Oral Language | Reading | Writing

Meet Isaiah

Isaiah in a blanket fort.

Isaiah is 6 years old, and is in Kindergarten at an elementary school in a medium sized Midwest town.  Born in the Midwest, Isaiah and his mother moved to Puebla, Mexico when he was one years old.  After spending time in Mexico for four years, Isaiah, his mother, and grandfather returned to the Midwest. 

Spanish is the language spoken in the home, but his Mom can speak some English.  His mother is a live-in nanny for a Mexican American family living in the Midwest. The family speaks both English and Spanish, and they asked Isaiah’s mom to speak Spanish to their 4 kids so they don’t forget the language. Being that Isaiah is the only child, he is also able to play along with the family’s 4 children.

Isaiah receives daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program taught by a certified ESL teacher. He receives this instruction in a small group with 8 students at the intermediate to advanced levels of English proficiency.  His school has a one-to-one technology program and provides each student with an iPad for use at school and at home.  Neither of his regular classroom teachers have received specific training on how to work with ELLs.  Isaiah’s official English language proficiency level is 3.1 (WIDA).

Isaiah enjoys school and finds mathematics his top subject. While home, in his off time, Isaiah really enjoys helping his mom cook for the family.  He likes to help his mom prepare mole poblano, which is a sauce that includes spices and chocolate, his two favorite things!  He wants to one day be on the Food Network Channel creating family dishes.   

Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.

 Oral Language Sample 1: Parade

Oral Language Sample 2: The Shopping Mall

Reading sample: The Big Bug

Directions: Download and print the Running Record Form below. Complete the form as you view the video of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Form below.  

Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. What did the girl take to Wes?
[Correct Answer: the big bug; her toy bug]

Isaiah: The bug toy.

2. Why did she take the big bug to Wes?
[Correct Answer: to fix it]

Isaiah: It broke.  

3. How did Wes fix the big bug?
[Correct Answer: taps it; raps on it; dots it; paints it; etc.]

Isaiah: He like, he hit it with the hammer, and he painted it and stuff.

4. How did the girl feel after he fixed it?
[Correct Answer: Happy; glad; excited; etc.]

 Isaiah: She’s really happy!  

5. Do you have any toys that need to be fixed?
[Correct Answer: Any answer relevant to the question and book.]

Isaiah: My Ninetendo DS is broke. My brother sat on it and now the screen is cracked. But I can still play it.


Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below. 

Sample 1: “Jellyfish”

Writing sample 1

Sample 2: “Pig”

Writing sample 2