Mild and Intense Intervention – Non-Degree (Licensure Only)

Graduate Level Program for Initial Indiana Licensure in Special Education Exceptional Needs –
Mild and Intense Intervention, Early Literacy1, and Blended Online Teaching*
Program Grade Levels K-6 and 5-12

Professional Education

Credit Hours
EDPS 50001 – Foundations of Online Learning1
EDPS 50002 – Foundations of Clinical Practice and Licensure*1
EDPS 51500 – Applied Behavior Analysis in School Settings*3
EDPS 52000 – Development of Learners with Intense Intervention Needs*3
EDPS 52400 – Effective Instruction for Students with Significant Reading Difficulties*3
EDPS 52700 – Literacy Curricula for Learners with Exceptionalities*3
EDPS 55800 – Transition Education and Services*3
EDPS 56300 – Data-Based Decision Making for Learners with Exceptionalities*3
EDPS 56500 – Math Curricula for Learners with Exceptionalities*3
EDPS 56800 – Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues Across the Lifespan*3
EDPS 57701 – Development of Learners with Mild Intervention Needs*3
EDPS 57300 – Medical and Physical Management of Learners with Disability or Chronic Illness*3
EDPS 57600 – Curricula for Learners with Intense Intervention Needs*3
EDPS 56010 – Clinical Practice Experience I (Practicum): Mild*3
EDPS 56010 – Clinical Practice Experience I (Practicum): Intense*3
EDPS 56601 – Clinical Practice Experience II (Student Teaching): Mild*4

A minimum 3.00/4.00 Overall GPA is required for all graduate level students, with Professional Education course grades “B-” or higher.

Licensure Information

All Purdue University Teacher Education Program and Indiana Department of Education requirements must be met for recommendation for Indiana licensure.

After all requirements are met, Purdue Teacher Education Program completers will be considered eligible to apply to the Indiana Department of Education for initial licensure under REPA 3 in:

Mild Intervention (P-12)
Intense Intervention (P-12)
Early Literacy (P-5)¹
Blended and Online Teaching*

Visit the Indiana Department of Education website for more information about what courses can be taught once licensed in this area.

¹Beginning July 1, 2025 – According to the Indiana State Board of Education, students seeking an Initial Indiana License in a content area involving literacy instruction, including special education, must obtain an Early Literacy endorsement (P-5), as required under IC 20-28-5-19.7.

*Blended and Online Teaching License requirements are embedded into selected coursework.