Annual Graduate Student Education Research Symposium (AGSERS) 2022

Symposium Overview: Each year the Graduate Student Education Council (GSEC) hosts its Annual Graduate Student Education Research Symposium (AGSERS). This year’s theme, “Resilience, Resistance, Restoration, and Race,” highlights the current issues that educators are facing as we hope to be able to recover from the global pandemic and racial injustice.

10:30 – 11:30 – Introduction & Virtual Three-Minute Thesis Presentations
11:30 – 12:30 – Poster Presentations A
12:30 -1:30 – Roundtable Presentations
1:30 -2:30 – Poster Presentations
3:00 – 4:15 – Keynote Presentation (Dr. Gilman Whiting)
4:15 – 4:45 – Award Ceremony for posters and 3MT

Call for Proposals:
Submit your work for: Poster, roundtable, or virtual 3 minute presentation.
11:59 PM FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2022

Call for 2022 AGSERS Judges

GSEC asks that you consider serving as a judge for AGSERS 2022. AGSERS is a great opportunity for graduate students to gain feedback in a friendly and productive environment. Judges support students’ research by scoring posters based on established criteria and providing written feedback for improvement.

Judges will be asked to arrive for an informational session at 9:30am on the day of the symposium. Three-minute thesis and poster presentations will be judged; however, time is available for you to attend roundtable sessions as well. To account for requests for more time to judge posters, this year there will be optional time to view posters prior to the interactive poster session (view the detailed agenda below).

If you are available to serve as a judge, please complete this form:

Contact: Julie Stuckey (

For more information: