Teacher Education Program (TEP) Checklist
German – Education Track (5-12)

Admission to TEP: Direct
Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) is directly granted upon a student’s acceptance and enrollment at Purdue University, West Lafayette.
German – Education Track Program Requirements and Milestones are determined by students catalog admission year and major. Please reference the 2024-2025 German – Education Track Program Directory, the 2024-2025 Teacher Education Program Requirements and Milestones, and the Brightspace course Teacher Education Program Guidelines, Requirements, & Resources for more information.
Any course substitutions must fulfill associated key assessments, degree requirements, and licensure requirements. Prior approval by the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure is required.
Milestone A: Restricted Methods2 Qualified
Semester 3
- 2.50/4.00 Overall GPA (at time of Milestone A review).
- Professional Education (including Professional Education electives) and Learner Specialty Pathway course grades “C” or higher, no “I” (Incomplete), no “Pass/Fail”
- Fulfill degree requirements as projected (Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.67/4.00 in the courses used in the major – see additional requirements in the Purdue University Catalog)
- Be in Good Standing³ with the University (at time of Milestone A review).
- Successful progression in Foundation Courses¹ and associated Foundation Portfolio Common Assessments.
- Successfully complete three (3) Ti-BOT badges (at the time of Milestone A review).
- No unresolved Professional Dispositions (D2) issues/concerns.
- Adhere to the Criminal Background Check Policy.
- Attend the mandatory TEP Orientation hosted by the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure (OTEL).
- Submit the Teacher Education Program Agreement (TEPA).
- Identify via the Teacher Education Program Agreement (TEPA) one of four chosen Learner Specialty Pathways; completion of one Learner Specialty Pathway course is required
Milestone B: Student Teaching Placement
Semester 5
- 2.50/4.00 Overall GPA (at time of Milestone B review).
- Professional Education (including Professional Education electives) and Learner Specialty Pathway course grades “C” or higher, no “I” (Incomplete), no “Pass/Fail”
- Fulfill degree requirements as projected (Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.67/4.00 in the courses used in the major – see additional requirements in the Purdue University Catalog)
- Be in Good Standing³ with the University (at time of Milestone B review).
- Successful progression in Foundation Courses¹ and associated Foundation Portfolio Common Assessments.
- Successfully complete five (5) total Ti-BOT badges (at the time of Milestone B review).
- No unresolved Professional Dispositions (D2) issues/concerns.
- Attend the mandatory Student Teaching Clinical Acceptance Process (CAP) Workshop provided by the Office of Clinical Practice (OCP) AND submit your CAP Application as directed by OCP.
- Expanded Student Teaching practicums and full-time Student Teaching occur over two consecutive semesters.
- Verify from the CAP Application projected Student Teaching semester/year.
Milestone C: Student Teaching Authorization
Semester 7
- 2.50/4.00 Overall GPA (at time of Milestone C review).
- Professional Education (including Professional Education electives) and Learner Specialty Pathway course grades “C” or higher, no “I” (Incomplete), no “Pass/Fail”
- Fulfill degree requirements as projected (Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.67/4.00 in the courses used in the major – see additional requirements in the Purdue University Catalog)
- Be in Good Standing³ with the University (at time of Milestone C review).
- Successful completion and target met on Foundations Portfolio Common Assessments (submission and target met on Common Lesson Plan in Semester 7).
- Successfully complete ten (10) total **Ti-BOT badges (at the time of Milestone C review).
- Successfully complete all Professional Education (including all Foundations¹ and Restricted Methods2), Learner Specialty Pathway, and degree courses prior to Student Teaching (Semester Eight).
- Attempt all required content test(s) before the Student Teaching semester; Test Requirements (ets.org)
- Score Receipt Deadlines:
- December 1 for Spring Student Teaching
- July 1 for Fall Student Teaching
- (5183) German: World Language
- Code Purdue University (1631) as both the attending institution AND as a score recipient for ALL exam attempts. If completing a Learner Specialty Pathway that leads to licensure (High Ability or English Language Learners), the associated content exam must be attempted prior to the Student Teaching Semester (8).
- Score Receipt Deadlines:
- No unresolved Professional Dispositions (D2) issues/concerns.
- Adhere to the Criminal Background Check Policy.
Milestone D: TEP Completion
Semester 8
- Milestones A-C met.
- 2.50/4.00 Overall GPA (at time of Milestone D review).
- Professional Education (including Professional Education electives) and Learner Specialty Pathway course grades “C” or higher, no “I” (Incomplete), no “Pass/Fail”
- Verify degree is conferred on Transcript/Academic Record.
- Be in Good Standing³ with the University (at time of Milestone D review).
- No unresolved Professional Dispositions (D2) issues/concerns.
- Successful completion and target met on all Common Assessments2 (submission and target met on CPAST and edTPA in Semester 8).
Milestone E: Licensure Eligible
Successful completion of the Purdue University German- Education Track Program, German- Education Track, BA, and the State of Indiana licensure requirements results in an Indiana REPA 3 Initial Instructional License in German (5-12) and *Blended and Online Teaching (5-12).
- Milestones A-D met.
- Resolve any holds on academic records (if applicable).
- Successfully complete the required pedagogy test
- (5624) Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 7-12 (for 5-12 license)
- Code Purdue University, West Lafayette (1631) as both the attending institution AND as a score recipient for ALL exam attempts.
- Successfully complete all required content test(s)
- Code Purdue University, West Lafayette (1631) as both the attending institution AND as a score recipient for ALL exam attempts.
Milestone F: Licensure Action(s)
- Milestones A-E met.
- Complete and upload your Indiana License Application CPR/Heimlich Maneuver/AED certification or card (must include a hands-on, face-to-face skills demonstration).
- Complete and upload with your Indiana License Application documentation of Suicide Prevention certification (training must be at least one hour).
- Submit Indiana License Application online via Licensing Verification and Information System (LVIS) at https://license.doe.in.gov/.
- Allow one to three weeks (given all licensure criteria are met) for Purdue University to certify and the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) to grant the Indiana License.
- After receipt of an Indiana License, apply for out-of-state licensure (if desired).
¹Foundation Courses linked with the Foundations Portfolio Common Assessments include EDCI 20002, EDCI 28500, EDCI 35000, EDPS 20001, EDPS 23500, EDPS 24800, EDPS 32700, EDPS 36201, EDPS 43010, and EDST 20010.
²Restricted Methods for German- Education Track include: EDCI 42700 and LC 47500. Students must successfully progress through Milestone A to enroll in any Professional Education Restricted Methods course.
³For purposes of reports and communications to other institutions or agencies, and in the absence of any further qualifications of the term, a student shall be considered in Good Standing unless the student has been dismissed, suspended, or dropped from the University and not readmitted. A student is considered in Good Academic Standing if both a student’s semester and cumulative GPA are above a 2.00/4.00, (2024-2025 Purdue University Catalog).
⁴Common Assessments include Foundations Portfolio, Field Experience Dispositions, CPAST, edTPA, Common Lesson Plan, and Licensure.
*The Blended and Online Teaching (5-12) License is required for students on catalog admission year Fall 2024-Spring 2025. The Blended and Online Teaching (Ti-BOT) License requirements are embedded into coursework for all Teacher Education Undergraduate majors.
After Program Completion
Office of Teacher Education and Licensure
- Serve as your liaison with the IDOE
- Maintains licensure portfolio for life