Oral Language | Reading | Writing
Meet Pedro

Pedro is a 16 year old 10th grader in a medium sized Midwest town. Born in Panama, Pedro is very unique because not only does he speak Spanish, Portuguese, and some English, but he also was born deaf. He now has cochlear implants to aid his hearing.
Pedro has lived in the United States for five months and has been attending his current school in the Midwest for four months. He moved here with his mother and grandfather. He really likes the school, the teachers, and the students at his current school. In his pastime, Pedro enjoys the thrilling sport of soccer, especially since soccer is really popular in Panama. His favorite soccer team is the Los Canaleros from Panama with his favorite player being Felipe Baloy.
Pedro admits that he enjoys everything about his school, except for having to learn English. He knows that he needs to become more proficient in his English speaking. He believes he has problems with his pronunciation. For guidance and improvement on his English proficiency, his teachers help him understand the meanings of English words in Spanish. Compared to his American school, his school in Panama speak majority of English, but he admits that they have less education. Although he loves Panama and his heritage, he prefers his current American high school. Pedro receives 1 period of ESL instruction a day, and all other courses are mainstream courses taught by teachers without any specialized training or certification in working with ELLs. His official English Language Proficiency level is 2.8 (WIDA).
Oral Language Samples
Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.
Oral Language Sample 1: Interview
Oral Language Sample 2: Oral Presentation
Reading Samples
Directions: Download and print the Running Record Forms below. Complete the form as you view the videos of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A’s. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Forms below.
Reading Sample 1: Amulet
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Why was Navin making a funny face at Em?
[Correct Answer: He was trying to cheer her up]
Pedro: “He want her to laugh.”
2. Where are they going?
[Correct Answer: To an old house in the city of Norlen]
Pedro: “They ride in the car”
3. Why do they have to move?
[Correct Answer: Their father passed away. They don’t have money to stay in their old house.]
Pedro: “I don’t know.”
4. Karen (the Mom) said, “… this house will require a lot of work to make it comfortable.” What does she mean by that?
[Correct Answer: The house is very old. It needs to be fixed up.]
Pedro: “The house … they going to the house … [long pause] the house … it far away.”
Reading Sample 2: After the Snow
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Willo, the girl and her brother are seen by who?
[Correct Answer: The dogs, wild dogs, a pack of dogs]
Pedro: “They see the dog.”
2. Why is he worried about the dogs?
[Correct Answer: afraid they will attack and eat him and his friends]
Pedro: “He scare … they can bite”
3. What did he say is different about there being just one dog vs. a pack of dogs?
[Correct Answer: One dog will know a man and behave. A pack of dogs will only see a man as a piece of meat to eat.]
Pedro: “The dog … he make him scare.”
4. What did Willo mean when he said, “Dogs pretty patient if they get hungry?”
[Correct Answer: A pack of dogs will wait patiently around their prey until they are ready to attack.]
Pedro: “The dog [long pause], hungry, uh [long pause], hungry … they want to eat something.”
Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below.
Writing Sample 1: “Returning to School After Summer Vacation”

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Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below.
Writing Sample 2: “If I Were a Teacher for a Day…”

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