Oral Language | Reading | Writing
Meet Allen

Allen is 5 years old, and is in Kindergarten at an urban elementary school in a large Midwest city. Allen, his twin brother, and older siblings were born in the United States. His parents came to the U.S. from Mexico 16 years ago. Allen has two older sisters, one in middle school, and one in high school.
Allen’s father attending college in Mexico and graduate school in the U.S., and now works as an engineer with the department of transportation. His mother works as a bilingual paraprofessional for the school district. Spanish is the dominant language of the home. Allen enjoys school and loves using the computers and mobile tablets in class. He also is very active and loves going out to recess.
At school Allen receives sheltered English content-area instruction in his classroom and receives 30 minutes of daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program with a certified ESL teacher. His classroom teacher has also recently completed licensure in working with ELL students. Allen’s official English language proficiency level is 4 (WIDA)
At home Allen loves playing with his twin brother, and annoying his older sisters. His favorite TV shows include Power Rangers and Star Wars – The Clone Wars. He’s also a big fan of the Ninja Warrior show, and on weekends he frequently goes to a local gym with a Ninja Warrior-like obstacle courses set up. Allen boasts that he can make it up to the top of the challenge wall.
Oral Language Samples
Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.
Oral Language Sample 1: Drinking Fountain
Oral Language Sample 2: School Rooms
Reading sample: Toy Store
Directions: Download and print the Running Record Form below. Complete the form as you view the video of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Form.
Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers
1. Where did the girl go?
[Correct Answer: toy store]
Allen: To the toy store
2. What did she see there?
[Correct Answer: One or more of the following: tiger, top, turkey, turtle, Tyrannosaurus Rex/dinosaur, teddy bear]
Allen: A top, a tiger, a turkey, and a dinosaur.
3. Why do you think she went to the toy store?
[Correct Answer: to buy toys]
Allen: Because she wanted to get a toy.
4. Which toy would you buy? Why?
[Correct Answer: Any response relevant to the question and book]
Allen: A Lego Star Wars set, because I like Star Wars.
Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below.
Sample 1: “My Favorite Part of the Story”
Note: Response to prompt for the book “A Balloon for Isabel”

Sample 2: “How can I be a community helper?”