Inclusion: Dual Licensure in Special Education (Mild and Intense Intervention) and Elementary Education

The dual licensure program unifies Elementary Education and Special Education (Mild Intervention) teacher preparation to prepare future teachers to meet the unique needs of elementary students with and without disabilities. The program focuses on the knowledge, disposition, and skills necessary to effectively serve students with various educational needs in elementary education, kindergarten through 6th grade, and special education prekindergarten through 12th grade. This undergraduate program underscores critical thinking and data-driven decision making. The program is grounded in evidence-based practices that emphasizes (a) deep knowledge in all content areas (b) fostering the application of content knowledge to the classroom, (c) differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students, and (d) understanding the contextual aspects of teaching (e.g., the organizational and policy context).


About the Program

The Dual Licensure in Special Education (Mild Intervention) and Elementary Education program links courses with field experiences in partner school settings. Students are given opportunities to practice specialized skills to meet the individual needs of elementary students with and without disabilities in the classroom; develop Individualized Education Programs (IEPs); engage in data-driven decision making; and develop instructional, material, and environmental modifications to support access to general education curricula. The program leverages and extends competencies of elementary teachers to build effective instruction and support for all learners.

A Dual Licensure major graduate is qualified to teach children in general education grades kindergarten through 6 (K-6) as well as special education grades prekindergarten through 12 (P-12) for students with mild support needs. Graduates are prepared to support leaners across a continuum of placements and to collaborate with a variety of professionals to meet the needs of students. The Dual Plan of Study outlines the required courses to complete the degree for licensure.

For more information about the degree program, visit the COE Office of Advising and Recruiting. For teacher licensure information, visit the Office of Teacher Education and Licensure.

Plan of Study

To view a detailed Plan of Study for the BA in Special Education/Elementary Education Dual Licensure degree, please visit the Purdue University Course Catalog.

Transfer Information

Purdue admits to individual majors. Transfer students must meet Purdue’s overall transfer criteria, as well as any major-specific requirements. Before you apply, check the closed programs page to confirm this major is open to transfer students. If it is, refer to the information below for major-specific transfer criteria.

Minimum GPA: 2.5


College of Education
(765) 494-2345