Oral Language | Reading | Writing

Meet Roberto

Roberto portrait

Roberto is 11 years old, and is in the 6th grade at an intermediate school in a medium sized Midwest town.  Roberto moved to the Midwest from North Carolina.  He loved being in North Carolina more because he had cousins that owned a swimming pool and a trampoline.  

His family traditions are going to Golden Corral and staying up late on his mother’s birthday.  On the weekends, he enjoys spending quality time with his family by having family bowling and arcade nights.  His family consists of his father, mother, and his younger brother.  He finds that his little brother annoys him a lot, but he knows it is out of love.

In his spare time, Roberto enjoys playing with his brother on his iPad, playing Geometry Dash, and playing soccer.  He is a huge fan of basketball and soccer.  He currently plays goalkeeper on his soccer team.  His strategy is to make his opponents nervous and then he blocks the soccer ball from entering into the goal. 

Roberto knows English and Spanish, but he finds it easier to read in Spanish.  He feels teachers should provide more opportunities for ELL students to learn English.

Roberto receives daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program taught by a certified ESL teacher. He receives his instruction in a small group with 6 students at the intermediate to advanced levels of English proficiency. His official English proficiency level is 4.8 (WIDA).

Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.

Oral Language Sample 1: Interview

Oral Language Sample 2: Oral Presentation

Reading Samples

Directions: Download and print the Running Record Forms below. Complete the form as you view the videos of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A’s. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Forms below.

Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. When did the Puritans settle in New England?
[Correct Answer: 1628.]

Roberto: “1628.”

2. What were the people called that settled in New England?
[Correct Answer: The Puritans.]

Roberto: “The Puritans.”

3. Why did the Puritans move to New England?
[Correct Answer: They wanted to follow their own religious practices.]

Roberto: “To be free and follow their religion.”

4. What was not allowed in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
[Correct Answer: Dissent, or disagreements, were not allowed.]

Roberto: “Dissents and disagreements.”

5. What does that mean?
[Correct Answer: It means they cannot disagree.]

Roberto: “It means that they can’t argue or disagree.”

Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. What year did the settlers arrive in New England?
[Correct Answer: 1628]

Roberto: “1628.”

3. What was the name of the group of settlers that came to New England?
[Correct Answer: The Puritans.]

Roberto: “The Salem.”

2. What were some of the things the settlers wanted to do?
[Correct Answer: They wanted to practice their religious beliefs and to start farms and businesses.]

Roberto: “Change the church. Um…make it pure. They wanted to start a new colony in New England.”

4. What does it mean for the settlers to break away?
[Correct Answer: It means to separate.]

Roberto: “For a settler to go somewhere else.”


Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below. 

Sample 1: “Recycling”

Cartoon recycling bin
Roberto Writing Sample #1
Writing Evaluation Google Form
(opens in new tab)

Sample 2:   “Choosing”

Stick figure with question mark
Roberto Writing Sample #2
Writing Evaluation Google Form
(opens in new tab)