulkerson

Major: Elementary Education; Minor: Global Studies

Leiden University (Spring Semester)

Paige shares her experience studying abroad as an education major as well as scholarships she received to help her study abroad, insights on Dutch culture, and personal takeaways from her time overseas.

View Photos from our Study Abroad Programs

Meet Academic Advisor (& study abroad liaison) Erin Schultz!

Hello, I’m Erin Schultz, an Academic Advisor in the College of Education. I serve as the College’s study abroad liaison to promote educational opportunities for students to engage in faculty-developed and -led programs, and coordinate recruiting efforts including the Study Abroad Fair, College of Education Study Abroad Night, and Information Tables. Additionally, I send information to Teacher Education advisors, recruiters, and students about available programs, funding opportunities, and the Global Studies Minor. I serve on the College of Education International Committee to provide the committee with information about current programs being offered and knowledge about the Global Studies Minor. I also report the data of student teachers who teach abroad and participants who complete the College’s study abroad programs.

Erin Schultz
Academic Advisor