150 Alumni Spotlight

We are incredibly proud of the accomplishments of our over 18,000 alumni. Some became teachers. Some became counselors. Some became educational technology experts. And some became principals, superintendents, professors and more! As part of the celebration of Purdue University’s sesquicentennial and the College of Education’s 30th anniversary, we collected alumni updates from all around the globe! Hover/click on each photo to read about how Purdue and the College of Education helped them get to where they are today.

How did Purdue help YOU get to where you are? Share YOUR giant leap on social media and tag us by using #takegiantleaps and #purdueedu.

Holly Fiock
Kathryn Obenchain
Carol Ann Ilijanich Loehr
Carol Ann
Ilijanich Loehr
Peggy Motes McBride
Peggy Motes McBride
Megan Hatke
Megan Hatke
Jim Gilligan
Jim Gilligan
Sara Proffitt
Derek Arrowood
Dan Peo
Ann Robinson
Michael Pinto
Marge Sprunger
Penny Britton Kolloff
Britton Kolloff
Patricia Albjerg Graham
Albjerg Graham
Joshua G. Iddings
Joshua G.
Teresa Roche
Jacob Goedde
April M. Burke
April M.
Jane Zimmer Daniels
Zimmer Daniels
Jordan Shurr
Gilbert N. Andrada
Gilbert N.
Lauri Vitale
Bob Foerster
Leah Wasburn-Moses
Lauralee Hamilton Foerster
Hamilton Foerster
Rita Rodgers Culross
Rodgers Culross
Bill Shidler
Amy Sturgeon
Jeff Butts
Laura Reasoner Jones
Reasoner Jones
Scott Peters
John Layton
Joe Ruhl
Lisa P. Kirkham
Lisa P.
John Gipson
Kathleen Steele
Kristy Bennett
Jan Bergquist Hansen
Bergquist Hansen
Chris Vienna
Karin Schurman
Kimberly Clayton-Code
Dominicia Norwood
Jo Wagner
Erin Szarnych
Kimberly Orellana-Vi
Nick Peppler
Loran Carleton Parker
Carleton Parker
Teresa J. Oakes
Teresa J.
Espino Oakes
Jeff Spanke
Ryan Habben
Tamara Morse
Brian F. French
F. French
Glade Montgomery
Trinette Lopez
Janine M. Bernard
Janine M.
Erick Pruitt
John Pearl
Mary S. Bonhomme
Mary S.
Jane Foley
Kitty Campbell
Annie Buckles
Blake A. Ketterer
Blake A.
Sarah Powley
Joanne Troutner
Albert Siu
Gregg O. Lehman
Gregg O.
“Rusty” King
Eloisa Rodriguez
C. Matthew Fugate
C. Matthew
Ed Wiercioch
Richard L. Andrews
Richard L.
William E. (Bill) Christopher
William E. (Bill)
Barbara Exner Downing
Exner Downing
Muhyieddeen Touq
Jane Buter Kahle
Buter Kahle
Jenny Smith
Adrie Koehler
Josh Brown
Scott Peters
Lawrence G. Shoaf
Lawrence G.
Richard J. Noeth
Richard J.
Carol Lambdin
Janet Ault
Martin (Mike) Koldyke
Martin (Mike)
Russell Nichols
David L. Fenell
David L.
Phil Wankat
Jennifer McCormick
Heidi Fernandez
John Campbell
Nellie F. Moore
Nellie F.
Asta Balkute
Ken Gleason
Kathryn Scantlebury
Martin Fernandez
Karen B. Bogan Rossmann
Karen B.
Bogan Rossmann
Anne M. Garcia
Anne M.
Greg Hedrick
Abby Laufman
Kierstin Carahan
Kara Zeltwanger
Morgan Walker
Janet Tipton
Jo Wagner
Jim McDonald
Ali Alshammari
David Huckleberry
Katie Belloli
Seth Molnar
Amanda Whitlock
Danielle Ferreira
Kyle Holderfield
Lisa (Tylicki) Hanson
Lisa (Tylicki)
Leah Wasburn-Moses
Phil Downs
Nicholas Peppler
Abby Fitzgerald
Ted Leuenberger
Gilman W. Whiting
Gilman W.
Jason Ware
Nielsen Pereira
Sandra Showmaker
Marsha D. Link
Marsha D.
Eileen Steele
Michelle L. Graham
Michelle L.
Josh Roadruck
Dorothy A. Reed
Dorothy A.
Scott Bess
Kristin Seward
Christy Diehl
Harlan R. Day
Harlan R.
Melody A. Carducci
Melody A.
Constance A. Harris
Constance A.
Amanda Guieb
Martha Nyikos
Carolyn Walker Hitchens
Walker Hitchens
James D. Lehman
James D.
Melissa M. Colonis
Melissa M.
Lauren A. Ahlersmeyer
Lauren A.
Timothy F. Hyland
Timothy F.
Lisa Lambert Snodgrass
Lisa Lambert
Patricia (Kitchel) O'Brien
(Kitchel) O’Brien
Sheila J. Klinker
Sheila J.
Ayesha Sadaf
Stephen I. Smith
Stephen I.
Mashall D. Klassen
Marshall D.
Alynn Gentry Eggert
Alynn Gentry
Tiffany Karalis Noel
Karalis Noel
Matt Ridenour
Taylor Norman
Alsu M. Gilmetdinova
Alsu M.
Holly Fiock
MSEd ’15, BA ’10
Instructional Designer | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue is the best of both worlds. It is such a large community that you can meet someone new every day and small enough to build close, tight-knit relationships. Through those relationships, I have been awarded the opportunities to work with world-renowned faculty and learn the skills necessary in my field. Those skills and relationships have enabled me to find a position within the University where I feel as if I am making a difference and able to help the future generations of Boilermakers!
Kathryn Obenchain
PhD ’97, MSEd ’94
Associate Dean for Learning, Engagement, & Global Initiatives and Professor of Social Studies Education | Purdue University College of Education
Zionsville, Ind.

My advice to current and future students includes a few things. First, learn to budget your time. I had never focused on planning ahead and balancing responsibilities—college made me do that. Second, be okay with new ideas and experiences that are unfamiliar and challenging—that is the only way to learn.
Carol Ann Ilijanich Loehr
BA ’65
Special Education Teacher | Retired
Titusville, Fla.

During my sophomore year at Purdue, I was selected for a Fellowship under Dr. Newell Kephart. His program was one that brought awareness to the Perceptual Motor movements of a child, with attention on slow learners. One summer I worked with Dr. Kephart and his staff in Colorado. I learned various techniques on evaluating children’s’ motor skills and then working to improve these skills. It was an experience I will never forget.
Peggy Motes McBride
BA ’68
Director Muncie Community Schools Planetarium | Retired
Muncie, Ind.

I applied to a program to study astronomy at Harvard University funded through a grant with the National Science Foundation in 1994. While I was attending the program at Harvard, I asked the director how I happened to be selected. I was told that my undergraduate degree from Purdue University was the primary reason I was selected. The director of the program was familiar with Purdue University and felt that I would be successful in this program at Harvard University.
Photo taken in 1995. I was selected to participate in the NASA NEWEST program, NASA Educator Workshop for Elementary School Teachers, encouraging the teaching of space science in the elementary schools. at NASA Lewis Research Center.
Megan Hatke
BA ’02
Principal of Glen Acres Elementary School | Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

You are one step closer to a career. Wow a career! Not a job, but a career! A career is what you choose as a profession to help you achieve satisfaction. It is not just another paycheck. In the next few years you will have the chance to choose what path you want to venture down to help you fulfill that. You might think this is scary, but I like to think of it as thrilling and invigorating. I wake up every morning thrilled that I get the joy of coming to work, excited that I’m afforded the opportunity to impact the lives of so many children! I live for that. It was a path I chose to go down when I was your age, and I couldn’t be happier. I took my passion and turned it into my career. I hope you are lucky enough to do the same!
Jim Gilligan
PhD ’15
Assistant Professor of English Education | San Francisco State University
San Francisco, Calif.

Learn from every experience. Value your successes, and let your disappointments teach you how to do better. Take pride in approaching every challenge with your best effort. Surround yourself with mentors and colleagues who care enough to be honest with you. And take time to enjoy the results of your hard work.
Sara Proffitt
BA ’09
Director of Instructional Design Services | Ivy Tech Community College
Indianapolis, Ind.

Purdue helped me to get to where I am today in my career by offering their LDT master’s degree program fully online. While I had my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Purdue already, I was able to continue to teach full-time while I completed my master’s degree. This allowed me to fast-track my career in Instructional Design and online learning. I am so grateful for that flexibility and for the opportunity to specialize within the field of education in a much shorter time than expected. Ever grateful, ever true!
Derek Arrowood
PhD ’05
Superintendent | Hamilton Heights School Corporation
Cicero, Ind.

I learned to teach and lead at Purdue. The relationships gained with fellow students and professors while obtaining my BA and PhD at Purdue have been invaluable on my journey as a 5th grade teacher, principal, and superintendent. I am proud to be a Boilermaker!
Dan Peo
MSEd ’16
Assistant Principal, Wea Ridge Middle School | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

Take advantage of all the opportunities available to you at Purdue! While your primary goal and focus should be to learn and attain your chosen degree so you are prepared to enter the workplace, don’t miss out on all the rich opportunities to get involved with on campus! From music to athletics to student groups to volunteering opportunities, Purdue has a place for everyone! Boiler Up!
Ann Robinson
PhD ’83
Professor and Founding Director | Jodie Mahony Center for Gifted Education
University of Arkansas-Little Rock | Little Rock, Ark.

Through my doctoral program at Purdue, I was mentored by a distinguished educational psychology professor who believed I could "get things a-going" as he used to say. He saw gaps in research and in educational provisions as opportunities to do right by children, teachers, and schools and communicated that message to me both didactically and by example. Purdue provided me with a priceless and resilient network of friends and colleagues with whom I collaborate and with whom I have collegial and close personal friendships to this day. For me, Purdue was a full-service educational smorgasbord. I met my husband at Purdue over coffee and statistics! My college roommate and I continue to attend professional conferences together every year and work in as much shared travel as well we can to feed our curiosity about the world. Attending Purdue changed my life!
Michael Pinto
MSEd ’96, BA ’90
Principal, James Cole Elementary School | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

My undergraduate experience offered me a wide range of opportunities to learn both instructional methods, but also build a strong background knowledge that allowed me to be more proficient as a classroom teacher. One thing that is understated at Purdue is how the rich and diverse student population broadens one’s horizons and offers a more global view that is carried forward into the world. My graduate studies provided me a chance to make connections with faculty that still exist because of social media. The Purdue brand is strong. I am proud to be a Boilermaker.
Marge Sprunger
MS ’79
Instructor EDCI 363 Literacy in the Elementary School (Block IV) | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

As a student, I loved soaking up the educational climate of culture and learning that was offered at Purdue. As a lifelong learner, I can’t remember when I wasn’t a Boilermaker.
Penny Britton Kolloff
PhD ’83
Educator | Illinois State University
Eau Claire, Wis.

Selecting Purdue for my doctoral study was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Purdue enabled me to study with one of the most preeminent scholars in the field of gifted education, John Feldhusen. John mentored his students so effectively that we entered our careers prepared to engage immediately in teaching, research and publication, and service, having experienced each under his guidance. This readied me for four decades of work in gifted education. In addition to the professional preparation, I formed close relationships with others who continue to be my friends and colleagues.
Patricia Albjerg Graham
MS ’58
Charles Warren Professor of the History of Education and dean of the Graduate School of Education Emerita | Harvard University
Cambridge, Mass.

My favorite memory of my time at Purdue was working on the Exponent where I met my husband, Loren R Graham, who was the editor. We met my first week at Purdue where I had transferred from the University of Wisconsin and married two years later (1955) on the day we both graduated.
Joshua G. Iddings
PhD ’13
Assistant Professor | Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, Va.

Students often feel uncomfortable or intimidated to see their professors during office hours. This especially can be true for working class and/or first generation college students (like me). However, professors want to help their students understand the curriculum, navigate the university, and more generally, we are interested in your life! So, you should take advantage of your professors’ office hours. I am lifelong friends with many of my professors from Purdue, and I am sure those professors are looking forward to developing such relationships with you!
Teresa Roche
BA ’79, MS ’81, PhD ’00
Chief Human Resources Officer | City of Fort Collins
Fort Collins, Colo.

I clearly see the thread of Purdue woven into my life tapestry and it is one of the strongest having started in 1974 when I began my journey on campus. My academic preparation helped me learn to think and communicate well, to listen to diverse perspectives, collaborate well, to stay curious and to know my own voice. Equally valuable was all that Purdue allowed me to experience in the various organizations and living situations I had during my undergraduate years. My graduate programs deepened my knowledge and prepared me for the many life chapters I have had. I was very blessed to have remarkable people along the way who mentored me, beginning with Betty Nelson, Dean of Students Emerita who is still a huge part of my life. I am forever grateful to the Purdue community.
Jacob Goedde
BA ’17
Graduate Assistant Vanderbilt University | Office of LGBTQI Life
Nashville, Tenn.

Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves to you at Purdue, if you are able. While my in-classroom experiences were incredibly valuable, the opportunities that Purdue and the College of Education provided me outside of the classroom were the opportunities in which I was most able to grow and meet exceptional people. Take time to find what you love, then do it to the best of your ability!
April M. Burke
PhD ’14
Associate Professor of Educational Linguistics | Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, Mich.

Through their mentorship and rigorous courses, the faculty at Purdue prepared me to become a researcher, author, and teacher. The numerous opportunities they provided made me a competitive applicant on the job market and highly-qualified for my current position as a professor. Furthermore, Purdue staff and my fellow students provided an invaluable support system throughout the demands of my doctoral program. Boiler up!
Jane Zimmer Daniels
PhD ’88, MS ’73
Director Emerita, Women in Engineering Program at Purdue University | Formerly Purdue University College of Engineering and The Henry Luce Foundation
Kaiser, Mo.

My advice to students is to be prepared and flexible enough to take advantage of opportunities that come your way. Even if you lack confidence in being successful, give it your best, trusting the opinions and assistance of people you respect. The most interesting and rewarding things in my career developed from opportunities to try something new...to take an unexpected path.
Jordan Shurr
PhD ’12, MSEd ’08, BA ’02
Associate Professor of Special Education | Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

I had the very best advisors who spent the time to help me sharpen my skills and thinking. I had never planned on being a professor; I knew very little about higher education when I started as a student. During a course in my undergraduate program, I remember being blown away by this new professor, Dr. Taber Doughty. She spoke a language of excitement, impact, and purpose. From then on I was hooked on teaching, on special education, and on pushing the boundaries of what we know.
Gilbert N. Andrada
MS ’91
State Education Consultant, Psychometric Analysis and Support Unit | Connecticut State Department of Education
Hartford, Connecticut

I have progressed within the very same job that I got after earning a Master of Science degree at Purdue. What distinguished me from among the other applicants was that I possessed a high level of technical and technological skill. In short, I was ready to fully enter my profession and engage in the work. In a few short years on the job, I took on doctoral studies and those very same benefits saw me into and through a top program in psychological measurement, quantitative analysis and psychometric methods. Purdue has a great external reputation and provided me with the assets I needed to start and improve in my career.
Lauri Vitale
BA ’12
5th Grade Teacher | Klondike Elementary, Tippecanoe School Corporation
West Lafayette, Ind.

I am truly appreciative of the connections I made during my time at Purdue, particularly with professors and in-service educators in the SLED (Science Learning through Engineering Design) program. At the time, it was all new information to me as an undergrad student, and I was excited to discover new ways to engage my future students. However, I have since been able to use these ideas of engineering design and inquiry-based thinking to help lead our school and corporation in curriculum decisions and training for new teachers. I’ve loved the continuing connections for mentorship, outreach, and programming that Purdue can offer me and my students as well!
Bob Foerster
MS ’76, BA ’72
Teacher/Principal, Retired | West Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

Besides meeting my wife of almost fifty years now, (my favorite memory from Purdue was) the various activities with the PU astronauts.
Leah Wasburn-Moses
BA ’97, MSEd ’99
Professor | Miami University
Oxford, Ohio

Purdue allowed me to pursue two degrees simultaneously, in Education and in Liberal Arts. Combining these two areas allows me to think differently about education. I developed a nationally recognized partnership between a school and university that provides practical placements for future teachers and raises achievement of youth at risk.
Lauralee Hamilton Foerster
MS ’78, BA ’73
School Librarian | Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

(My advice for current/future students is to) be proactive in asking for courses that will make you better in your career! Whenever the opportunity presents itself, volunteer and get hands on experience! Don’t wait until you student teach to be with kids and in a school setting!
Rita Rodgers Culross
MSEd ’73, BA ’72
Psychologist/Professor Emerita, Retired | Louisiana State University, College of Education
Baton Rouge, La.

Take advantage of all that Purdue has to offer. Go to Convocations, take in the artwork on campus, hang out in Pappy’s Sweet Shop, cheer on the Boilers, make some lifelong friends, and learn something new every day for the rest of your life.
Bill Shidler
MSEd ’00, BA ’94
Principal | Delphi Community Elementary School
Delphi, Ind.

Attending Purdue opened up many pathways that might not have otherwise been realized. Purdue equipped me with the tools needed to collaborate, innovate, and lead. Additionally, by maintaining my relationship with Purdue, I have continued to grow as an educator, strengthen my own network, and have access to all that Purdue has to offer. Our entire family is filled with Boilermaker pride.
Amy Sturgeon
MSEd ’96, BA ’93
Instructional Coach | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

I have four pieces of advice: Teaching others is demanding and difficult, but it is so very important, so persevere and always strive to learn more. To prepare, volunteer in schools often to get more hands-on experience than your college classes provide. Be willing to take on extra duties in your school and/or community to develop relationships that will help you grow personally and professionally. Lastly, protect your passion; it will provide you the power to make a positive difference.
Jeff Butts
PhD ’05
Superintendent | M.S.D. of Wayne Township
Indianapolis, Ind.

My grandfather played for the undefeated 1943 Purdue Football team and was always a proud Boilermaker. Earning my Ph.D. from Purdue has been life-changing. The reputation Purdue has earned as a result of the expectations placed on faculty and student excellence set me apart from the day President Jischke first called me Dr. Butts. My experience at Purdue catapulted me into professional opportunities and recognitions at the local, state, and national level. Most importantly, Purdue prepared me to make a significant contribution and improve the lives of those whom I am fortunate enough to work with. Boiler-up!
Laura Reasoner Jones
BA ’73
Technology Specialist and Founder of GEMS (Girls Excelling in Math and Science), Retired
Franklin, Pa.

Never be afraid to take risks—be proud of what you can do and share it with the world. Find your passion and create a vision so that you can achieve your goals. Don’t drift.
Scott Peters
PhD ’09
Associate Professor | University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Whitewater, Wis.

Purdue is the only reason I ever went into academia. As a junior in education (2005), I participated in the Undergraduate Research Trainee Program, which got me interested in research methods. I continued to work with Marcia Gentry, my research mentor, the following year and eventually completed my PhD with her in Educational Psychology. If all goes well, I’ll start the fall of 2019, my 11th year at UW-Whitewater, as a full professor.
John Layton
PhD ’03
Associate Superintendent | Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

My advice for current students is to commit to being a lifelong learner, give back to your community, and take care of your health. Don’t forget the place you grew up, stay humble, and explore all sides of an issue before making up your mind. Evaluate your position daily. Be honest, ethical and accountable. Have faith, love your family and friends. Boiler up!
Joe Ruhl
MS ’80
Biology Teacher | Jefferson High School, Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

My education in biology in the College of Science, and my training in the College of Education were the best! I owe a debt of gratitude especially to Dr. Sam Postlethwait who shared the joys of biology with me and to Dr. Jane Butler Kahle who taught me how to teach.
Lisa P. Kirkham
PhD ’16
Research Associate | Evaluation and Learning Research Center, Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Make the most of your Purdue experience by plugging in at Purdue. Take advantage of the many opportunities Purdue offers both professionally and socially to engage. There are clubs, social organizations, internships, etc. Be a part of as much as you possibly can. This will hone both your professional and networking skills and prepare you for your career in education. Boiler up!
John Gipson
PhD ’18
Director of Summer Session | Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

Trust your academic advisor. My advisor was key to my academic and career success.
Kathleen J. Steele
PhD ’81, MS ’72
School Superintendent, Retired | Crawfordsville Community Schools
Crawfordsville, Ind.

Having quality, forward-thinking and creative professors like Gerald Krockover, Alfred DeVito, Sam Postlethwait and John Feldhusen provided me the inspiration and support necessary for dynamic teaching. They challenged me to continue in education and to make a difference in the lives of others. I have a tremendous group of Purdue friends who have continued to share their love and Boilermaker Spirit for almost fifty years. Our Purdue memories are always part of the conversation and the bond that holds us together.
Kristy Bennett
BA ’00
Administrative Assistant, Associate | Purdue University College of Education
Lafayette, Ind.

Remember, sometimes your best made plans and decisions don’t end up the way you dreamed and wished they would have. You must learn to appreciate and find the good in the outcome. You will only be miserable otherwise and life is too short and too precious to be miserable. Allow your new outcome to be your best plan and dream.
Jan Bergquist Hansen
PhD ’88
President/CEO | Educate Tanzania, Inc (ETI)
St. Paul, Minn.

Prominent thought leaders at Purdue University, especially Dr. John Feldhusen, generously shared their knowledge, responsibilities, connections and reputations with me and other graduate students which opened doors around the world. Purdue is where I learned and applied rigorous scholarship and formed some of the most relevant professional connections that I prize to this day. Purdue taught me to listen, empower the marginalized, catalyze strengths and leverage resources for a greater good—all foundational to my past and current work. I am ever grateful.
Chris Vienna
BA ’13
Teacher | Chicago Public Schools
Chicago, Ill.

The best part of Purdue’s community is its diversity. As a Purdue undergraduate, I met classmates and made friends with people from all over the world. I was lucky to spend my formative years with individuals from all walks of life.
Karin Schurman
BA ’94
Kindergarten Teacher | Mintonye Elementary School
Lafayette, Ind.

I remember enjoying lunches and studying outside near the fountains on beautiful spring days. Purdue’s campus is beautiful!
Kimberly Clayton-Code
BA ’94
Professor, Gifted and Talented Education and Director, Institute for Talent Development and Gifted Studies
Northern Kentucky University | Highland Heights, Ky.

Purdue College of Education provided so many amazing experiences—it’s difficult to narrow down to just one. I loved being a DeVito freshman scholar where I fueled an interest in educational research. Later being able to teach Super Saturday with GERI greatly influenced my career path. I now direct an enrichment program for gifted youth and utilize what I learned at Purdue to provide opportunities for young people in my community. I am forever grateful for the four years I was at Purdue.
Dominicia Norwood
BA ’15
4th Grade Teacher | Gary Lighthouse Charter School Upper Academy
Gary, Ind.

My favorite memory was the CPS field experience in fall 2012. At the time, our block 1 class was a little divided but the field experience gave us all a chance to bond. But, this was nothing in comparison to the experience I gained from doing my first field experience in an urban setting. That experience molded my teaching philosophy as well as solidified where I would ultimately end up in my teaching career. I haven’t looked back since the trip and I definitely recommended those two classes to everyone doing block 1 during the fall.
Jo Wagner
BA ’83
Learning Success Coach | Arizona State University Prep Digital
Fort Myers, Fla.

I loved my years in the College of Education. Learned from the best, still remember Dr. Krockover and my geoscience class. Helped me make science fun for my kids for 35+ years! Life changing!
Erin Szarnych
BA ’13
Kindergarten Teacher | Agassiz Elementary School
Chicago, Ill.

My favorite memory is studying abroad TWICE thanks to the Maymester options afforded to me through the College of Education and then graduating a semester early! As a matter of fact, when I was in Germany we visited an IB School and I recognized one of the teachers. How in the world could this be?! She had worked in the school we worked in during our Maymester in Honduras the previous summer! That is still the craziest coincidence/small world experience I’ve ever experienced!
Kimberly Orellana-Vi
BA ’19
2nd Grade Teacher | Miami Elementary School
Lafayette, Ind.

My favorite memory has been to have met amazing friends. We have gone through the hardest semesters together and we helped each other on so many different occasions. They have been there for me through personal moments and I’m excited to be sharing the title of teacher with all of them. I think our biggest memory together will always be bring our “breakfast” snacks for our class with Brenda in Block V.
Nick Peppler
BA ’09
4th Grade Teacher | Northern Heights Elementary School
Fort Wayne, Ind.

The best part about the College of Education is the great memories I have. The opportunities I’ve had as a professional with my Purdue degree have been priceless. It’s all worth it to shape the minds of my elementary students.
Loran Carleton Parker
PhD ’09, MSEd ’06
Education Evaluator and Researcher | Purdue University, College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

My time at Purdue introduced me to an amazing network of mentors and colleagues who are passionate about improving access to quality learning environments for all learners. That network has shaped my perspectives tremendously and has provided me amazing opportunities to do fascinating and meaningful work.
Teresa J Espino Oakes
PhD ’11, EDS’92, MS ’89
Assistant Dean | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

(My favorite memory from Purdue is) walking through Horticulture Park and learning about the plants and trees that we were studying. Of utmost importance was all of the support and interactions I had with faculty from my undergraduate degree through to my PhD.
Jeff Spanke
PhD ’15
Assistant Professor of English | Ball State University
Muncie, Ind.

There’s something pure about being able to tell my kid that for the better part of a year, in an era that’s now seemingly confined to sepia-toned aerial photos that chronicle "Back Then," I lived in an un-airconditioned shoebox the size of two twin beds and a mini-fridge. We had a state park-style cafeteria, a vast, grassy field for volleyball or mudfights, and tennis courts to sweat away the hot, August nights. Kids today, I’ll probably say, will never know the Wiley I did. The mashed potatoes and unknown odors and doors we propped open with slivers of bark. We all moved out, of course, and found apartments in the Levee, behind the Cactus, near the creepy bridge, down from the Old Red Barn, and right up in the river’s business. Later, there was always Jake’s.
Ryan Habben
BA ’10
Principal at Amelia Earhart Elementary School | Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue provided me with the opportunities to gain valuable field experience in a variety of different schools and settings prior to entering the workforce. It allowed me to see many different models of teaching so I would know exactly what kind of a teacher I wanted to be like for my students. The connections and friendships I gained from Purdue have allowed me to grow professionally as well. As a principal, I am proud to host Purdue education students in my building and give them the same experiences I was afforded as a student.
Tamara Morse CFP
MS ’68, BA ’65
Investment Advisor, Practicing since 1986 | Morse Financial Group
Edmonds, Wash.

When I graduated from Purdue, I always thought I would continue teaching school. But life took me in a different direction and after completing my master’s, I worked as a planning and forecasting analyst for 8 years. Thirty-three years ago I founded my own investment advisory practice which I still manage today. To this day I credit much of my success to the teaching background I learned at Purdue. No matter the decade or the job content, I still use my teaching skills every day. I say thanks to the COE at Purdue for preparing me so well for a lifetime of service and learning.
Brian F. French
PhD ’03
Berry Family Distinguished Professor | Washington State University
Pullman, Wash.

The Purdue faculty assisted me in achieving the position I have today. These individuals, such as Drs. Mantzicopoulos, Johnson, Patrick, Samarapungavan, and Maller in the Educational Psychology group and beyond (e.g., Drs. Field, Tormoehlen), fostered my love of research and technical skills into an upward, passion-filled, scholarly trajectory. I learned how quality research can influence policy and practice for positive change in our world. Moreover, the lasting relationships I develop and fun I have building this trajectory transcends the work. My collaborations today at Purdue are evidence of the continued support of Purdue faculty, to which I always say thank you.
Glade Montgomery
PhD ’10, MS ’86, BA ’83
Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff | Project Lead the Way
Indianapolis, Ind.

Always strive to have a growth mindset and continue be a lifelong learner.
Trinette Lopez
BA ’18
2nd Grade ESL General Education Teacher | Skokie School District 68
Skokie, Ill

During my time at Purdue, I had so many opportunities to explore different aspects of education and put them into practice while being surrounded by great peers and faculty. From studying abroad to participating in extracurricular activities, I feel I was provided with a plethora of experiences to learn and grow. As a first year teacher, I can identify certain things that I have knowledge on because of my exposure to them while at Purdue. This has made me feel more confident in my classroom and has allowed me to get to where I am now.
Janine M. Bernard
PhD ’75
Professor Emeritus | Syracuse University
Syracuse, N.Y.

I called Purdue “home” for twelve years, first as a doctoral student and then as a member of the Counseling and Personnel Services faculty. My fondest memories revolve around the relationships that were formed during that time. From the time I left Purdue until my recent retirement, I tried to create the kind of supportive atmosphere within academic departments that I was fortunate enough to experience at Purdue.
Erick D. Pruitt
BA ’98
Chief of Schools | Chicago Public Schools
Chicago, Ill.

While attending Purdue, I was both a full time student and actively serving in the Marine Corps, so my experiences were very unique. The activities and overall Spring Fest experience has always been an enjoyable memory. I believe the experience was so important that as a teacher, I began bringing middle school students to the annual event to give them an opportunity to better understand college life and what the Big Ten experience had to offer.
John Pearl
BA ’90, MSEd ’01
Principal, Battle Ground Elementary School | Tippecanoe School Corporation
West Lafayette, Ind.

(My favorite memory from Purdue is) working together with a cohort of fellow special education majors learning practical and professional content daily from gurus like Dr. T. Scruggs and Margo Mastropieri.
Mary S. Bonhomme
PhD ’00
University Professor | Florida Institute of Technology
Melbourne, Fla.

Working in Purdue’s Continuing Engineering Education (CEE) office, I developed an interest in online learning. I used this interest to pursue a doctorate in Instructional Design. Through CEE, I was able to develop an extensive network of colleagues in the field of online learning that still exists today. That network has enabled me to grow professionally.
Jane Foley
PhD ’92
Senior Vice President, Milken Educator Awards and Director, Milken Scholars Program | Milken Family Foundation
Santa Monica, Calif.

My advice is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Don’t take a class, join a club, get a degree, or take a job because it looks good on your resume or is a stepping stone to another job. Enjoy each step for its own value, immerse yourself in the present, and give your all to it—every day. 2. Prepare diligently for every opportunity you pursue and be ready for the unexpected that could lead to another path of equal importance and meaning. 3. Be known for integrity, hard work, and supporting and celebrating the success of those around you.
Kitty Campbell
PhD ’06
Executive Director | Leadership Lafayette
Lafayette, Ind.

My advice to current and future Purdue students: Get involved in your community and give back through servant leadership. During my time with Purdue Musical Organizations, I spent many hours editing music from Purdue Christmas Shows in the WBAA Studios. I have always loved listening to NPR and WBAA’s local programming. Now I serve as an on-air volunteer during pledge drives to encourage others to support our public radio at Purdue.
Annie Buckles
MSEd ’04, BA ’98
First Grade Teacher | Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

Always remember to teach the whole child. Start from what they already know and grow them from there. Don’t get discouraged when the learning doesn’t happen on your timeline. You have the power to create the positive learning environment each child needs.
Blake A Ketterer
BA ’17
Social Studies Teacher | Klondike Middle School—Tippecanoe School System.
West Lafayette, Ind.

Take advantage of everything at Purdue now. You have access to more people, activities, groups, and knowledge than anyone on the planet besides millionaires, world leaders, and CEOs. Go to every community event, celebrate Diwali, learn about activism in the Black community. Form study groups, get your resume souped up by the Purdue Writing Lab, ask a professor to mentor you. Read a random book in the library, ask that guy or girl to coffee, and take that dance class. College prepares you for real life, and real life needs all the experiences you can get at Purdue.
Sarah Powley
MS ’85
Instructional Coach | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

Always, always, focus on the positive. There will be setbacks, but the important thing is to learn from them and move forward. And then: step up when your name is called. One opportunity leads to another, and the way to avoid growing stale in any profession is to change it up, try new ways of doing things, step outside your comfort zone and take on a challenge.
Joanne Troutner
BS ’74
Repurposed Technology Director & Owner of Creative Computer Enterprises | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

I am ever grateful for my Purdue education. My library media major provided me with the ability to take a wide look at any issue. I garnered the ability to look at topics from various points of view. Colleagues say it is the “librarian” mind. English education classes helped me become a better communicator. My campus activities and the Dean of Students office helped me develop leadership skills I never dreamed I would possess. All this combined for a wonderful career in K – 12 education and the opportunity to chair the Purdue President’s Council.
Albert Siu
PhD ’79
Corporate Vice President, Learning & Development | PAREXEL International
Waltham, Mass.

There are plenty of new and different career opportunities in the world of work with an education degree from Purdue! Don’t settle for what’s on your horizon only! Expand it as you may really embark on something unexpected and unconventional, through which you can derive a tremendous sense of achievement and rewards.
Gregg O. Lehman
PhD ’73
CEO | Employee Benefit Solutions, Inc.
Nashville, Tenn.

Enjoy your Purdue experience. Keep a work/life balance as it will serve you well for your entire career. Learn how to conduct research and probably most importantly, how to communicate.
Richard “Rusty” King
BA ’74
Executive Director | West Central Indiana Educational Service Center
Greencastle, Ind.

While academics are very important, there are other areas of personal and professional growth Purdue has to offer that will help you in the future. I would encourage students to get involved in activities that interest them which will also provide opportunities for personal growth. Life isn’t all work—it’s family, hobbies, and other areas of interest. We in education are often heard to say that you should be a lifelong learner. I believe that, so take advantage of the opportunities that Purdue hast to offer you which will help you become a lifelong learner.
Eloisa Rodriguez
PhD ’11, MSEd ’03
Superintendent | DelCampo School
Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Being a Boilermaker is part of my DNA now. I continue to be attached to Purdue through all the many memories—starting with the Boilermaker train rides at the COE gatherings in the fall to being greeted as an international student and never feeling the outlier when professors worried about me adapting to the cold weather. I loved the help I got at the Purdue Writing Lab and the convenience of libraries and technology labs in every building. I loved the diversity of students, activities on campus-—all of this made me feel I was already home.
C. Matthew Fugate
PhD ’14
Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology | University of Houston-Downtown
Houston, TX

When I first started my PhD program in Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies, I could not imagine where that experience would ultimately take me on my professional journey. My time at Purdue allowed me to work with teachers and students across the country and internationally as well as grow as a scholar. These experiences helped me to establish an academic record that has continued to propel me in the field. I will forever be grateful for my time at Purdue.
Ed Wiercioch
MSEd ’00
Clinical Practice Coordinator | Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue is everything to me and part of my family. I have two degrees from Purdue, and have worked on campus for nearly twenty years. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to work in the College of Education at such a great university. I met my wife at Purdue, who has a Purdue degree, and she has also worked at Purdue for nearly twenty years. Our son will soon have a Purdue degree. I have two siblings and a brother-in-law who also have Purdue degrees. My family is Boilermaker strong!
Richard L. Andrews
PhD ’68, MS ’65
Endowed Chair and Dean of the College of Education | University of Missouri
Columbia, Mo.

I had the privilege to be a graduate assistant who worked in the Purdue Educational Research Center with outstanding researchers like Mary Endress, Terry Denny, Bill Asher, Ernie McDaniel and Bob Kane. Their mentorship prepared me for a very successful career as a full professor at three universities: the University of Washington, the University of Wyoming and the University of Missouri and Dean of the Colleges of Education at both the University of Wyoming and the University of Missouri.
William E. (Bill) Christopher
PhD ’72
Director of the Indiana Teacher’s Retirement System, Retired | Tri-County School Corporation
Wolcott, Ind.

My favorite memory during my time at Purdue was the time spent with professors working in educational administration programs, especially with Dr. Norbert Nelson, my major professor.
Barbara Exner Downing
BA ’67
Substitute Teacher | Saint Mary Catholic School
Wilmington, N.C.

(Purdue gave me) confidence! Leaving Indiana as a trailing spouse, I was and still am confident that regardless of where we land I can find or create a job if I need it.
Muhyieddeen Touq
PhD ’72
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research | Government of Jordan
Amman, Jordan

Purdue offered me important knowledge, skills and attitudes. The high scientific rigor, coupled with the serious methodological approach that characterized Purdue’s education paved my way for success—academically, personally and professionally. The warm relationship with my professors and colleagues helped shape my personality and attitude towards life. Above all, the personal relationship I had with my supervisor, the late John F. Feldhusen, left a lasting impact on my life. I never felt that I was away from home when I was at Purdue. In many ways, I am indebted to Purdue and to Dr. Feldhusen for many good things that happened in my life.
Jane Butler Kahle
PhD ’71
Condit Endowed Professor of Science Education, Retired | Miami University
Oxford, Ohio

I went through the ranks at Purdue in the ’70s and 80’s, where I learned to be confident and self-assured, although there were few female professors in science at that time. Fortunately, I was mentored by outstanding faculty—both men and women. Purdue had a world class reputation, so succeeding there led to many other opportunities, particularly in research. Thanks, PU!
Jenny Smith
MS ’18
School Counselor | Twin Lakes School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

My advice for current and future students is to make a priority out of self-care. Scheduling time to relax is crucial in enjoying every part of your educational and career journey without constant burnout. Slow down now and embrace every day of your college career because there will be a time when you look back and wish that you did. Boiler up!
Adrie Koehler
PhD ’15
Assistant Professor | Purdue University College of Education
Center Point, Ind.

My PhD program at Purdue afforded me several opportunities: to develop research skills, to grow and refine my teaching abilities, to apply what I was learning in innovative ways, and to collaborate with a diverse group of talented professors and students. These experiences were vital for my professional preparation!
Josh Brown
PhD ’08
Professor and Assistant Department Chair, Illinois State University & Instructor, NASA Endeavor STEM Teacher Certificate Project
Normal, Ill.

My advice for the future teachers at Purdue is to get to know your students. Learn about your students’ backgrounds, experiences, and interests to make the content you teach relevant to their daily lives. In my experiences as a student and teacher, the personal connection between the student and course content is essential in any classroom.
Scott Peters
PhD ’09
Principal | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

During my time at Purdue, I was involved in practical classroom experiences in local schools that gave me the opportunity to work with amazing teachers and students. This helped me form the foundation of who I am as an educator, and I was inspired to become a teacher and school leader who is able to make a difference in the lives of my students and their families. I will always be ever grateful, ever true—Boiler Up!
Lawrence G. Shoaf
MS ’72, PhD’74
Senior Vice President, Retired | Aon Corporation
Los Angeles, Calif.

Purdue provided me with solid critical thinking skills that enabled me to continue growing professionally and personally well after my formal education at Purdue came to an end.
Richard J. Noeth
PhD ’72
Career and Workforce Assessment Consultant | Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Princeton, N.J.

My Purdue education had a linear and causal relationship to my fifty-year career in educational assessment. I had chosen Purdue because of its excellent faculty in counseling and student services. Similarly, when ACT was looking for a newly-minted Ph.D. to help develop the ACT Interest Inventory, they contacted Purdue, based on the reputation of its faculty. Purdue recommended me and I started at ACT as a Research Psychologist (later became Director of Policy Research), then Senior Program Officer at the National Academy of Sciences, and Vice President of ETS.
Carol Lambdin
BA ’67
Elementary Teacher, Retired | Mad River Local Schools
Dayton, Ohio

Give your students every opportunity to “learn by doing” in a user-friendly, happy environment where all students, no matter how young, feel valued as individuals. Carefully choose and try new ideas and techniques that will enhance your teaching style by keeping in touch with the latest trends in education. Be sure your students understand why they are involved in an activity and how it will help them. Use your sense of humor and patience often, setting a positive example, while catching your students “being good” and praising their efforts.
Janet Ault
BA ’70
President, Retired | PDQ Personnel Services
Chatsworth. Calif.

Maximize all the opportunities Purdue has to offer. Be diligent with your course work but take a step beyond. Explore, join and then lead one of the many student organizations on the Purdue campus. That experience will broaden your education and expand your networking base.
Martin (Mike) Koldyke
BS ’54
Retired | Frontenac Company
Chicago, Ill.

There are so many wonderful memories of my time as a Boilermaker, but one happy memory came in my freshman year in 1950. It was the October Purdue/Notre Dame game. Notre Dame had been unbeaten for 39 straight games. It was a thriller, Purdue winning 28-14, and the next week Purdue was voted #1 in the nation. Short lived to be sure because Purdue lost the following Saturday to the University of Miami. But it was a huge thrill to beat the Irish in their beloved football shrine.
Russell Nichols
MS ’67, PhD’75
College President, Retired | Hanover College
Brownsburg, Ind.

Having received my undergraduate degree from a small, private college, I came to Purdue graduate school unsure of what to expect. My first and pleasing discovery became my lasting memory. The Purdue faculty cared for their students, challenged them with difficult academic material, and helped them to master it. They delivered academic rigor with personal attention and praise for good work. Purdue prepared me for career success and lifelong learning. Moreover, the faculty and alumni colleagues continued that personal contact and encouragement throughout my career. Being in the Purdue network has been a singular advantage in every way.
David L. Fenell
PhD ’79
Psychologist and Professor of Counselor Education | University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colo.

The Purdue College of Education and Department of Child and Family Development, with amazing, highly qualified faculty, provided a first-rate education. My preparation at Purdue qualified me as a professor of counselor education and family therapist. My education also prepared me to serve in the U.S. Army as psychologist. I retired from the army after twenty-six years as an active duty and reserve officer. I retired as a colonel with combat tours as a special operation psychologist in Afghanistan and Iraq. I was awarded two Bronze Stars and the Legion of Merit among other awards for my service.
Phil Wankat
MS ’82
Clifton L. Lovell Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, Emeritus | Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

In the mid ’70s I was a tenured associate professor of chemical engineering at Purdue and wanted to help engineering professors become more knowledgeable. I turned to the Department of Education for appropriate courses and an MS in education. When I graduated I was immediately considered an expert on education of engineers. The credential of the Purdue MEd. degree opened doors that allowed me to write articles on engineering education, write books on teaching engineering, present teaching workshops, and eventually become very well known in engineering education circles. Much of this would not have happened without the Purdue education degree.
Jennifer McCormick
BA ’93
State Superintendent for Education | State of Indiana
Indianapolis, Ind.

Purdue was instrumental in helping me achieve a goal, which is important out of the gate, but also allowed me and launched me into great successes into that giant leap to classroom experiences. I was a teacher, a principal, a local superintendent—now state superintendent—and have been honored in every role. But I believe a lot of that stems from Purdue.
Heidi Fernandez
BA ’99
Grade 5 Teacher and Grade 5 Department Head | International School of Amsterdam
Amstelveen, Netherlands

I was a student pilot and running from class to the Purdue airport to jump into a Cessna or Tomahawk. I was a Purduette and Kappa Alpha Theta and crowned Homecoming Queen my senior year that formed friendships there that I will have for life. The best memories however were the simple day to day interactions with my friends, mentors and teachers. Being originally from California, I was impressed every day with the quality of people that are raised in the Midwest and found them patient, selfless, kind, interested and aware of what "really matters."
John Campbell
PhD ’07, MS ’91, BA ’89
Vice Provost | West Virginia University
Morgantown, W.Va.

Purdue is full of amazing opportunities—take a chance and try something new. Enjoy the time in class and get to know your faculty members. The faculty are there to help and can make you aware of additional opportunities. Each of these opportunities will prepare you for a number of different paths. Go Boilers!
Nellie F. Moore
EDS ’73, MS ’70
Educator & Elected School Board Member, Retired | Gary Community School Corporation
Gary, Ind.

Purdue provided not only a quality education for me, but it also allowed me to have contact with professors who were interested in their students as individuals. I was mentored by my professors beyond graduation. They were my encouragers and guides for a number of years enhancing my career.
Asta Balkute
PhD ’11
Head of Youth Services and Affairs Division and Associate Professor of Education | Vilnius City Administration
Vilnius, Lithuania

While at Purdue I was able to build an international network of highly skilled educators, which I use even today in both professional and personal endeavors. Moreover, the knowledge and skills I acquired at Purdue helped me to excel my career in higher education field and ensure that public policy is tailored to youth’s needs. Purdue has provided me with diverse experiences that help me move the world forward. Boiler Up!
Ken Gleason
EDS ’91, BA ’70
Adjunct Professor | Valencia Community College
Orlando, Fla.

Be consistent and honest in all you do. Whether it ’s in the content of you presentation, your treatment of your students and their parents, or your interaction with your colleagues. This will give you a wonderful relationship with everyone you encounter in your career wherever it may lead you.
Kathryn Scantlebury
PhD ’90
Professor | University of Delaware
Newark, Del.

The strength of Purdue’s faculty and doctoral program provided an excellent foundation for an academic career.
Martin Fernandez
MSEd ’02
English Teacher | Lafayette Jefferson High School
Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue began my first teaching renaissance. I wanted to make sure every class I took I was able to take back (what I learned) and use in my own classroom. The reading units I created in my master’s classes were invaluable in that way. I also had a wonderful opportunity to teach one of the undergrad classes (Teaching Literature at the Secondary Level), and if it had not been for my time at Purdue, I would not have been able to do so. I loved helping future teachers to become successful in their own classes.
Karen B. Bogan Rossmann
BA ’66
Elementary Teacher, Retired
West Lafayette, Ind.

My advice to students: Don’t let anyone steal your joy! Soar like an eagle, even if you feel surrounded by turkeys. There will be good times and bad times throughout your life. It’s how you respond to those situations that will determine whether you will be happy or miserable. Be content!
Anne M. Garcia
MSEd ’15
Project Manager | Purdue University
Lafayette, Ind.

During my sophomore year, I was involved in several student groups. One time, after a meeting, we ordered a bunch of Papa John’s pizzas, which all come with a jalapeño in the box. There was a contest to see who could eat the most jalapeños in three minutes and I was chosen to represent the sophomores. After three minutes, I had eaten 11 jalapeños and was declared the winner! My face was so hot and I had to drink about five glasses of milk over the next hour to feel normal again!
Greg Hedrick
FRMR ’12, MSEd ’13
Chief Information Security Officer | Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

Never underestimate the power of learning. Take time to learn something new as new knowledge could open up other avenues in your career, expand friendships, or improve your health. However, be cautious in your learning discoveries, and make sure you gain new knowledge from reputable sources.
Abby Laufman
MS ’15
Teacher Education Recruiter | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Graduate school at Purdue was one of the best decisions I have ever made because of the people and the opportunities! I am thankful for everything I learned as these skills have helped me achieve my goal of working in higher education. Purdue prepared me for my future and I am very grateful.
Kierstin Carnahan
BA ’13
Special Events and Marketing Manager | Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site
Indianapolis, Ind.

Teachers are needed in all fields and jobs, not just in schools. A teaching degree and the skills you learn from teaching can serve you in all different ways so don’t be afraid to think outside of the classroom.
Kara Zeltwanger
BA ’13
3rd Grade Teacher | Noblesville Schools
Fishers, Ind.

Purdue helped prepare me to become a lifelong learner, always seeking to develop and grow as a teacher alongside my students. My classroom experience while at Purdue gave me opportunities to develop my own identity as an educator, striving to create a positive learning environment and opportunities for each and every one of my students.
Morgan Walker
BA ’04
Director of Academic Services | Danville Community School Corporation
Zionsville, Ind.

The Purdue Education program gave me hands-on training in real classrooms that ensured I was prepared to step into my first teaching job. As a current district administrator, I have been impressed with the teachers we have hired from Purdue. They are innovative thinkers, strong in their content knowledge, and have excitement for the teaching profession. Recently, I have had the honor of sharing my opinion about teacher preparation programs with the Dean of Education, Nancy Marchand-Martella. Purdue truly cares about working with stakeholders to maintain its world-class educational preparation program. I’m proud to be a Boiler!
Janet K. Tipton
PhD ’97, MS ’87, BA ’85
6th Grade Teacher | West Lafayette Community Schools
Sarasota, Fla.

I remember school being cancelled due to snow three Mondays in a row in 1982! I also remember pulling an R2D2 toy box containing materials for a unit on space across the campus in the snow. I definitely got some amused looks!
Jo Wagner
BA ’83
Teacher | Florida Virtual School
Fort Myers, Fla.

My favorite memory was learning with an Apple IIe computer.
Jim McDonald
PhD ’02
Professor of Science Education | Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, Mich.

Purdue helped me to get where I am through providing numerous opportunities to learn to be a science educator. Purdue was generous and the only place where I could enhance my science content knowledge by taking courses in geoscience. As a graduate teaching assistant I learned how to teach elementary science methods effectively which is what I do today. My Purdue mentor helped to be an effective researcher and writer and contributor to science education. My department also supported my attendance at relevant science education conferences.
Ali Alshammari
PhD ’18
Assistant Professor, Vice Dean of e-Learning and Distance Education | University Of Tabuk
Tabuk, Saudi Arabia

Keep in touch with your advisor to learn where to look for internships or research opportunities. Study really really hard, and don’t compare yourself with anyone in your class—you are different!
David Huckleberry
MS ’13
Coordinator of Digital Instruction, Physics and Astronomy | Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

(My favorite memory is) meeting, learning from and finally teaching with Dr. Peg Ertmer. She helped stoke a fire in me at the intersection of IT and education and showed me an exciting new path to pursue. Her high standards and especially her expertise in project-based learning are both wonderful memories and career templates for me.
Katie Belloli
BA ’12
Innovation Specialist | Westfield Intermediate School
Westfield, Ind.

Purdue helped me to think creatively and transform the resources available into awesome learning experiences for kids. Being a Boilermaker has helped me to pursue my passions and continue to learn. As a proud alumni, I am confident that I would not have been able to take the giant leaps as a teacher without my Purdue education.
Seth Molnar
BA ’01
Director of Alternative Education and Special Projects | Penn Harris Madison School Corporation
Mishawaka, Ind.

To the students who are pursuing a career in education, keep a laser focus on why you entered the profession to begin with. The demands of teaching are ever increasing, but education is in desperate need of talented young teachers to inspire our future generations. By keeping focused on the mission of helping young people succeed at their greatest potential, you will create fulfillment in the work that you do.
Amanda Whitlock
BA ’92 and current PhD Cohort
Superintendent of Schools | Clinton Prairie
Frankfort, Ind.

The specialized training in reading instruction helped propel my career and allowed me to specialize throughout my early career.
Danielle Ferreira
BA ’16, MSEd ’18
5th Grade Educator | School City of East Chicago
East Chicago, Ind.

Never stop believing in yourself. College, and teaching, are both very challenging and you are going to come across times where you doubt yourself and your academic choices. Try as hard as you can to push those thoughts out of your mind and remind yourself why you decided to choose education as a career path. Once you graduate from college, you’ll have a classroom of little faces who look forward to seeing you everyday, who will instantly love you, and who you will care for like no other students before.
Kyle Holderfield
BA ’16
United States History and Geography Teacher | Tippecanoe School Corporation, Harrison High School
Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue helped me prepare for the future. The curriculum that was taught to me while I was at Purdue was second to none.
Lisa (Tylicki) Hanson
BA ’97
Elementary Teacher | Scott County Board of Education
Georgetown, Ky.

The best advice that I can give to current and future students is to get involved. It is so easy to just be a "number" in such a large university. When you get involved with student government, sports, or any other activity, then you start feeling like you are in a smaller college. Plus, the people that you meet will likely become the people that you are lifelong friends with later.
Leah Wasburn-Moses
MSEd ’99, BA ’97
Professor | Miami University of Ohio
Oxford, Ohio

Purdue allowed me to pursue two degrees simultaneously, in Education and in Liberal Arts. Combining these two areas allowed me to think differently about education. I developed a nationally recognized partnership between a school and university that provides practical placements for future teachers and raises achievement of youth at risk.
Phil Downs
PhD ’12
Public School Superintendent | MSD Southwest Allen
Fort Wayne, Ind.

My advice: You will be surprised how much you can use what you learn in your stats class. Read lots. Stay in contact with your cohort/classmates. Pappy’s is never a bad option.
Nicholas Peppler
BA ’09
Teacher | Whitley County Consolidated Schools
Fort Wayne, Ind.

My advice for current and future students is to enjoy every minute while at Purdue. You will have wonderful opportunities after graduation with that Purdue degree. I will always be a proud Boilermaker. Boiler Up!
Abby Fitzgerald
BA ’11
Teacher | West Lafayette Community Schools
West Lafayette, Ind.

My advice for future and current teachers is to try new things and don’t be afraid to ask your mentor and teachers questions! We’re here to help you grow! Having multiple Purdue Block students, I have loved to watch the excitement when the new teachers are learning from the kids!
Ted Leuenberger
MS ’77
Science Teacher, Retired | Benton Central Jr/Sr High School
Monticello, Ind.

My education at Purdue provided the basis for a rewarding career in education. Throughout my career as a teacher, I participated in many programs at Purdue that improved my effectiveness in the classroom. Even after retirement I continued working with Purdue developing educational materials for the Indiana Climate Office and 4-H programs.
Gilman W. Whiting
PhD ’04
Professor | Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tenn.

My advice to current and future students is to develop and maintain a scholarly identity. Frederick Douglass, once said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” Know that the time, effort, and struggle that go into your education at Purdue can give you the foundation—or the next step—you need to be successful in any life you choose.
Jason Ware
PhD ’15, MSEd ’11
Clinical Assistant Professor | Purdue University Honors College and College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Be intentional about your time at Purdue. Build solid relationships with people, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff. Find ways to enhance your holistic well-being. Embed yourself in varied experiences that will help you grow personally and professionally. Do more than is expected of you.
Nielsen Pereira
PhD ’11
Assistant Professor of Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

One of my favorite memories is working in the Gifted Education Resource Institute (GERI) summer camps. Even though summers were very busy, I enjoyed the interactions with camp counselors, teachers, campers and their parents. I served as coordinator and assistant coordinator, teacher, and also did (and continue to do) research on the programs. The GERI program is one of the hidden gems on Purdue’s campus and they were a crucial part of my Purdue experience during my doctoral program.
Sandra Shoemaker
MS ’82
School Counselor, Retired
West Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue invested in my journey to become a school counselor; that investment from excellent professors allowed me to do many small things to make many big differences in the lives of others. My role as school counselor allowed me to support students, families, faculties, communities, and mentor others wanting to be in the same profession. The greatest joy in my 34 year journey has been helping students and young adults to find motivation, find a voice for their beliefs, and help find their meaning that will define their journey to a very satisfying future.
Marsha D. Link
MS ’72
Management Consultant | Link Consulting
Newport Beach, Calif.

I am reminded of an amazing professor, Richard Nelson, who both mentored and taught me. Through his relationships with the local school district, he provided me the opportunity to have an internship where I could put theoretical ideas to practice. I still admire him and consider him a great friend to this day.
Eileen Steele
BA ’70
Educator, Independent Consultant, Executive Director | New Community School, Lafayette School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

Never let the phrase, “just a teacher” slip from your lips, or define you. Successful teaching is one of the most complex and courageous tasks anyone can embark on and the least understood. Hold fast to what you have learned and live by the knowledge that if you are a teacher, you have the skills to outperform any business leader.
Michelle L. Graham
BA ’94
Social Science Teacher and Department Chair | Lincoln-Way Community High School District #210
New Lenox, Ill.

got my first teaching job in the district where I currently work because of my involvement in numerous activities while at Purdue. My decision to pledge and join Kappa Alpha Theta introduced me to Purdue’s Old Masters, where I later became a chair. This led to my involvement as an officer in both Kappa Delta Pi and Omicron Delta Kappa. Purdue, and the College of Education, gave me the experiences that helped me stand out in the interview process and gave me the skills to succeed as a leader in the classroom and among my peers. I will forever, "Hail, Purdue!"
Josh Roadruck
MSEd ’12
Academic Advisor | Purdue University College of Education
Lafayette, Ind.

I was very fortunate to be a part of a great English education group who genuinely liked to spend time together—inside and outside of the classroom. We talked about class projects, our fears of student teaching, etc. While we all went our separate ways, I remember them fondly.
Dorothy A. Reed
MS ’81
Assistant Dean for Engagement | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities that the university has to offer, such as the world class faculty, staff and students. Attend the cultural events and the invited speakers. Get to know your classmates and learn their stories and last but not least, enjoy the journey. You will be prepared to face the future well equipped.
Scott Bess
BA ’83
Head of School | Purdue Polytechnic High School
Indianapolis, Ind.

I would advise current students to always question why we do things the way we do them in education. Looking at all students and their outcomes will usually lead to figuring out how to create solutions that allow for all students to be successful. Oftentimes those solutions require stepping outside of the norm, so being unafraid to try things is an essential skill.
Kristen Seward
PhD ’17, MS ’93
Clinical Assistant Professor in Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies and Associate Director of the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Having earned three Purdue degrees, I can honestly say that Purdue University has helped me develop and practice my talent for and love of teaching and learning throughout my career in education. How fortunate I was to have a top-tier research institution like Purdue so close to where I grew up! Now, I am proud to pay it forward and work among those who inspire the next generation of teachers.
Christy Diehl
BA ’07, MSEd’17
Media Specialist and Instructional Coach | Lafayette School Corporation
Romney, Ind.

My advice to current or future students is threefold: Do what you love and not what you might be good at. A career and a sense of belonging is better than a tedious job you do not enjoy. Work hard but also make time for yourself. Finally, never stop learning. A degree is not terminal; allow yourself to continue to better yourself, endlessly.
Harlan R. Day
PhD ’84
Director of the Indiana Council for Economic Education | Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.

I owe Purdue much for helping in my career. Purdue excelled in economic education and reached out to me with curriculum, classroom support, and the opportunity to pursue a degree in my unique field of economic education. For over 30 years, Purdue gave me the opportunity to work with superb classroom teachers and community leaders throughout Indiana. It is a great institution.
Melody A. Carducci
BA ’93
Online Program Specialist | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

Learning never ends. Always continue to add to your knowledge, it keeps you fresh.
Constance A. Harris
PhD ’12
Director of Online Learning | University of Baltimore
Baltimore, Md.

My doctoral program was Learning Design & Technology (LDT) in the College of Education. It is a rigorous program with outstanding faculty. My favorite memory is having the opportunity to conduct research and have papers published with faculty and fellow students in my program. I learned so much and thank everyone for kindnesses shown and encouragement given during my journey.
Amanda Guieb
BA ’09
Teacher | Perry Township School District
Indianapolis, Ind.

A favorite memory I have at Purdue is working with the Society of Women Engineers to organize the Girl Scout Day on campus. I was able to combine my love for STEM and passion for working with kids at an internationally recognized university.
Martha Nyikos
PhD ’87
Associate Professor of World Languages & ESL Teacher Education | Indiana University Bloomington
Bloomington, Ind.

Thanks to the wonderfully flexible, interdisciplinary Foreign Language Education doctoral program, I was able to explore widely, taking linguistics, psychology, statistics and reading education courses. This eclectic mix coupled with open-minded professors all converged to help me run the largest, and oft-cited study of strategies students use to learn various foreign languages at Purdue. My Purdue doctoral studies laid the foundation for my convictions regarding the critical need for heritage language maintenance and the language learning strategies that give students autonomy and lead to productive speaking of a new language.
Carolyn Walker Hitchens
PhD ’94
Associate Professor | Ball State University
Muncie, Ind.

Without my experiences at Purdue, I wouldn’t be where I am now. I learned so much from my professors and fellow students while earning my PhD. I had opportunities to participate in teaching and research, present at national conferences, and even publish. I was also lucky enough to be in the inaugural class for Alpha Upsilon Alpha, the International Literacy Association honorary at Purdue. Boiler up!
James D. Lehman
PhD ’79
Professor | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

I’m a three-time Boilermaker! After studying biology for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Purdue, I pursued a PhD in science education. During my doctoral studies, one of my committee members, the late great Alfred DeVito, recommended that I take a computing course. That course, taught by Franz Frederick, opened up a whole new world for me and started me down my career path in the field that we now call learning design and technology.
Melissa M. Colonis
BA ’89, PhD ’11
Mathematics Teacher | Jefferson High School
Lafayette, Ind.

My undergraduate time at Purdue positively influenced my teaching career. For example, Purdue problem solving courses helped me develop my own conceptual understanding of mathematics. As a result, I teach my students to be computationally fluent and also understand the relationship between mathematical concepts. I believe this will develop critical thinking and reasoning skills which leads to both career and college readiness.
Lauren A. Ahlersmeyer
BA ’97
General Education Kindergarten Teacher | Tippecanoe School Corporation
Lafayette, Ind.

College is such an important time to grow your courage and resilience, but only if you pursue the many opportunities set before you. Be brave enough to take a chance or a risk, then be present in the outcome. If the results are not what you anticipated, grow from that experience and be mindful of the journey.
Dr. Timothy F. Hyland
PhD ’76
Retired | Monroe County Schools Corporation
Bloomington, Ind.

Work daily in your classrooms or educational positions to be an advocate for public education. Public education is a central component of the intellectual infrastructure of America. Always be an outspoken advocate for our public schools.
Lisa Lambert Snodgrass
PhD ’17, MSEd ’00
Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

William Gibson wrote, “time moves in one direction, memory in another.” As a triple alumna, it is challenging to select one favorite memory. Rather, as time has passed, I have thousands of memories, each complementing and building one to another. If I have to choose just one, it has to be the chiming of the Bell Tower calling all Boilers to Hail Purdue! Still today with each chime, I am filled with Purdue pride and renewed dedication that because of those thousands of memories, I will be ever grateful and ever true!
Patricia (Kitchel) O’Brien
BA ’81
Middle Level International Baccalaureate, Integrated Arts and Gifted and Talented Teacher | Central Middle International School
Kokomo, Ind.

The education I received from Purdue set me on the path to career success. The diversity of the faculty and student body served as an introduction to my career as an international educator. I am proud to be a Purdue alumni. Go Boilers!
Sheila J. Klinker
MS ’70, BS ’61
State Representative
Lafayette, Ind.

My favorite memory from Purdue is singing for Dr. Albert Stewart for the Purduettes. The Purduette Trio gave me the self-confidence to speak to all different types of people in various circumstances. I would advise students to get involved in an activity they enjoy.
Ayesha Sadaf
PhD ’13
Assistant Professor, Learning, Design and Technology | University of North Carolina Charlotte
Charlotte, N.C.

My professors in the LDT program were instrumental in providing a strong foundation in my career. Their guidance and support strengthened my resolve to be the best educator and researcher possible. Our collaborations on research grants, conference presentations, and writing publications helped me become the scholar I am today. They always treated me as a colleague, more than a student, which gave me the confidence I needed to succeed in my current role as a tenure track assistant professor. They are my role models and I aspire to be the kind of mentors, educators, and researchers they were.
Stephen I. Smith
MSEd ’16
Secondary Education Coordinator | Purdue University College of Education
West Lafayette, Ind.

I have so many awesome memories, but teaching EDCI 205: Exploring Teaching as a Career was a favorite highlight for me. I especially loved putting together a guest panel of educators for my students. In the five semesters I taught the course as a graduate student, I put together a panel of multiple guest educators for my students. My panelists included past student teachers of mine, administrators, elementary teachers, and secondary teachers from a variety of subjects. We covered a range of topics in education, and the students always commented on how memorable and impactful the guest panel was.
Marshall D. Klassen
PhD ’15
Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities | Kanazawa Seiryo University
Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan

My wonderful advisers and mentors and teachers were amazing and continue to support me in my academic career. I feel very fortunate to be able to do what I love, and am thankful everyday for that opportunity to make the world a slightly better place, I hope!
Alynn Gentry Eggert
MSEd ’89
Teacher licensed in Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, and Project Lead the Way Engineering Pathway | South Central Jr./Sr. High School
Union Mills, Ind.

Try new things and challenge yourself because you never know where it will take you and your students! The success or failure from trying new things helps you and your students build skills, relationships, problem solving, critical thinking plus the added bonus of no amount of education is ever lost time!
Tiffany Karalis Noel
PhD ’18
Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Doctoral Studies | University at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY

Purdue provided me with every opportunity to develop as a teacher, researcher, and scholarly leader in the academic community. From the ongoing mentorship I received from supervisors to the unwavering support of fellow colleagues, especially during difficult times, I will always remember my graduate years fondly. I am tremendously grateful for the major role that Purdue played in my personal and professional advancement, as well as the attainment of my dream faculty position.
Matt Ridenour
BA ’06
Principal at Burnett Creek Elementary | Tippecanoe School Corporation
West Lafayette, Ind.

Purdue helped me get to where I am today due to the high-quality education I received. I learned a tremendous amount about myself while at Purdue and what it takes to be a disciplined student. I credit Purdue with cultivating the grit I needed to be successful.
Taylor Norman
PhD ’15, MSEd ’12
Assistant Professor of English Language Arts Education | Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, Ga.

If it were not for Purdue’s College of Education, I would not be where I am today. Many of the COE faculty members inspired me to become a English language arts (ELA) teacher educator—most especially my major professor, Janet Alsup. She has been my mentor and advocate since I was an undergraduate at Purdue. After a successful experience in the high school ELA classroom, she continued to support me as I embarked on my journey to become a faculty member myself, which happens to be where I am today. I joined Georgia Southern University’s COE faculty last fall, and could not be more fulfilled.
Alsu M. Gilmetdinova
PhD ’15
Director of German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies and Associate Professor of Foreign languages | Kazan National Research Technical University
Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia

Purdue gave me access to top-notch research through faculty members who trained and mentored me to become a successful scholar and educator. By the time of graduation I had published journal articles, presented at numerous international conferences, gave talks on my teaching and research topics. My special thanks go to my advisers Dr.Janet Alsup and Dr.Luciana de Oliveira, and my favorite faculty members Dr.Wayne Wright, Dr.Morita-Mullaney and Dr.Tony Silva.