Oral Language | Reading | Writing
Meet Cherise

Cherise is 10 years old, and is in the 5th grade at an intermediate school in a medium sized Midwest town. Born in Mexico, she and her family moved to the Midwest when she was 2 years old.
For Christmas, her family’s favorite tradition is staying awake until midnight, right before Santa Claus comes with presents. Her family consists of her father, mother, and her three brothers (one older and two younger). Growing up with three brothers, sibling rivalry is bound to happen in Cherise’s household. However, they always make up at the end. Her family’s core value is honesty, which makes them even closer.
In Cherise’s spare time, she enjoys playing games, taking her dog Missy out for a walk, and watching her new baby hamsters. Since she has baby hamsters, Cherise knows that she has to care for them and make sure they are well-fed. When she has a sweet tooth, although she enjoys the delicious caramel and chocolate Snickers candy bar, her ultimate favorite is a Mexican candy called Pelon, which has a refreshing tamarind-flavored gel.
Cherise speaks both English and Spanish in her household. She enjoys continuing to learn both languages because she is able to say, “I know two languages.” As a hard-working student, she thoroughly enjoys the challenging work that is provided at her school. She believes that this hard work will pay off and will make her a better student.
Cherise receives daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program taught by a certified ESL teacher. She receives her instruction in a small group with 6 students at the intermediate to advanced levels of English proficiency. Her official English proficiency level is 4.4 (WIDA).
Oral Language Samples
Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.
Oral Language Sample 1: Interview
Oral Language Sample 2: Oral Presentation
Reading Samples
Directions: Download and print the Running Record Forms below. Complete the form as you view the videos of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A’s. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Forms below.
Reading Sample 1: Life in the Colonies
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Where did the Puritans settle?
[Correct Answer: Massachusetts Bay Colony]
Cherise: “From Massachusetts Bay Colony.”
2. What was the rule in the Massachusetts Bay Colony?
[Correct Answer: They had to have the same belief.]
Cherise: “That they had to have the same beliefs.”
3. How were the rules different in Rhode Island?
[Correct Answer: People could follow any religion.]
Cherise: “Yeah, they could think whatever they wanted.”
4. Why did some of the Puritans go to New Hampshire?
[Correct Answer: They wanted to start a fishing town.]
Cherise: “I think it said to make a fishing town.”
5. What happened to the Native Americans in New Hampshire?
[Correct Answer: Many Native Americans lost their land to the colonists.]
Cherise: “I don’t know.”
6. Would you rather live in Massachusetts Bay Colony or Rhode Island? Why?
[Correct Answer: Student’s response varies.]
Cherise: “Rhode Island because I didn’t have to believe what other people liked.”
Reading Text 2: Settling New England
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. What year did the Puritans arrive in North America?
[Correct Answer: 1628]
Cherise: “They came in 1628.”
2. Why did the Puritans come to New England?
[Correct Answer: To practice their religious beliefs and to start farms and businesses.]
Cherise: “That they wanted to follow their own religion and they wanted to have their own farms and businesses.”
3. What did the charter from the King allow the settlers to do?
[Correct Answer: It gave the settlers permission to start a colony in New England.]
Cherise: “Um, … I don’t know.”
4. How are the Puritans different from the Piligrims?
[Correct Answer: The pilgrims wanted to break away from the Church of England; the Puritans wanted to make the church more pure.]
Cherise: “Um, they wanted to make their own church, like a more pure church.”
Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below.
Writing Sample 1: “A Good Friend”

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Writing Sample 2: “Gum in School”

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