Oral Language | Reading | Writing
Meet Javier

Javier is 17 years old and is in the 12th grade in a high school in a medium-sized Midwest town. He was born and raised in Mexico, and came to the U.S. about four years ago. He is the youngest in the family, and has an older brother and sister. He completed middle school in Mexico before coming the U.S. He first lived in Arizona with his parents, who work in a local factory. His parents had some schooling in Mexico and can read and write in Spanish. Both can only speak a little English. Javier moved to Indiana after a couple of year to live with his sister and her family, and worked part-time in her restaurant.
When Javier lived with his parents in Arizona, only Spanish was spoken in the home. However, his sister’s home is bilingual. She and her husband speak English well, and their young children frequently speak English at home and with Javier. While in Arizona, Javier received ESL instruction at his middle school. His official overall English language proficiency level is 3.3 (WIDA).
In the previous year at his current high school in Indiana, Javier received one period of ESL instruction, and attended regular content-area classes the rest of the day. This year only newcomer students are provided with ESL instructional support, so all of Javier’s classes are mainstream, though his progress is being monitored by the ESL teacher.
Javier loves sports, especially soccer. He plays on the school’s soccer team and gets along well with the other players who are impressed with his skills. Javier has aspirations of being a professional soccer player. He recently traveled across the country to try out for a nation Mexican soccer team. While they expressed interest in him, unfortunately, Javier and his family currently do not have the financial means to provide him with the equipment and training he would need to successfully get recruited. He hopes to work after graduation to save money and try again.
Oral Language Samples
Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.
Oral Language Sample 1: Oral Presentation (part 1)
Oral Language Sample 2: Oral Presentation (part 2)
Reading Samples
Directions: Download and print the Running Record Forms below. Complete the form as you view the videos of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A’s. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Forms below.
Reading Sample 1: Jacked
(opens in new tab) Running Record Evaluation Google Form
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Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Who is the author describing?
[Correct Answer: Dorkus Roboticus]
Javier: “He was describing, uh [long pause as he flips back to the front page], Dorkus Roboticus.”
2. Who is Dorkus Roboticus?
[Correct Answer: Co-worker, a guy works in a gas station at night.]
Javier: “A robot?”
3. Where are they?
[Correct Answer: At work, at the gas station, mini-market.]
Javier: “I think they are in the house.”
4. Why did he call him Dorkus Roboticus?
[Correct Answer: Because he was a dork and moves like a robot.]
Javier: “Because he moves like a robot!”
5. What kind of person do you think Dorkus Roboticus is?
[Correct Answer: A dork, nerd. Lazy, uncaring, poor worker.]
Javier: “I think he doesn’t talk. ‘Cause he says that he doesn’t even go to, like the bathroom. And he called him like that ‘cause I think he’s like, he doesn’t do anything. He doesn’t move.
Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below.
Writing Sample 1: “If I Were a Teacher…”

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