Distinguished Education Alumni Awards (DEAA)

Description: The College of Education presents the Distinguished Education Alumni Award (DEAA) in recognition of the notable professional achievements of our alumni. The DEAA is the highest award for alumni, and honors their notable career and life achievements that reflect favorably on Purdue University, education, or society in general.

Event Audience: Faculty, Staff

Contact: Kayla Burke, kmburke@purdueforlife.org

Registration URL:  https://proxy.qualtrics.com/proxy/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fconnect.purdue.edu%2Fs%2Flisting%2Fa0L3k00000qhHLY%2F2021-distinguished-education-alumni-awards&token=%2Fs23%2Bl66o00uTLFKfvokFakTv8XXg8SVm1aRqYYRr%2BA%3D