Oral Language | Reading | Writing
Meet Carl

Carl is 6 years old, and is in first grade at an elementary school in a medium sized Midwest town. Born in El Salvador, Carl and his family moved California and eventually settled in the Midwest when he was 5 years old.
Carl lives with his two younger twin sisters and his grandparents. Both grandparents graduated from high school education in El Salvador and really encourage their grandchildren to do well in school. His grandmother works in a local Mexican bakery and his grandfather is an auto mechanic. They know some English, but prefer to speak in Spanish at home. Since Carl is the oldest, he often helps take care of his twin sisters. For fun, his family enjoys having indoor camping trips, whereas Carl builds his own fort and he gets to toast marshmallows.
Carl receives daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program taught by a certified ESL teacher. He receives this instruction in a small group with 8 students at the intermediate to advanced levels of English proficiency. His school has a one-to-one technology program and provides each student with an iPad for use at school and at home. Neither of his regular classroom teachers have received specific training on how to work with ELLs. Carl’s official English Language Proficiency level is 1.5 (WIDA). His favorite subject is science because he likes to learn about stars.
Oral Language Samples
Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.
Oral Language Sample 1: The Parade
Oral Language Sample 2: School Rooms
Reading sample: I Gotta Draw
Directions: Download and print the Running Record Form below. Complete the form as you view the video of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Form below.
Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. What does Charlie like to do all the time?
[Correct Answer: draw]
Carl: Drawing
2. What does he do after he finishes a drawing?
[Correct Answer: he starts drawing another]
Carl: Throws it on the floor.
3. Why does he “feel a little shiver?”
[Correct Answer: He feels excited about drawing something new.]
Carl: [shrugs] I don’t know really .
4. Who do you think said, “You better pick up all those papers!”
[Correct Answer: Mom, dad, parents, other family members.]
Carl: I think his mom.