Purdue AI in P-12 Education Conference

The theme for our inaugural conference is “Convergence” and focuses on how pedagogy and use of AI must change to accommodate and/or leverage the availability of generative AI for education. Presentations will include resources and strategies to promote student learning and further teacher development. The conference will also include:

  • Over 50 presentations on AI for curriculum development, school AI policy, bias, privacy and AI, and AI and education research
  • Networking with AI vendors
  • Professional Growth Points for teachers

Box lunches for registrants and coffee and refreshments will be provided

Monday, November 11, 2024

Stewart Center
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN

Registration Fees
Through Oct. 22 – $90
After Oct. 22 – $110

Register Now Schedule

Keynote Speaker

Stephen J. Aguilar

Stephen J. Aguilar, PhD

University of Southern California

Dr. Stephen J. AguiIar is an Associate Professor of Education in the Educational Psychology concentration at the USC Rossier School of Education. His research focuses on investigating how educational technologies—both emerging and established—influence teaching, learning, and motivation. Dr. Aguilar studies the impact of generative AI in educational settings, the digital equity gap, and learning analytics applications. Currently, he is co-leading USC’s new Center for Generative AI and Society’s efforts to understand when and how generative AI is used by students and instructors in post-secondary settings.

His honors and awards include winning both the Wilbert J. McKeachie Early Career Award for Motivation in Education Research, and the AERA Division C Early Career Award. His work has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Army Research Office, among others. Dr. Aguilar has also given televised interviews on the digital equity gap in both English and Spanish, has been guest on NPR’s AirTalk, and has been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Bloomberg, and The Washington Post.

A black female teacher works with black students on an iPad

Speaker Proposals

Proposal submission is closed for 2024.

Research posters and briefs will be published as proceedings through Purdue e-Pubs.


Interested in being a conference sponsor? Contact Bill Watson (brwatson@purdue.edu). Sponsor packages can be customized.

Possible benefits include:

  • Conference admission
  • Ability to interact with conference attendees during designated exhibit times
  • Listing in the conference program
  • Presentations during the conference
View Sponsorship Levels


8:00 a.m.

Registration opens – Stewart Center foyer under the mural (outside of Loeb Playhouse)

8:30 – 10:00 a.m.

Welcome, keynote speaker

10:10 – 11:00 a.m.

Session one

11:00 – 11:40 a.m.

Break, Exhibit Hall

11:40 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Session two

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch, Exhibit Hall

1:30 – 2:20 p.m.

Session three

2:30 – 3:20 p.m.

Session four