Steven C. Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education 100 N. University Street West Lafayette Indiana 47907-2098 BRNG 4128work
Work Phone: (765) 494-2354work
Work Email: skastber@purdue.eduINTERNET
Signe Kastberg
Professor and Mary Endres Chair in Elementary Education
Mathematics EducationCurriculum and Instruction
As a scholar of teaching and learning, Dr. Kastberg explores and contributes to public understanding of mathematics teaching and learning and mathematics teacher education. Dr. Kastberg’s discovery, learning, and engagement activities are undertaken to develop and contribute to understandings of the beauty and complexity of teaching, learning, and learning to teach mathematics-learners.
- Ph.D. — Mathematics Education, The University of Georgia (2002)
- M.A. — Mathematics, The University of Georgia (1990)
- B.A. — Mathematics, Keene State College (1987)
- 2008 – 2010
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Associate Professor, School of Education, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI).
- 2009 – 2010
Assistant Director, Urban Center for the Advancement of STEM Education, College of Education, IUPUI
- 2002 – 2008
Assistant Professor, School of Education, Mathematics Education, IUPUI
- 1998 – 2002
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Dr. Kastberg’s perspective on teaching and learning is informed by her interpretation of radical constructivist epistemology (Von Glasersfeld, 1995) and Steffe and D’Ambrosio’s (1995) view of constructivist teaching. The mathematics context for Dr. Kastberg’s inquiry is multiplicative reasoning (Harel & Confery, 1994). She has worked to build evidence of relational practice (Grossman, 2011; Kitchen, 2005) including exploring and illustrating listening, trust, care, and empathy, and the ways in which these sustain and motivate student-teacher collaborations.
Selected Publications
- Kastberg, S., Lischka, A., & Hillman, S. (2020). Written feedback as a relational practice: Revealing mediating factors, Studying Teacher Education, 16(3), 324-344, DOI: 10.1080/17425964.2020.1834152
- Kastberg, S. E., Lischka, A. E., & Hillman, S. L. (2020). Characterizing mathematics teacher educators’ written feedback to prospective teachers. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 23, 131-152, DOI:
- Kastberg, S., Lishcka, A., & Hillman, S. (2019). Exploring mathematics teacher educator questioning as a relational practice: Acknowledging imbalances. Studying Teacher Education.
- Hord, C., Kastberg, S., & Marita, S. (2019). Layering visuals to empower struggling students working with scatterplots and two-step equations. The Australian Mathematics Teacher, 1(2), 6-10.
- Kastberg, S., Long, R., Lynch-Davis, K., & D’Ambrosio, B. (2019). Draw what you see” Transcending the mathematics classroom. In B. Doig and J. Williams (Eds.) Interdisciplinary and Mathematics Education. (p. 229-245). New York: Springer.
- Kastberg, S., Lishcka, A., & Hillman, S. (online first, 2018). Characterizing mathematics teacher educators’ written feedback to prospective teachers. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
- Kastberg, S., Tyminski, A., Lyschkia, A., & Sanchez, W. (2018). Building support for scholarly practices in mathematics methods. Charlotte, NC: InfoAge.
- Tan, P., & Kastberg, S. (2017). A call for mathematics education researchers to lead and advocate for individuals with dis/abilities. Journal for Urban Mathematics Education, 10 (2), 25-38.
- Kastberg, S., Tyminski, A., & Sanchez, W. (2017). Reframing research on methods courses to inform mathematics teacher educators’ practice. The Mathematics Educator, 26, 3-31.
- Kastberg, S. (2017). Teaching activity in the context of mathematical activity. Constructivist Foundations, 13, 183-185.
- Kastberg, S., Lynch-Davis, K., & D’Ambrosio, B. (2014). Examining mathematics teacher educators’ emerging practices in online environments. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 14(4). Retrieved from
- Kastberg, S. (2014). The power of what we know: Further directions for exploring constructivist model building. Constructivist Foundations, 9, 352-354.
- Kastberg, S., D’Ambrosio, B., Lynch-Davis, K., Mintos, A., & Krawczyk, K. (2013). CCSSM challenge: Graphing ratio and proportion. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 19, 294-300.
- Kastberg, S., & Frye, S. (2013). Norms and mathematical proficiency. Teaching Children Mathematics, 20, 28-36.
- D’Ambrosio, B. & Kastberg, S. (2012). Giving reason to prospective mathematics teachers. For the Learning of Mathematics, 32, 22-27.
- Lovin, L, Sanchez, W., Chauvot, J., Leatham, K., Kastberg, S., & Norton, A. (2012). Mathematics teacher educators’ beliefs: A collaborative study. Studying Teacher Education. 8, 51-68.
- Norton, A. & Kastberg, S. (2012). Learning to pose cognitively demanding tasks through letter writing. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 8, 109-130.
- EDCI 36400 — Mathematics in the Elementary School
- EDCI 53300 — Teaching and Learning in Number and Operation
- EDCI 53400 — Teaching and Learning Geometry and Measurement
- EDCI 53600 — Teaching and Learning Data Analysis and Statistics
- EDCI 63500 — Content and Goals in Mathematics Education
- EDCI 63700 — Teaching Mathematics: Insights and Issues