Decolonizing Hegemonic Narratives of Justice: Chasing After the Participatory Rights of Cambodian Diaspora in the U.N./Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Purdue Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center (AAARCC), in collaboration with the College of Education and Department of Sociology, is inviting you to a public lecture by Dr. Leakhena Nou (Professor of Sociology, California State University Long Beach). The lecture that includes a screening of Daze of Justice (2016) will take place on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, 6:00 p.m. ET at Lawson Hall (LWSN) Room 1142. Refreshments will be provided. Dr. Nou will be presenting on “Decolonizing Hegemonic Narratives of Justice: Chasing After the Participatory Rights of Cambodian Diaspora in the U.N./Khmer Rouge Tribunal.”

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