Transition to Teaching Licensure Program


Do you have a bachelor’s degree or higher and want to teach? Consider our Transition to Teaching program!

The Transition to Teaching licensure program is based on the premise that you already have subject matter expertise and focuses on teaching you how to teach it. This 18-credit program supports your development as an effective teacher and provides a pathway for initial licensure in Indiana in your content area. It is a fast-paced mechanism for people ready for a career change or for teachers on emergency permits to earn full credentials. Purdue offers a fully online option for secondary (grades 5-12) teachers..

Purdue quality. Flexible schedule.

Is Online Education Right for Me?

This program’s online coursework provides flexibility and accessibility. Our program also offers a broader cohort experience, encompassing prospective teachers from a variety of secondary content areas.

Time to Completion

The timeline to completion could be as short as 12 months if you begin in the summer and take, on average, two courses per term. The summer start is necessary for this configuration because the program concludes with your full-time teaching internship, which is only available in fall and spring semesters. Students starting in the fall or spring typically take 18 months to complete program requirements.

Special Education is not part of the TTT program, but does have licensure only programs.

  • Special Education Non-degree, Intense Invention (Licensure Only) Distance Only
  • Special Education Non-degree, Mild Intervention (Licensure Only Distance Only

*The mild initial is required to apply for the intensive initial licensure program.

For application information, view the:

Request Information

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Level of Interest

Program of Interest
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Single Option Form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Make Your Next Giant Leap

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A male teacher stands in front of a white board.

Program Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in the Secondary TTT Program, you must meet ONE of the following entrance qualifications:

  1. A bachelor’s degree or the equivalent with a grade point average of at least three (3.0) on a four (4.0) point scale from an accredited post-secondary educational institution in the subject area that the individual intends to teach. (Coursework may not be taken or repeated after earning the degree to raise the overall GPA.)
  2. A graduate degree from an accredited post-secondary educational institution in the subject area or a related field that the individual intends to teach.
  3. Both a bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary educational institution with a grade point average of at least two and five-tenths (2.5) on a four (4.0) point scale, and five (5) years professional experience in the subject or a related area that the individual intends to teach.
  4. Both a bachelor’s degree from an accredited post-secondary educational institution and proof that the individual has passed the state approved content area examination in the subject area that the individual intends to teach.*

*Applicants who are eligible for the TTT program via pathway #4 must pass the Praxis content exam for their desired content area prior to admission. Bear this in mind when planning your starting semester.

The Office of Teacher Education and Licensure will conduct a Transcript Evaluation and Credentials Review (TECR) to verify your eligibility and outline program and licensure requirements for your desired content area.  Requesting a TECR is an important first step in admission to the TTT program. If you have not had any communication regarding your transcript evaluation after two weeks, please follow up with Office of Teacher Education Licensure at to check the status of your TECR.

A black female teacher shows an iPad to a group of students in a classroom.

Career Outlook

Employment of high school teachers is projected to grow in the next 10 years. To find out more visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics website:   

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, High School Teachers, at (visited June 29, 2021).

  • Secondary Teacher or High School Teacher
  • Assistant Teacher
  • Tutor
  • STEM Teacher
A white female works on a computer

Online Program

The plan of study and online content areas for Transition to Teaching students are listed below. These content areas are for secondary only—that is, grades 5-12—so your license would not make you eligible to teach in an elementary school. All content areas have essentially the same 18-credit Plan of Study with some variation for the two selective courses, as outlined below.

The Plan of Study for online Transition to Teaching students is as follows. All courses are 3 credits each for a total of 18.

  • EDCI 59600: Transition to Teaching: Pedagogy I (first course. May be taken concurrently with EDCI 585 and/or a selective. It is offered every term)
  • EDCI 59650: Practical Pedagogy
  • EDCI 59700: Transition to Teaching: Pedagogy II (16-week capstone methods course, offered in fall and spring only; includes a 50-hour field experience. May be taken concurrently with EDCI 585 and/or a selective)
  • EDCI 58500: Multicultural Education (offered in spring and summer sessions)
  • One selective – All are 8-week courses offered at various times during summer, fall, and spring sessions. Options:
    • EDCI 52003  Theories & Trends in Curriculum & Instruction
    • EDCI 52004  Teachers as Leaders
    • EDCI 53000  English Language Development
    • EDPS 54000  Gifted, Creative, and Talented Children
    • EDST 51400  Economics of Education
    • EDST 51600  School Community Relations
    • EDST 60900  Legal Aspects of American Education
  • EDCI 69500: Teaching Internship (typically the last course, offered in fall and spring only. Involves 16 weeks of full-time student teaching, which can take place in the context of your employment, provided you are teaching in your content area. Students are discouraged from taking another course concurrently)

*Note exceptions to the selective:

  • Students in Agriculture Education will take ASEC 54100 Program Planning for School-Based Agricultural Education or other approved AgEd course.
  • Students in Family & Consumer Sciences will take EDCI 65200: Seminar in Family and Consumer Sciences in lieu of the selective.
  • Students in STEM fields might consider STEM- or math-specific alternatives within the online M.Ed. program with advisor and instructor permission.

Students spend an average of 15 hours a week on homework.  All courses are 100% online and 8 weeks long except for EDCI 59700: Pedagogy II and EDCI 695: Teaching Internship, which are both 16 weeks.

The online TTT content areas available are:

  • Business Education (5-12)
  • Career and Technical Education:
    • Agriculture (5-12)
    • Family and Consumer Sciences (5-12)
  • Computer Education (5-12)
  • Fine Arts:
    • Instrumental and General Music (5-12)
    • Theatre Arts (5-12)
    • Visual Arts (5-12)
    • Vocal and General Music (5-12)
  • Health Education (5-12)
  • Language Arts (including speech and English) (5-12)
  • Mathematics (5-12)
  • Physical Education (5-12)
  • Science Education:
    • Chemistry (5-12)
    • Earth/Space Science (5-12)
    • Life Science (5-12)
    • Physics (5-12)
  • Social Studies:
    • Economics (5-12)
    • Geographical Perspectives (5-12)
    • Government and Citizenship (5-12)
    • Historical Perspectives (5-12)
    • Psychology (5-12)
    • Sociology (5-12)
  • World Languages:
    • Chinese (5-12)
    • French (5-12)
    • German (5-12)
    • Italian (5-12)
    • Japanese (5-12)
    • Russian (5-12)
    • Spanish (5-12)
    • Other World Languages (5-12) depending on placement availability
An aerial view of the Memorial Mall at Purdue University


The Transition to Teaching Licensure Program is affordable and competitive in cost. 

Indiana STEM Hoosier Academy may have funding available for those entering in STEM or Ag related fields.

Total Cost Per Credit (includes fees)
EdTPA & Supervision Fees
Total Tuition & Fees
Total Cost Per Credit (includes fees)$450$650
EdTPA & Supervision Fees$1,600$1,600
Total Tuition & Fees$9,700$13,300

*Tuition and fees are charges on a per credit hour basis and are subject to annual increase. Annual increases may change the total program costs.

*Note: Purdue faculty and staff fee remissions may not be applied to this program.

*International fee may be applicable.

*Textbooks and course materials are not included.

*The teaching internship course will have additional fees for the EdTPA portfolio ($300) and for supervision ($1300). These course fees will be in addition to the cost of the course tuition and are subject to change each year.

**The cost of attending Purdue varies depending on where you choose to live, enrollment in a specific program or college, food and travel expenses, and other variables. The Office of the Bursar website shows estimated costs for the current aid year for students by semester and academic year. These amounts are used in determining a student’s estimated eligibility for financial aid. You can also use our tuition calculator to estimate tuition costs.

Transition to Teaching participants in the STEM content areas – including Agriscience – may be eligible for funding up to $9250 from the Hoosier STEM Academy. Contact Dr. Tara Star Johnson for more information.

All licensure programs are eligible for financial aid, provided you take at least 6 credits (2 classes) per semester.  Visit the Financial Aid website for more information.

Students walk under the "Purdue University" arch


The program offers rolling admissions, meaning students can join fall, spring, or summer. The application process can take 4-8 weeks after all parts of the application are submitted. Please plan accordingly for the term you would like to begin.

All required documentation (e.g., official transcripts, recommendation letters, statement of purpose and the Transcript Evaluation and Credential Review (TECR)) must be submitted for the application to be reviewed for consideration of admission.

Applications must be completed before being submitted to faculty for review.

TECR Request Deadline
Complete Program Application Deadline
Content Exam Pre-Requisite Deadline
July 1
July 15
July 15
TECR Request DeadlineJuly 1
Complete Program Application DeadlineJuly 15
Content Exam Pre-Requisite DeadlineJuly 15
TECR Request Deadline
Complete Program Application Deadline
Content Exam Pre-Requisite Deadline
November 1
November 15
November 15
TECR Request DeadlineNovember 1
Complete Program Application DeadlineNovember 15
Content Exam Pre-Requisite DeadlineNovember 15
TECR Request Deadline
Complete Program Application Deadline
Content Exam Pre-Requisite Deadline
March 15
April 1
April 1
TECR Request DeadlineMarch 15
Complete Program Application DeadlineApril 1
Content Exam Pre-Requisite DeadlineApril 1

You will need the following for your admissions application

  • Academic Statement of Purpose (1-2 pages)
    Share information that will help reviewers understand your academic interests and objectives, assess your academic background, preparation, and training, and determine if you are a good match for the program to which you are applying.
  • Personal History Statement (1-2 pages)
    Help reviewers learn more about you as a whole person and as a potential graduate student. This may include relevant details on community service, leadership roles, participation in diverse teams, and significant barriers that you overcame to attend graduate school.
  • Transcript Evaluation and Credential Review (TECR)
    Prior to admission to a graduate level Teacher Education Licensure Programs, a TECR is necessary. The TECR will verify your program and licensure eligibility requirements for your desired content area. The TECR is customized to each individual applicant and includes a list of required courses, the title, code, scheduling information, and links for program-specific licensure exam(s), and other important information. Cost $35.
  • 2 letters of recommendation: submit just names and emails. The application system will generate an email to your recommenders to upload their recommendation letters. The system will also send reminders to your recommenders.
  • Resume
  • Official Transcripts:
    • Electronic transcripts need to be sent to: Attn: Transition to Teaching
    • Mailed transcripts need to be sent to:
      Purdue University Graduate Admissions
      155 S. Grant
      Young Hall, Room 170
      West Lafayette, IN 47907
  • No admissions application fee

TTT Admissions Checklist

TTT Graduate Application Instructions

This program is subject to our Licensure Disclosure

The U.S. Department of Education requires institutions to publicly disclose to prospective and currently enrolled students whether certain programs meet the education requirements for licensure or certification in the state or territory in which they reside. “Programs Leading to Professional Licensure” is defined as programs represented to prepare students for an occupation for which, at completion of the program, a local, state or federal license, or nongovernmental certification is required (i) as a precondition for employment, (ii) to perform certain functions, or (iii) to meet additional conditions that are generally needed to secure employment.

The Purdue University Teacher Education Program is nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the State of Indiana. However, not all undergraduate and graduate programs lead to an educator licensure in the State of Indiana. If your Teacher Education program includes field experience(s) and a student teaching or internship component, it may lead to an educator license in the State of Indiana, if you meet the licensure requirements. Contact your academic/faculty advisor and/or the Office of Teacher and Licensure at to verify your program enrollment and whether or not it leads to a license in the State of Indiana.

The State of Indiana has reciprocity agreements with other states, the District of Columbia, and territories. For licensing information contact information for individual state departments of education or visit the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) or email a Purdue University licensing officer/advisor at

Visit this page to view the Licensure Program Agreement

This program leads to an addition to an existing Indiana Instructional license. Applicants must possess a valid Indiana Instructional license for program admission. Non-Indiana applicants are not guaranteed licensure in Indiana or any other state. Contact the College of Education Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (OTEL) at before continuing with the program application if you have questions about licensure.

Please visit the Graduate Licensure Program page for information about license eligibility requirements.

Program Faculty & Staff

Our faculty are nationally recognized and have the ability to work personally with students to individualize their plan of study to meet personal career interests and goals.




Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility requirements and program descriptions are located here. After review, the next step is to request a Transcript Evaluation and Credential Review (TECR) from the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure.

In addition to the eligibility requirements and requesting a TECR, individuals must submit an application, including a statement of purpose, official transcripts from all universities attended, and 2 letters of recommendation:

Residential program:


Online program:


Both residential and online programs can begin in any semester. Pedagogy I, the introductory course for both programs, is an online course that meets for the first 8 weeks of each trimester of the Purdue Online calendar. Typically, that’s the first week of May for summer; the 3rd week of August for fall; and the 3rd week of January for spring

Residential program: Some courses are offered online. This program is primarily campus-based and requires attending courses on the West Lafayette, Indiana campus.

Online program: This program is offered entirely online, except for field experience and internship. The program includes course work in teaching methods, diverse learners, plus a fifty (50) hour field experience, and a student teaching experience (internship).

It typically takes 15-18 months to earn your teaching credentials, though it’s possible to complete the program in one year with a summer start. Students who are already employed on emergency or transition to teaching permits sometimes spread their coursework out over a couple of years. The program will take no less than one calendar year, including one summer.

  • Engineering/Technology Education
  • Fine Arts: Visual Arts
  • Language Arts Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education (Chemistry)
  • Science Education (Earth/Space Sciences)
  • Science Education (Life Sciences – Biology)
  • Science Education (Physics)
  • Social Studies Education
  • Visual Arts Education

All licensure Grade Levels 5-12 content areas except Fine Arts: Visual Arts and Engineering Technology Education.

Content areas available are:

  • Business Education
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE): Agriculture
  • CTE: Business Education and Technology
  • CTE: Family and Consumer Sciences
  • CTE: Health Science Education
  • CTE: Marketing
  • CTE: Trade and Industrial Education
  • Computer Science Education
  • Fine Arts:
    • Instrumental and General Music
    • Theater Arts
    • Vocal and General Music
  • Health Education
  • Journalism
  • Language Arts (including speech)
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Chemistry
  • Earth/Space Sciences
  • Life Science (Biology)
  • Physical Sciences
  • Physics
  • Social Studies:
    • Economics
    • Geographical Perspectives
    • Government and Citizenship
    • Historical Perspectives
    • Psychology
    • Sociology
  • World Languages:
    • Arabic
    • American Sign Language
    • Chinese
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Latin
    • Russian
    • Spanish

The Purdue TTT Program is for Secondary Education (Grades 5-12) teachers and is designed for one content area. After selecting your content focus, you may add additional content areas to your INDIANA license via exam. Some subject areas require coursework including High Ability, English Language Learners, Special Education, Elementary Education, and others. Consult a Purdue University licensing advisor ( and/or the individualized TECR for more information.

The Transition to Teaching Program (TTT) is an alternative licensure program that is approved solely by the State of Indiana. Upon successful completion of the TTT program and licensure requirements an Indiana Initial Instructional License (2 Year) will be granted by the State of Indiana.

Indiana has unique reciprocity agreements with each of the remaining 49 states and US territories. Each agreement varies and is subject to change without prior notice. Since the TTT program is an “alternative” pathway to licensure intended for Indiana educators, there is no guarantee that this program or the Indiana license resulting from this program will be accepted in every state. At a minimum, one can expect a careful review, additional testing, and further requirements specific to that state.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to research and comprehend the reciprocal licensure requirements of the targeted state before entering this program. For additional information contact and/or for an overview of reciprocity agreements and contact information for individual state departments of education.

Individuals can determine eligibility for loans and/or grants by contacting the Division of Financial Aid at Purdue University and by filing the FAFSA.

Federal financial aid is available for many programs and is available to those who qualify. Financial aid awards vary depending on individual student eligibility and need. Please visit the Financial Aid page for details.

Residential program: Cost will vary depending on enrollment status (full-time versus part-time) and residency status.

Please consult the residential and online costs under the “Cost” tab.

Prior to program admission: Some individuals may be required to take the content test prior to program admission. See item #1 for further details. During the program: The content test(s) must be taken prior to the student teaching internship. Prior to licensure: Passing scores on the content and pedagogy tests are required.

EDCI 695, the teaching internship course, requires full-time teaching in your content area for the full (16-week) semester. You will be assigned a Mentor Teacher from your school and University Supervisor from Purdue to support your growth and liaison with the EDCI 695 instructor(s). The school does not have to be in Indiana so long as it is an accredited secondary school with sufficient technologies to allow for remote supervision (supervision and coursework for EDCI 695 are both conducted online). Those individuals who are on emergency permits, transition to teaching permits, or any other permits must have permission from the building principal to use their current assignment for their teaching internship placement.

No. If an individual wishes to obtain a graduate degree along with licensure, it requires an additional application and completion of at least 30 credit hours total. Some courses taken for the TTT program may count toward a master’s degree with the consent of your faculty advisor/chair. Master’s degrees are available in both the online and residential format.

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Stephen Smith, M.S.Ed.
Secondary Education Coordinator

Chea Parton, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor and Transition to Teaching Coordinator

Office of Teacher Education and Licensure
Phone: 765-494-2345