High Ability

Graduate Level Program for Additional Indiana Licensure
License: High Ability
Grade Levels Pre-kindergarten through 12 (P-12)

License Eligibility

A candidate must hold a valid Indiana Instructional Professional Educator’s License to be recommended for the addition of High Ability.

Professional Education

EDPS 54000 – Gifted, Creative and Talented Children
EDPS 54200 – Curriculum and Program Development in Gifted Education
EDPS 54500 – Social and Affective Development of Gifted Students
EDPS 69500 – Practicum in Gifted Education (must be in a full-time teaching position)
Credit Hours
CoursesCredit Hours
EDPS 54000 – Gifted, Creative and Talented Children3
EDPS 54200 – Curriculum and Program Development in Gifted Education3
EDPS 54500 – Social and Affective Development of Gifted Students3
EDPS 69500 – Practicum in Gifted Education (must be in a full-time teaching position)3

The High Ability licensure addition program is available to graduate students. Undergraduates may take the first three courses prior to graduation but must apply to the Graduate School and be in a full-time teaching position to complete EDPS 69500.

Successful completion of the ETS Praxis content test: (5358) Gifted Education is required to satisfy all program assessment requirements. Visit: https://www.ets.org/praxis/in for testing information. Note: You must code Purdue University West Lafayette (1631) as a test score recipient.

Additional Requirements:

Graduate level students are expected to maintain a minimum Overall GPA of 3.00/4.00, with High Ability Professional Education course grades “B-” or higher, no “I” (Incomplete).

Licensure Information

All Purdue University Teacher Education Program and Indiana Department of Education requirements must be met for recommendation for Indiana licensure.

After all requirements are met, Purdue graduates will be considered eligible to apply to the Indiana Department of Education for licensure under REPA 3 in:

High Ability (P-12)

Visit the Indiana Department of Education website for more information about what courses can be taught once licensed in this area.