This page provides resources for residential graduate students to register for courses.
Who is this information for?
This page is only for those graduate students who have been formally admitted to a residential program in the College of Education.
Online and hybrid students should work with their assigned enrollment specialist on the procedure for registration.
Students admitted to the 4+1 ABA program should work with their undergraduate advisor on registration while completing the undergraduate portion of the program.
Registration Deadlines
Registration Assistance
Admitted students should refer to their Welcome Letter and email attachments for additional information regarding the self-registration process.
The Office of Graduate Studies ( can assist with registration through the first week of classes in a term, and after that time, all registration changes must be submitted by the student in myPurdue through the Scheduling Assistant. Register early (by the end of the first week of classes) for at least one credit to avoid the Registrar $200 late registration fee.
Important General Notes About Registration (including deadlines)
It is important that you contact your faculty advisor (indicated on your welcome letter) to discuss the courses you should be registering for as you begin your program.
Registration begins in February for Summer courses, March for Fall courses, and October for Spring courses. Registration calendars can be found on the Office of the Registrar website. Registration will be available based on the Time Ticket group listed in your myPurdue account.
Course Drop/Add information can be found on the Registrar’s website for each term. Please be sure to closely watch these calendars and your Purdue email for registration deadline information that may impact refunds, tuition payments, withdrawal deadlines, etc.
The Registrar also provides webpages with the following information:
International Students
International students should carefully review all of the Purdue ISS requirements for registration (Fall/Spring and Summer) and online course registration for students on an F-1 visa and students on a J-1 visa.
How to Register for Courses with Restrictions
Instructor Permission Required – Students have two options for assistance in registering for courses with this restriction:
- Option #1: Use the myPurdue Scheduling Assistant, which will require the instructor to approve the registration request.
- Option #2: Email, copying the course instructor on the email, with the following information:
- the term for which you wish to register
- the course number and CRN
- the number of credits requested for the course (if a variable credit course)
For other restrictions as noted below, please contact our office at
- Maximum Hours Exceeded (student has exceeded the credit limit)
- Closed Section (no more seats available in this section)
How to Register for Variable or Research Credit Courses
Research courses are 698 for MSEd thesis students and 699 for PhD students
Email, copying the course instructor on the email, with the following information:
- the term for which you wish to register
- the number of credits requested for the course
Please be sure to consult with your faculty advisor prior to requesting registration regarding the number of variable credits for which you should register.
If students choose to use Scheduling Assistant to register for variable credits, please note that there is a two-step process for adding the appropriate number of credits. This video from the Registrar’s office provides more details.
How to Register for Variable Title Courses
Variable Title Courses might include those like 590, 591, etc. They can also be used for independent study courses.
Students MUST use Scheduling Assistant in myPurdue to request registration for all variable title courses. This video from the Registrar’s office provides more information about the registration process for a variable title course, and this video will show how to confirm your request.
Registrar Resources
The Purdue Registrar’s Office has a YouTube Channel with many videos to support students through the registration process.