Faculty Profiles

Photo of Christy Wessel Powell

Steven C. Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education 100 N. University Street West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2098 BRNG 4170 Work Phone: (215) 495-7027

Christy Wessel Powell

Associate Professor Literacy and Language EducationCurriculum and Instruction

– Profile

Dr. Wessel Powell’s scholarship focuses on literacy and equity. Her research is rooted in a commitment to understanding and enacting equity in classrooms and communities, through literacy. This scholarship focuses on two intersecting strands of inquiry: (1) elementary literacy: particularly, she studies justice-focused literacy teacher education, and how teachers use critical approaches in reading and writing workshops and media-infused “playshops” in schools as a vehicle for richer, more equitable curricula; and (2) equity advocacy: particularly, she studies the intersections of education reform, media and advocacy, and how these might be leveraged to support teacher and community action toward school equity. These two strands connect because without equitable resources and supportive conditions, rich literacy curriculum is more difficult for teachers to deliver. Dr. Wessel Powell’s research is qualitative, often participatory, and informed by critical, sociocultural, and spatial theories on discourse, multimodality, texts writ broadly, and literacy as meaning-making.

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