
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, and Current Educators

Certain ETS Praxis content exams are being updated and replaced on September 1, 2023. Content exams denoted with an asterisk on the testing documents are being replaced and will be unavailable on September 1, 2023. The highlighted content exams will be available and valid for Indiana licensure beginning September 1, 2023. Content exams being replaced that were successfully completed prior to September 1, 2023, remain valid for Indiana licensure after this date.


Required Licensure and Licensure Addition Tests:

Licensure Test Preparation:

ETS Praxis Testing Resources

Testing Locations:

Purdue University Testing Center (Choosing a testing location)

Indiana Test Administration Dates:

Indiana Test Administration Dates 2024-2025

Additional Resources:

Additional testing resources available on Brightspace on the Teacher Education Program Guidelines, Requirements, & Resources page.

***Pearson exams unavailable after September 1, 2021

Have Questions?

General licensure inquiries and questions can be sent to licensure@purdue.edu.