Purdue AI in P-12 Education Conference

The theme for our inaugural conference is “Convergence” and focuses on how pedagogy and use of AI must change to accommodate and/or leverage the availability of generative AI for education. Presentations will include resources and strategies to promote student learning and further teacher development. The conference will also include:

  • Over 50 presentations on AI for curriculum development, school AI policy, bias, privacy and AI, and AI and education research
  • Networking with AI vendors
  • Professional Growth Points for teachers

Box lunches for registrants and coffee and refreshments will be provided

Monday, November 11, 2024

Stewart Center
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

Registration Fees
Before Oct. 15 – $90
After Oct. 15 – $110

Registration opening soon

Speaker Proposals

Interested in presenting at the conference? Have a research poster or research brief to share? Want to share how your school district is managing AI and professional development?

Return to this page when the call is released on August 1, 2024, and submit your proposal.

Proposals will be due on September 15, 2024.

Research posters and briefs will be published as proceedings through Purdue e-Pubs.


Interested in being a conference sponsor? Contact Bill Watson (brwatson@purdue.edu). Sponsor packages can be customized.

Possible benefits include:

  • Conference admission
  • Ability to interact with conference attendees during designated exhibit times
  • Listing in the conference program
  • Presentations during the conference
View Sponsorship Levels