High Ability Licensure


Amplify the effectiveness of your teaching

The High Ability License is a credential that provides educators who are certified to teach in Indiana with the professional preparation to support and serve high ability students in K through grade 12. With the online High Ability License addition program from Purdue University, you can stretch and improve your higher ability students’ talents. It is a fast-paced way for you to broaden your professional skillset and gives you confidence to meet your students’ needs and to maximize your students’ potential.

This program is approved by the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) as a license addition program for those who already hold an existing Indiana license. The high ability license may be added to an existing Indiana professional educator’s instructional license.

For educators outside of Indiana, the non-licensure Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies Graduate Certificate Program provides professional preparation to support and serve gifted, creative, and talented children and youth.

Purdue quality. Flexible schedule.

Online students enjoy the same rigorous academic programs as on-campus students, but with a much more flexible class schedule. Assignments, discussions, and other coursework are posted each week in the virtual classroom.

The online High Ability License addition program consists of four 3 – credit hour courses.  This program can be completed in just two semesters.  Courses are eight weeks long and 100% online.   Educators must also successfully pass the Indiana Assessment for High Ability (testing fee applies) in order to be eligible for this license addition.

Additional Pathways

Purdue University believes in stackable credentials.  The High Ability Licensure addition program provides a pathway to the MS in Curriculum and Instruction with a Concentration in Gifted Education.  If admitted to both the High Ability licensure program and the MS in Curriculum and Instruction, 12 credit hours from the licensure program may be able to be used toward your 30-credit hour master’s plan of study. If you are interested in applying for an additional graduate program, please reach out to the Office of Graduate Studies at edgrad@purdue.edu for assistance with both applications.  

Also, students who complete the high ability licensure addition program are eligible to submit an application for the Graduate Certificate in Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies.



For more information, view the:

Request Information – High Ability

This program leads to an addition to an existing Indiana Instructional license. Applicants must possess a valid Indiana Instructional license for program admission. Non-Indiana applicants are not guaranteed licensure in Indiana or any other state. Contact the College of Education Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (OTEL) at licensure@purdue.edu before continuing with program application if you have questions about licensure.

Please visit the Graduate Licensure Program page for information about license eligibility requirements.

Career Outlook

High ability educators frequently work with other classroom teachers to develop assignments for advanced students in regular classrooms. High ability teachers must strive to create a learning environment that is academically challenging for advanced students while remaining appropriate to students’ behavioral development. Because of the special needs of their students, gifted and talented teachers may meet more frequently with parents and administrative teams to measure student progress and achievement as part of each student’s individual talent development plan.

Job Titles

  • Gifted Education Specialist
  • High Ability Educators
  • Gifted Teacher
  • Master Teacher
  • Talented and Gifted (TAG) Teacher
  • Gifted Resource Specialist
  • Children Talent Developer
  • Gifted Educator
  • Talented and Gifted Educator


Course Content Information:
gifteded@purdue.edu or by phone at 765-494-7241.
Career accounts:
ITaP (765) 494-4000