Current Grants
Current Grants in the College of Education
Our College of Education faculty, professional staff, and graduate students have been awarded millions of dollars in funding to support their research, engagement and other academic projects. Funding comes from the federal government, state governments, private foundations, professional organizations, and internal college and university programs.
The following are current active grants with College of Education faculty, professional staff, and graduate students as Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PI). Amounts shown are the total funds awarded for the grant, and do not specify the portion awarded directly to the college and the portion awarded to collaborators outside of the College of Education or outside of Purdue University.
Current Grants Beginning in 2024
Ford Foundation Fellowship
- $27,000
- Ford Foundation
- PI: Eric Deemer
- 9/1/2024-5/31/2025
Youth Learning Science and Engineering while Developing Community-based Agency through Resourceful Engagement in STEM
- $2,998,817
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Ala Samarapungavan and William Oakes
- In Collaboration with Morgan State University
- 9/2024-8/2028
Integrating Quantum Concepts and Technologies into Middle School Science Lessons
- $299,934
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Mushin Menekse, Co-PI: Erica Carlson
- 8/2024-7/2026
Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship (BFTF)
- $750,000
- U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
- PI: Anatoli Rapoport
- 9/2024-12/2027
Collaborative Research: ExLENT Pivots: Upskilling Automotive Workers for Future
- $1,000,000
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Sogand Mohammadhasanzadeh; Co-PI: Jennifer Richardson
- In collaboration with U. Alabama Tuscaloosa and CO School of Mines
- 7/2024-6/2027
Enabling Next-Generation HyFlex Field Laboratories through an Innovative Leaner-In-The-Loop Multi-Robot System
- $900,000
- PI: Jin Wei-Kocsis; Co-PIs: Paul Asunda, Jiansong Zhang, Byung-Cheol Min, and Dongming Gan
- 9/2024-8/2027
Purdue University – GEAR UP State Grant – Indiana
- $34,965,000
- Department of Education
- PI: Virginia Bolshakova
- Faculty Advisory Council: Terron Phillips, Ofelia Schepers, and LaMonica Williams
- 9/2024-8/2031
Integrating Character Development in Engineering and Computing
- $988,802
- Wake Forest University / Lilly Endowment
- PI: Marisa Exter; Co-PI: Iryna Ashby
- In collaboration with Tuskegee University, Franciscan University, and University of New Hampshire
- 8/2024-7/2027
Collaborative Research: Integration of cross-disciplinary skills and dispositions at the program and course level as part of a continuous improvement plan
- $ 273,295
- PI: Marisa Exter; Co-PI: Iryna Ashby
- In collaboration with Tuskegee University
- 8/2024-7/2027
Future of Work Study II: Agriculture Teachers
- $50,300
- National FFA Organization
- PI: Brian Talbert
- 6/2024-5/2025
Project HOPE+
- $200,000
- Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
- PI: Nielsen Pereira, Co-PI: Kristen Seward
- 6/2024-12/2026
Purdue Freedom Schools Program
- $20,000
- United Way
- PI: Breanya Hogue
- 5/2024-4/2025
Quilting Black Women’s History: An Oral History Project
- $1,000
- PI: Amber Neal-Stanley
- 5/2024-4/2025
Gauging the Instructional Sensitivity of Ordinal Assessment Items
- $25,500
- IEA Amsterdam
- PI: Anne Traynor
- 1/2024-5/2024
Current Grants Beginning in 2023
- $997,694
- Universidad Nacional de San Agustin
- PI: Luis Brito (Ag), Co-PIs: Jennifer Richardson, Maria Bello Bravo (Ag) and Jon Schoonmaker (Ag)
- 9/2023-8/2025
RET Site: Culturally Responsive Energy Engineering Education in Rural/Reservation Elementary Schools
- $19,000
- Montana State University / RET
- PI: Rebekah Hammack
- 9/2023-6/2025
Investigating how combining intensive professional development and modest support affects rural, elementary teachers’ science and engineering practice
- $719,083
- Montana State University / NSF
- PI: Rebekah Hammack
- 8/2023-7/2026
Integrating genomics, phenotyping, and nutrition strategies to enhance alpaca fiber quality and survival in Arequipa’s highlands
- $1,073,080
- Universidad Nacional de San Agustin (UNSA Nexus)
- PI: Luiz Fernando Brito, Co-PI: Jennifer Richardson
- 8/2023-7/2025
My Home, My Health: Place-Based Public Health Resources for Rural Educators
- $12,447
- Montana State University / NIH
- PI: Rebekah Hammack
- 8/2023-8/2025
The Role of Indigenous Scholars in AERA and ASEE
- $124,969
- Sloan Foundation
- PI: Stephanie Zywicki Masta
- 10/2023-9/2024
Developing and Optimizing Reflection-Informed STEM Learning and Instruction by Integrating Learning Technologies with Natural Language Processing
- $300,000
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Muhsin Menekse, Co-PIs: Dominic Kao and Diane Litman
- 10/2023-9/2025
Fostering Black and Latinx student STEM efficacy, interests, and identity: A participatory study of STEM programming and practices at one community-based organization
- $1,969,708
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Amanda Case; Co-PIs: Signe Kastberg, Nielsen Pereira, and Jessica Hauser, Executive Director of Downtown Boxing Gym in Detroit, MI
- 8/2023-7/2028
Strengthening Indiana’s Future through the 21st Century STEM Teaching Scholarship
- $360,000
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education
- PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Selcen Guzey, Nathan Mentzer, William Walker
- 7/2023-8/2025
2023 Indiana STEM Teacher Recruitment Fund Grant Proposal: Hoosier STEM Academy
- $140,000
- Ball State University
- PI: Tara Johnson
- 7/2023-7/2025
Advanced Practices Nurses’ Opioid Use Disorder Education Through a Massive Open Online Course
- $726,994
- Department of Health and Human Services
- PI: Karen Foli; Co-PIs: Willie Burgess, Wanju Huang, Nicole Adams, and Susan Kersey
- 6/2023-6/2026
Science of Reading Implementation Grant
- $1,500,000
- Lilly Endowment, Inc.
- PI: Jenna Rickus, Co-Leads: Christy Wessel-Powell and Cammie McBride
- 4/2023-7/2026
Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Medium: Cyber Training for Open Science in Climate, Water and Environmental Sustainability
- $847,844
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Venkatesh Merwade, Co-PIs: WanJu Huang, Jacob Hosen, and Xiaochui Song
- 1/2023-12/2025
Current Grants Beginning in 2022
ITELL: Indiana Teachers of English Language Learners
- $300,000
- Indiana Department of Education
- In collaboration with the University of Indianapolis
- PI: Trish Morita-Mullaney
- 11/2022-6/2025
ISEAL: Indiana Special Education Assisted Licensure
- $50,000
- Indiana Department of Education
- In collaboration with the University of Indianapolis
- PI: Kharon Grimmet
- 11/2022-9/2025
Retrieval Practice Scaffolded Argumentation to Facilitate Problem Solving on Structured and Semi-Structured Tasks in Introductory Undergraduate Physics
- $600,000
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Carina Rebello, Co-PI: Sanjay Rebello
- 8/2022-7/2025
Having Opportunities Promotes Excellence: Developing Scholar Identities Among Underserved Youth with Gifts and Talents
- $3,537,136
- Javits/Department of Education
- PI: Marcia Gentry, Co-PIs: Jennifer Richardson, Yukiko Maeda, Kristen Seward, Nielsen Pereira
- 7/2022-6/2027
Underrepresented Students in Gifted & Talented Education: Positive Psychology Identification & Service
- $2,808,090
- Javits/Department of Education
- PI: Rick Olenchak, Co-PIs: Kristen Seward, Anne Traynor, with Valdosta State University
- 7/2022-6/2027
Project RISE
- $2,268,626
- Department of Education
- PI: Chrystal Johnson, Co-PIs: Selcen Guzey, Cornelius Bynum, with North Carolina State University
- 7/2022-6/2027
Collaborative Research: Individualizing Instruction and Improving Research using Adaptive Testing (i3RAT)
- $158,416
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Jason Morphew, Co-PI: Hua Hua Chang
- 2/2022-1/2025
Current Grants Beginning in 2021
Interprofessional Education Supporting the High Intensity Needs of Exceptional Students (IPE-SHINES)
- $1,135,870
- U.S. Department of Education: Office of Special Education Programs
- PI: Rose Mason, Co-PIs: Mandy Rispoli and Jasmine Begeske
- In collaboration with C. Loudermill, C. Greenwell, and C. Masters in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences (SLHS)
- 11/2021-10/2026
Innovation in Quantum Pedagogy, Application and its Relation to Culture (IQ-PARC)
- $2,788,584
- U.S. Department of Defense
- PI: Muhsin Menekse
- In collaboration with Mahdi Hosseni and Erica Carlson
- 9/2021-7/2025
The Alliance of Persons with Disabilities and Intersectionality for Inclusion, Networking, and Transition Opportunities in STEM (TAPDINTO-STEM)
- $143,949
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Denise Whitford, Co-PIs: Bradley Duerstock; In collaboration with Ohio State University
- 8/2021-7/2026
PECAS Mediator: Productive Online Teamwork Engagement Through Intelligent Mediation
- $850,000
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Alejandra Magana Deleon, Co-PIs: Jennifer Richardson, Bedrich Benes, James Dworkin, Dominic Kao, and Soren Matei
- 8/2021-7/2024*
Expanding Accessibility of Learning through Blended Synchronous Instruction of F2F and Remote Students
- $599,980
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Nathan Mentzer, Co-PIs: Adrie Koehler-Blair, Shawn Farrington, and Lakshmy Mohandas
- 7/2021-6/2024
Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellowship (BFTF)
- $750,000
- U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
- PI: Anatoli Rapoport
- 9/2021-12/2024
Parental Inclusion in Language and Research (Project PILAR)
- $2,903,764
- U.S. Department of Education: National Professional Development
- PI: Trish Morita-Mullaney, Co-PIs: Jenn Renn and Wayne Wright
- 7/2021-6/2026
Current Grants Beginning in 2020
See Us-Be Us: Inspiring future veterinarians using a Veterinary STEM Ecosystem
- $1,350,000
- National Institutes of Health
- Co-PIs: Wilella Burgess, Martha McDavid, Loran Parker
- In collaboration with Sandra SanMiguel (PI) and Micha Simons
- 5/2020-4/2025
Project LEAD: Leaders in Evidence-based Practices, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Diversity
- $3,750,000
- U.S. Department of Education: Office of Special Education Programs
- PI: Dr. Mandy Rispoli
- In collaboration with the University of Oregon and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 1/2020-12/2024
Current Grants Beginning in 2019
STEM Teacher Residency in Indianapolis Public Schools
- $5,177,290
- U.S. Department of Education: Teacher Quality Partnership
- PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PI: Selcen Guzey
- 10/2019-9/2024
Closing Excellence and Opportunity Gaps for Students from Traditionally Underserved Populations in Gifted Education: A Multi-Tier Systems of Support Approach
- $2,172,719
- U.S. Department of Education: Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Program
- PI: Nielsen Pereira, Co- PIs: Hua-Hua Chang, Marcia Gentry, Ronald Martella, Ophélie Desmet
- 9/2019-8/2024
Cultivating a National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy and Water Education
- $374,982
- National Science Foundation: Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems, RCN
- Co-PI: Hui-Hui Wang
- In Collaboration with the University of Nebraska
- 9/2019-8/2024
Recent Past Grants
View Past Grants
Providing Undergraduate Researchers with Curricular Development Opportunities Through the Purdue CDF Freedom School Summer Literacy & Enrichment Program
- $10,000
- Purdue Honors College Blue Sky Teaching and Learning Labs
- PI: Breanya Hogue with First United Methodist Church
- 11/2023-10/2024
Gauging the Instructional Sensitivity of Ordinal Assessment Items
- $25,500
- IEA Amsterdam
- PI: Anne Traynor
- 1/2024-5/2024
FFA Lilly Grant Purdue Professional Development Proposal
- $10,000
- National FFA Organization
- PI: Sarah LaRose, Co-PI: Brian Talbert
- 9/2023-8/2024
Sabbath as a spiritual imperative for liberatory teaching
- $5,000
- Wabash Center
- PI: Amber Neal-Stanley
- 9/2023-5/2024
Professional Development for Educators: Enhancing Instruction with Extended Reality Experiences for Enhanced Learning Opportunities
- $50,000
- Purdue Innovation Hub
- PI: Victoria Lowell
- 7/2023-7/2024
Leading Academic Transformation: Enhancing STEM Instructional Methods
- $24,000
- U.S.-Kazakhstan University Partnerships Program
- PI: Paul Asunda
- 2/2023-2/2024
Attracting, Preparing, & Retaining Teachers through a Residency-Based Grow Your Own Program
- $916,453
- Indiana Department of Education
- PI: Kathy Obenchain, Co-PI: Jenn Barce
- 9/2022-9/2024
Centering Trauma-informed Practices (TIP) to Sustain TIP Knowledge and Reduce Secondary Traumatic Stress in Novice Teachers: An Interdisciplinary Research-Practice Partnership
- $398,000
- Spencer Foundation
- Co-PI: Ofelia Schepers, in collaboration with MSU-Denver
- 8/1/22-7/31/24
Project HOPE+ 2022-2024
- $150,000
- Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
- PI: Marcia Gentry
- 1/2022-12/2024
Collaborative Research: A Data-Driven Employer-Academia Partnership for Continual Computing Curricular Change
- $3,000,000
- National Science Foundation: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE)
- Co-PI: Marisa Exter
- In collaboration with University of Alabama, Rochester Institute of Technology, Tuskegee University, George Washington University, University of New Hampshire, Mississippi State University, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 8/2021-7/2024
Learning by Evaluating: Engaging students in evaluation as a pedagogical strategy to improve design thinking
- $1,257,321
- National Science Foundation: Discovery Research K-12
- PI: Nathan Mentzer, Co-PIs: Scott Bartholomew, Andrew Jackson, and Ryan Novitski
- 6/2021-12/2023
Growing the Workforce for Digital Agriculture
- $297,861
- National Inst of Food & Agriculture
- PI: Bruce Erickson, Co-PI; Sarah LaRose
- 1/2021-12/2023
LASER Partners for University-led Solutions Engine (PULSE)
- $20,000,000
- S. Agency for International Development
- Co-PI: Willie Burgess
- In Collaboration with PI: A Raman, and Co-PIs: J Sinfield, Y Yuehwern
- 6/2018-6/2023
Professional Development for K-12 Teachers in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
- $847,245
- National Science Foundation, Discovery Research in K-12 Education
- PI: Minjung Ryu [now at University of Illinois Chicago], Co-PI: Wayne E. Wright
- 9/2018-8/2023*
Enhancing Undergraduate STEM Education by Integrating Mobile Learning Technologies
- $1,398,642
- Institute of Education Sciences
- PI: Muhsin Menekse, Co- PI: Ala Samarapungavan
- 8/2018-8/2023*
Project Einstein: Excellence in STEM Teaching in Indiana
- $1,415,500
- National Science Foundation: Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
- PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Selcen Guzey, Jill Newton, Paul Asunda, Muhsin Menekse
- 7/2018-6/2023*
Project PUEDE: Parent and Professional Understanding for Equity in Dual Language Education
- $1,892,481
- S. Department of Education: National Professional Development Program
- PI: Trish Morita-Mullaney, Co- PI: Wayne E. Wright
- 9/2017-8/2023*
Leveraging the Lectura y Lenguaje: A Collaborative Scale up of Literacy and Language in Indiana Schools
- $1,840,319
- S. Department of Education: National Professional Development Program
- PI: Trish Morita-Mullaney, Co- PI: Wayne E. Wright
- 9/2017-8/2023*
Indiana’s GEAR UP Program
- $24,500,000
- S. Department of Education
- PI: Carla Johnson [now at North Carolina State University], Co-PI: Virginia Bolshakova
- 9/2016-8/2023
FFA Lilly Grant Purdue Professional Development Proposal
- $10,000
- National FFA Organization
- PI: Sarah LaRose, Co-PI: Brian Talbert
- 9/2023-8/2024
Looks Like Me: Leveraging Funds of Identity to Enhance Engineering Career Pursuits in Rural/Reservation Communities
- $49,965
- Montana State University / NSF
- PI: Rebekah Hammack
- 8/2023-6/2024
Purdue Freedom Schools Program
- $9,993
- United Way
- PI: Breanya Hogue
- 6/2023-5/2024
Strengthening Indiana’s Future through the 21st Century STEM Teaching Scholarship
- $563,750
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education
- PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Selcen Guzey, Mushin Menekse, Jill Newton, Paul Asunda, Nathan Mentzer, William Walker
- 7/2021-6/2023
Hoosier STEM Academy Program
- $150,000
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education
- PI: Tara Johnson, In collaboration with Ball State University
- 7/2021-6/2023
Developing an Effective “Systems Think” Evaluation Tool for RR Job Candidates
- $64,651
- Rolls Royce Corporation
- PI: Sorin Matei, Co-PIs: William Watson and Joel Rasmus
- 7/2021-7/2023
Characterizing How Teachers Design Engaging Learning Environments in STEM Education: Examining Teachers’ and Students’ Conceptualizations of Integrated STEM
- $325,009
- National Science Foundation: Building Capacity in STEM Education Research (BCSER)
- PI: Paul Asunda
- 7/2021-6/2023
Creating Place: The Experiences of Indigenous Graduate Students in STEM
- $49,945
- Spencer Foundation
- PI: Stephanie Zywicki
- 7/2019-6/2023
Exploring Biological Evidence (EBE): Helping Students Understand the Richness and Complexity of Evidentiary Constructs in Biology
- $1,270,154 (+ $65,909 supplement)
- National Science Foundation: Discovery Research K-12
- PI: Ala Samarapungavan
- In collaboration with Co- PI: K. Clase, S. Gardner and N. Palaez
- 1/2017-12/2022
Sensing Science through Modeling Matter: Kindergarten Students’ Development of Understanding Matter and it Changes
- $2,641,415 ($875,045 Purdue)
- National Science Foundation & Concord Consortium
- Co- PIs: Lynn Bryan and Ala Samarapungavan
- In collaboration with PI: C. Staudt
- 10/2016-12/2022
Becoming an Online Teacher Even When I Didn’t Sign Up For It
- $1,548,822
- IN Department of Education
- PI: Tim Newby, Co-PIs: Kharon Grimmet, Adrie Koehler-Blair, Trish Morita-Mullaney, Jennifer Richardson
- 10/2020-9/2022
Grants House Mural
- $4,950
- Indiana Arts Commission
- PI: Jennifer Smith, Co-PI: Jasmine Begekse
- 11/2022-6/2023
Purdue’s Literacy and Language Development Clinic
- $1,123,774
- Indiana Department of Education
- PI: Christy Wessel-Powell, Co-PIs: Dr. Helen Bentley, Dr. Virak Chan, Dr. Trish Morita-Mullaney, and Dr. Laura Bofferding, and Dr. Jenn Barce and Edward Wiercioch
- 1/2022-6/2023
Engaging Middle School Science Student in Taxonomy with Augmented Reality (AR) Technology-Assisted Learning
- $25,000
- College of Education Launch the Future Award
- PI: Victoria Lowell, with graduate students Stuart White, Anthony IIobinso, and Kevin Jones, and consultants Lynn Bryan, Timothy Gibb, Daniel Triplett and George Takahashi.
- 4/2022-4/2023
Development, Validation, and Implementation of the Pre-Service Teachers Online Teaching Motivation Scale (PST-OTMS): Examining Motivational Constructs in Online Teaching and Learning
- $22,986
- College of Education Launch the Future Award
- PI: Luke Bennett, Co-PIs: Yukiko Maeda and Adrie Koehler
- 4/2022-4/2023
Innovation and Impact: Fostering Preservice Teachers’ Engagement with Rural Community Partners
- $24,380
- College of Education Launch the Future Award
- PI: Stephanie Oudghiri, Co-PIs: Helen Bentley and Laura Bofferding
- 4/2022-4/2023
Video-Based Innovative Teaching and Learning (VITAL) Mobile Studio for Online Instruction and Educational Videos in the College of Education
- $98,787
- Purdue Instructional Equipment Grant
- PI: Christy Wessel-Powell, Co-PIs: Jasmine Begeske, Luke Bennett, Helen Bentley, Virak Chan, Diane Gunstra, Adrie Koehler-Blair, Trish Morita-Mullaney, Anne Murphy-Kline, David Premont, Jennifer Renn, Bill Watson, Sunny Watson, and Wayne E. Wright
- 11/2021-10/2022
Empowering Pre-service Teaching with Emerging Technologies and In-depth Faculty Feedback – Innovative Initiative (I2)
- $99,393
- Purdue Instructional Equipment Program
- Co-PIs: Rose Mason, Christy Wessel-Powell, Wanju Huang, David Sears, Adrie Koehler, and Bill Watson
- 1/2021-12/2022
Creative Assistive and Rehabilitative Technology Solutions (CARTS)
- $99,907
- Purdue Instructional Equipment Program
- Co-PIs: Jasmine Begeske and Jennifer Smith
- 1/2021-12/2022
Addressing special education teachers’ implementation fidelity of functional communication training: A preliminary evaluation of the Performance Diagnostic Checklist – Schools
- $1,300
- Association for Positive Behavioral Support
- PI: Mandy Rispoli
- 9/2021-4/2022
Small But Mighty Mural Project
- $5,000
- Indiana Arts Commission
- Co-PIs: Jasmine Begeske and Jennifer Smith
- 7/2021-6/2022
Identifying Marginalization and Allying Tendencies to Transform Engineering Relationships
- $630,386
- National Science Foundations: Broadening Participation in Engineering
- Co-PI: Stephanie Zywiki
- In collaboration with PI: A. Pawley, and Co- PIs: D. Dickerson, and M. Ohland
- 8/2019-7/2022
Participatory Action Research of Higher Education Connected Learning in Emergencies
- $50,000
- Spencer Foundation
- Co-PI: Brenda Capobianco
- In collaboration with PI Jennifer DeBoer
- 6/2021-5/2022
Integrating STEM Through Food Systems Incubation Design Challenges
- $20,000
- College of Education, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships: Purdue Polytechnic High School Collaborative Research Grant
- Co-PI: Hui Hui Wang
- In collaboration with Lisa Bowman and Neil Knobloch
- 6/2021-5/2022
Foregrounding High School Mathematics in Project-Based Learning
- $20,000
- College of Education, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships: Purdue Polytechnic High School Collaborative Research Grant
- Co-PIs: Rachael Kenney, Signe Kastberg, Elizabeth Suazo-Flores
- In collaboration with Sarah Leach, Fay Barber-Dansby, and Jeff de Verona
- 6/2021-5/2022
Building and Supporting Critique Environments Across Project-Based Disciplinary Contexts
- $32,172
- Purdue Best Practices in Higher Education
- Co-PIs: Marisa Exter and Wanju Huang
- In collaboration with Colin Gray (PI) and Davin Huston, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
- 11/2020-10/2021
Hyflex as a model for actively engaging face to face and remote students in discussion and small group project-based learning
- $45,393
- Purdue Best Practices in Higher Education
- PI: Nathan Mentzer
- 11/2020-10/2021
Determining the Effectiveness of the Purdue Repository for online Teaching and Learning (PoRTAL) for Transforming Online Teaching Practices
- $46,792
- Purdue Best Practices in Higher Education
- PI: Jennifer Richardson, Co-PIs: Daniela Castellanos-Reyes, Mohammad Shams Ud Duha
- 11/2020-10/2021
Virtual Instruction: Research and Literacy Learning; Online Literacy-Cast Faculty Professional Development in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- $49,996
- Purdue Best Practices in Higher Education
- PI: Christy Wessel-Powell, Co-PIs: Virak Chan, Adrie Koehler-Blair, Marjorie Sprunger
- In collaboration with Tamar Greenwell and Chenell Loudermill (SLHS), Appalachian State University and University of Northern Iowa
- 11/2020-10/2021
ACCESS Purdue – Early College Program Proposal: Expanding College Access and Turning High School Partnerships into College Enrollment
- $39,000
- College of Education, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships: Purdue Polytechnic High School Collaborative Research Grant
- Co-PIs: David Sears and Nathan Mentzer
- In collaboration with PI Greg Strimel and Co-PI S. Bartholomew, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
- 12/2020-11/2021
Holistic Talent Development for Underserved Youth: Cybercrime, Internet Safety, and Achievement Motivation
- $33,000
- College of Education, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships: Purdue Polytechnic High School Collaborative Research Grant
- PI: Marcia Gentry, Co-PI: O Desmet, D Crimmins, 12/2020-11/2021
- In collaboration with PI: K. Seigfried-Spellar and Co-PI D. Crimmins, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
- 12/2020-11/2021
A Personalized Project-Based Approach to STEM Learning: How Does The PPHS Model Serve Students At-Risk?
- $28,000
- College of Education, Purdue Polytechnic Institute, and Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships: Purdue Polytechnic High School Collaborative Research Grant
- PI: Sunnie L. Watson, Co-PIs: Denise K. Whitford, Lisa Lambert Snodgrass
- In collaboration with PI Tahir M. Khan and Co-PI L.B. Bosman, Purdue Polytechnic Institute
- 12/2020-11/2021
Vet Up! The National HCOP Academy for Veterinary Medicine
- $3,179,007
- Health Resources & Services Administration
- Co-PI: Willie Burgess
- In collaboration with PI: S SanMiguel, and Co-PIs: H Green, W Reed, B Zenor
- 9/2019-8/2020
Strengthening Indiana’s Future through the 21st Century STEM Teaching Scholarship
- $498,000
- Indiana Commission for Higher Education
- PI: Lynn Bryan, Co-PIs: Selcen Guzey, Muhsin Meneske, Jill Newton
- 9/2019-6/2021
Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research
- $19,000
- American Education Research Association
- Co-PI: Jairo Funez, doctoral candidate (under supervision of PI JoAnn Phillion)
- 8/2019-6/2020
Evaluating the Methods and Effectiveness of Community-based Organizations in Supporting Lower-income Students of Color Through College
- $50,000
- Spencer Foundation
- PI: Amanda Case
- 8/2019-1/2021
Evaluating the Effects of Service Dogs on Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- $30,000
- Nestle Purina
- PI: Mandy Rispoli
- In collaboration with Co-PI: M. O’Haire
- 8/2019-7/2021
Collaborative Research: Co-Developing a Curriculum Coherence Toolkit with Teachers
- $445,251
- National Science Foundation
- Co-PI: Jill Newton
- In collaboration with Michigan State University (PI: C. Drake)
- 7/2019-6/2021
Supporting the Stem Interests, Efficacy, and Career Expectations of Lower-income Black and Latinx Students through Community-based, Out-of-school Programming
- $15,500
- College of Education: Launch the Future
- PI: Amanda Case, Co-PI: Nielson Pereira
- 5/2019-12/2020
Catchment Zone Interviews: Addressing Inequality in a Segregated School District
- $15,500
- College of Education: Launch the Future
- PI: Christy Wessel-Powell
- 5/2019-12/2020
Harnessing Parental Support to Improve College Enrollment and Persistence of Lower-income Students of Color
- $20,000
- Kinley Trust
- PI: Amanda Case
- 5/2019-4/2020
Creating a Connected Classroom
- $4,400
- Wiley Education Services
- PI: Victoria Walker
- 3/2019-1/2020
Project Hope+
- $150,000
- Jack Kent Cooke Foundation
- PI: Marcia Gentry
- 2/2019-1/2-21
Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute
- $750,000
- S. State Department
- PI: Anatoli Rapoport
- 1/2019-12/2021
Making Challenging Text Accessible: Increasing Academic Achievement for Struggling Readers
- $50,000
- Spencer Foundation
- PI: Melanie Kuhn
- 1/2019-2/2020
LASER Buy-in: Building the Evidence Base on Effective Private Sector Engagement
- $2,687,578
- S. Agency for International Development
- Co-PI: Willie Burgess
- In collaboration with PI: Y Yuehwern, and Co-PI: J Sinfield
- 10/2018-12/2020
Para-Impact: Professional Development with Teacher-as-Coach for Paraeducators of Elementary Students with Moderate-to-Severe Developmental Disabilities
- $1,393,765
- Institute of Education Sciences
- PI: Rose Mason, Co-PI: Mandy Rispoli, Jennifer Richardson, Yukiko Maeda
- 8/2018-8/2021
How Gifted Underachievement Develops According to Gifted Underachievers and their Parents
- $46,730
- American Psychological Association
- PI: Nielsen Pereira, Co-PI: Ophélie Desmet
- 8/2018-7/2020
Exploratory: Promoting Commenting and Debugging in Early Years Programming
- $397,606
- National Science Foundation: Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers
- PI: Laura Bofferding
- 8/2018-8/2020
Virtual Reality Augmented Hands-on Cryo-EM Training
- $367,647
- National Institute of Health: Eye Institute
- Co- PI: William Watson
- In collaboration with PI: Y Chen
- 5/2018-4/2021
The Integration of Engineering Design and Life Science: Investigating the Influence
- $1,838,015
- National Science Foundation: Discovery Research K-12
- PI: Selcen Guzey
- 9/2017-8/2021
Collaborative Research: Theoretical and Methodological Tools for Studying Group Productive Disciplinary Engagement
- $1,082,294
- National Science Foundation: EHR Core
- PI: Toni Rogat, Co- PI: Anne Traynor
- In Collaboration with PI C. Hmelo-Silver and Co-PI B. Cheng, Indiana University
- 9/2017-8/2020
ARISE – Augmentation Infused Scale-up Environment
- $299,846
- National Science Foundation: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education
- Co-PI: L. Bryan
- In collaboration with PI: C. Rebello, Co-PIs: Haugan, Hirsch
- 8/2017-7/2020
Collaborative Research: Identity Development Evaluation of African American Students: A Longitudinal Investigation
- $589,574
- National Science Foundation: EHR Core
- PI: Eric Deemer
- In collaboration with PI Aryn Dotterer and Co-PI Derosa, Utah State University
- 6/2017-5/2020
Exploring Biological Evidence (EBE): Helping Students Understand the Richness and Complexity of Evidentiary Constructs in Biology
- $1,270,154 (+ $65,909 supplement)
- National Science Foundation: Discovery Research K-12
- PI: Ala Samarapungavan
- In collaboration with Co- PI: K. Clase, S. Gardner and N. Palaez
- 1/2017-8/2020
Sensing Science through Modeling Matter: Kindergarten Students’ Development of Understanding Matter and it Changes
- $2,641,415 ($875,045 Purdue)
- National Science Foundation & Concord Consortium
- Co- PIs: Lynn Bryan and Ala Samarapungavan
- In collaboration with PI: C. Staudt
- 10/2016-9/2020
UPDATE: Using Principles of Design to Advance Teacher Education
- $2,018,951
- National Science Foundation
- PI: Brenda Capobianco, Co-PIs: David Eichinger, Selcen Guzey, Sanjay Rebello, and Minjung Ryu [now at University of Illinois Chicago]
- In collaboration with Co-PI: Kendra Erk, College of Engineering
- 7/2016-6/2021
This is How We Role: Inspiring Future Researchers through Veterinary Medicine
- $240,356
- National Institutes of Health
- Co-PI: Willie Burgess
- In collaboration with PI: S Sanmiguel, and Co-PI: L Carlton
- 6/2015-4/2020