Home > Lisa Lambert Snodgrass - Faculty Profiles
Faculty Profiles
Steven C. Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education 100 N. University Street West Lafayette Indiana 47907-2098 BRNG 5140work Work Phone: (765) 494-9731work Work Email: lsnodgra@purdue.eduINTERNET
Lisa Lambert Snodgrass
Associate Professor, Director of Higher Education Program Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesEducational Studies
– Profile
+ Education
- Ph.D. — Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University (2017)
- M.S. — Educational Administration and Supervision (Leadership), Purdue University (2000)
- B.A. — English Education, Purdue University (1992)
+ Experience
- 2023 – Present
Associate Professor
Higher Education and Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
College of Education, Purdue University - 2018 – 2023
Assistant Professor
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
College of Education, Purdue University - 2017 – 2018
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Youth Development and Agriculture Education & Office of Multicultural Programs
College of Agriculture, Purdue University - 2016 – 2017
Graduate Research Assistant
Office of Institutional Research, Assessment &Effectiveness
Purdue University - 2009 – 2016
Liberal Arts Career Development
Purdue University
+ Awards
- Educational Studies Outstanding Achievement in Engagement (2021-2022)
- Post-secondary Teacher of the Year, State of Indiana, Indiana ACTE (2018)
- Purdue University, Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium, 3rd Place Poster Session (2016)
+ Licensure & Certifications
- Global Competency Inventory (GCI) Qualified Administrator (2017)
- Intercultural Effectiveness Scale (IES) Qualified Administrator (2017)
- Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) Certified Administrator (2017)
- Beliefs, Events and Values Inventory (BEVI) Certified Administrator (2017)
- Intercultural Developmental Inventory (IDI) Qualified Administrator (2016)
- Purdue Leadership Development, Project Management (2015)
- Indiana Administrator License: Secondary Administration and Supervision (2000)
- Indiana Teaching License: Senior High- Junior/Middle School, English (1992)
+ Research and Publications
- Schneider, M., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2023). Understanding the concurrent enrollment instructor credentialing cliff from the instructor?s perspective: A qualitative study utilizing principal-agent theory. Concurrent Enrollment Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/10668926.2023.2219650
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., Ghahremani, M., & Hass, M. (2023). Live, learn, work: Experiential learning and cultural intelligence in the internship abroad. Journal of Global Education Review7(1), 50-63. https://www.doi.org/10.5038/2577-509X.7.1.1120
- Ashcraft, M., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022). Global Leadership for first-generation students. In K. Jackson, B. Pearce, D. Rowe, & C. Troy (Eds.), Developing and implementing effective programming for first-generation college students. NASPA.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022). Wisconsin. In P. Westbrook & Eric Houck (Eds.) Funding public schools in the United States and Indian Country (2nd ed.). Information Age Publishing.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Whitford, D. K. (2022). Reshaping disproportionality educational research to advance social justice. In N. A. Gage, L.J. Rapa, D.K. Whitford, & A. Katsiyannis (Eds.) Disproportionality and social justice in education. Springer.
- McCombs, R., Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Olenchak, R. (2022). Institutional policies of service animals in the postsecondary environment: A Big Ten disability services leadership approach. Journal of Disability Policy Studies.
- Phillips, T., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022). Who’s got the power: Systems, culture, and influence in higher education change leadership. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies, 3(2), 7-27.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., Hass, M., & Ghahremani, M. (2021). Developing cultural intelligence: Experiential interactions in an international internship program. Journal of Global Education Review, 5(2), 165-174. DOI: 10.5038/2577-509X.5.2.1078.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2021). Missouri. Journal of Education Finance, 46(3), 307-309. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/786674.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2021). Wisconsin. Journal of Education Finance, 46(3), 380-382. https://www.muse.jhu.edu/article/786699.
- Phillips, T., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2021). Examining individualism in college student retention theory and practice: Transitioning from student integration to institutional adjustment. Journal of College Student Retentions: Research, Theory, and Practice, 28(1). doi.org/10.24926/jcotr.v28i1.3607.
- Stuckey, J., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2021). Patchwork and paying it forward: Undocumented student access to social capital. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 1-14. doi.org/10.1080/15348431.2021.1954003
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2020). What’s age got to do with culture? Age, aging, and the generations in the U.S. In Morris, P.V. (Ed.), Discovering Self and Others: A Reflective Journey, (pp. 197-211). Kendal Hunt.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2020). Wisconsin. Journal of Education Finance, 45(3), 395-397.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2019). Educational leadership & higher education doctoral program student handbook. West Lafayette: Purdue University.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2019). Age and Aging in the U.S.. In Morris, P.V. (Ed.), Communicating Across Cultures, New York, NY: Pearson.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., Morris, P.V., Acheson-Clair, K. (2018). Assessing the intercultural sensitivity of students in an agriculture diversity and social justice course. Multicultural Education Review, 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2018.1532711.
- Sass, M., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2014). International study abroad internship reflection handbook. Available at International_Study_Abroad_Reflection_Journal_Sass_Snodgrass.pdf
Conference Papers
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Kiracofe, C. (2023, May). A culturally responsive Ph.D. program: Preparing globally competent higher education leaders in a post-pandemic world. Educational Leaders Without Borders, Athens, Greece.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2023, April). Equity and access in study abroad: Examining financial actors impacting study abroad participation in a Post-Pandemic world. NEFE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2023, Jan. 6). Reshaping disproportionality educational research to advance social justice. HICE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Kiracofe, C. (2023, Jan. 5). A dynamic Ph.D.: Preparing Culturally responsive higher education leaders. HICE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. & Kiracofe, C. (June 19, 2022) A hybrid Ph.D.: Preparing globally responsive higher education leaders. IAFOR Paris Conference on Education: Paris, France.
- Clifton, J. Ramsey, J.*, Raavel, J. R., Ashcraft, M.*, & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022, Oct. 24-27). Study abroad for low-income students: Promoting equitable opportunity for student success. National Symposium on Student Retention, San Diego, CA.
- Khan, T. M., Whitford, D., Lambert Snodgrass, L., Watson, S. L., & Bosman, L. (2022, June 26-29). Reinventing K-12 education system: Preparing underrepresented students for STEM. American Society for Engineering Education, Minneapolis, MN.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022, April 6-9). State of the States: Missouri and Wisconsin. [Paper presentation]. National Education Finance Association, Virtual.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022, Jan 3-6). A three framework program design for study abroad internship programs: Assessment, Implications, and recommendations from the field. [Paper presentation]. Hawaii International Conference on Education, Waikoloa, HI.
- Stuckey, J., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2022, Jan. 6-9). Patchwork and paying it forward: Undocumented students access to social capital. [Paper presentation]. 7th Annual Conference International Academic Forum (IAFOR), Honolulu, HI.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2021, April 5-9). Missouri and Wisconsin.* [Paper presentations]. NEFA 11th Annual Conference, State of the States. (* = 2 separate presentations).
- Stuckey, J.*, & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2021, June 15-17). Patchwork and paying it forward: Undocumented students’ access to social capital. [Paper presentation]. Going Global Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference. (* student)
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2020, June 29-30). Creativity & innovation in a collaborative leadership study abroad program [Poster Session]. Going Global Annual Meeting, London. (Conference moved to virtual mode).
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Stuckey, J.* (2020, June 25-27). Assessing International Student Experiences through “Big Data” and Cultural Lenses. [Poster Session]. 2020 International Conference on Assessing Education, International Assessment Institute, Berlin, Germany. (Conference Canceled; * student).
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. A. (2020, Apr 17 – 21). Cross-Discipline Examination of Students’ Cultural Sensitivity in an Agriculture Communicating Across Cultures Course [Roundtable Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/tb5fbfx (Conference Canceled)
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2019). Assessing the effects of experiential and reflective learning methods in study abroad curriculum design on cultural intelligence. Paper presented at the Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Yngve, K. (2019). Assessing the international student experience: How bigger data approaches can inform practice. Paper presented at the NAFSA Research Symposium, Chicago, Il.
- McClure, M.,* Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Morris, P.V. (2019). Pre and post formative assessment of students intercultural openness on a 1-week study abroad service-learning experience. Paper presented at the NACTA Conference, Twin Falls, Idaho. *presenter
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2019) Developing cultural intelligence: Experiential interactions in an international internship program. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Education and Research, Sarasota, FL.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Whitford, D. (2019). Evaluating the impact of an empathy-infused cultural responsivity and cultural competency intervention on student discipline. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., Morris, P., & Acheson, K. (2019). A cross-discipline approach to assessing the IC of students in an agriculture diversity and social justice course. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Yngve, K. (2018). Using “Big Data” approaches to better understand the international student experience. Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN [Peer reviewed].
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2018). Real talk: Communication and cultural styles of Generation Z. Indiana ACTE All CTE State Conference, Indianapolis, IN [Peer Reviewed].
- Russell, M., & Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2018). Curriculum design to grow intercultural competencies as learning outcomes. Northern American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Annual Conference, Aimes, IO [Peer Reviewed].
- Lambert Snodgrass, L., & Russell, M., (2018). Intercultural competencies as global learning outcomes. Global Learning in Agriculture Conference (GLAG), Virtual Conference/Penn State [Peer Reviewed].
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2018). Cultural intelligence & critical culture: The role of experiential and reflective learning methods in culturally responsive curriculum design. Workshop on Intercultural Skills Enhancement Conference (WISE), Winston-Salem, NC [Peer Reviewed]
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2018). Assessing the intercultural sensitivity of students in an agriculture diversity and social justice course. Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, HI [Peer Reviewed].
- Lambert Snodgrass, L. (2018). CQ & critical culture: The role of experiential and reflective learning methods in culturally responsive curriculum design [Poster]. Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICE), Honolulu, HI [Peer Reviewed]
+ Courses Typically Taught
- EDST 52200: Culture & Social Issues in PK-22 Education
- EDST 64100: Organization & Administration in Higher Education
- EDST 64200: Cultural Engagement in Higher Education Communities
- EDST 64400: Policy and Politics in Higher Education
- EDST 64500: Higher Education Leadership and Management
- EDST 64800: International and Intercultural Higher Education