Oral Language | Reading | Writing
Meet Rose

Rose is 10 years old, and is in the 5th grade at an intermediate school in a medium sized Midwest town. Although she was born in San Antonio, Texas, she moved to the Midwest when she was 5 years old. As a middle child, Rose has two brothers and two sisters.
Her mother worked diligently to teach Rose how to speak and write in English, which was really helpful since Rose’s father only spoke Spanish. Since she was raised in a bilingual home, she thoroughly enjoys reading both her English and Spanish books in her personal library. Some ways that she continues to learn English is by teaching her younger siblings and utilizing a Spanish dictionary.
Since Rose has attended multiple schools, she appreciates that her current school values respect. At her former school, Rose mentioned that teachers yelled at students or sent students to the office whenever they misbehaved. At her current school, her teachers provide opportunities for students to think about their actions. Rose enjoys receiving awards for her excellent behavior through an award system that her school has implemented.
The school has a one-to-one technology program and provides each student with an iPad for use at school and at home. None of her regular classroom teachers have received specific training on how to work with ELLs.
Rose receives daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program taught by a certified ESL teacher. She receives her instruction in a small group with 6 students at the intermediate to advanced levels of English proficiency. Her official English proficiency level is 3.9 (WIDA). She believes that teachers could assist students more by providing tutoring and allowing students to practice the taught strategies.
Oral Language Samples
Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.
Oral Language Sample 1: Interview
Oral Language Sample 2: Oral Presentation
Reading Samples
Directions: Download and print the Running Record Forms below. Complete the form as you view the videos of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A’s. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Forms below.
Reading Sample 1: Life in the Colonies
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Why did the Puritans want to start a new colony in New England?
[Correct Answer: They wanted to be free to follow their religion.]
Rose: “They didn’t agree with the religious beliefs before, so they wanted everyone to agree.”
2. What was not allowed in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
[Correct Answer: They did not allow dissent, or disagreement.]
Rose: “No dissent or disagreements.”
3. Do you think it’s important for people to not have disagreements?
[Correct Answer: Dissent means disagreement. Student’s response varies.]
Rose: “No because…like…I think you should have more agreements than disagreements because if you have more disagreements it’s going to get like more and more longer.”
4. Roger Williams disagreed, so where did he take his family?
[Correct Answer: Rhode Island.]
Rose: “To Rhode Island.”
5. What was different about Rhode Island?
[Correct Answer: People could follow any religion.]
Rose: “People could follow any religion.”
6. Would you rather live in New England or Rhode Island? Why?
[Correct Answer: Student’s response varies.]
Rose: “New England because it would be better because people couldn’t disagree.”
Reading Text 2: Settling New England
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Where did the second group of Puritans settle in 1630?
[Correct Answer: Massachusetts Bay Colony.]
Rose: “They went to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.”
2. Who was the leader of the settlers?
[Correct Answer: John Winthrop.]
Rose: “John Winthrop.”
3. What did John Winthrop want the settlement to represent?
[Correct Answer: He wanted it to be an example of Christian living.]
Rose: “It would be an example of Christian living. He said, “The eyes of all people are upon us.”
4. What does John Winthrop mean when he says they should be an example of Christian living?
[Correct Answer: They should model or represent the life of a Christian.]
Rose: “They should be a good example to the Indians.”
Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below.
Writing Sample 1: “A Famous Person”

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Writing Sample 2: “Exercise”

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