Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science

The College of Education is actively engaged in Purdue University’s Strategic Initiatives surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science. The College of Education’s AI Working Group guides and coordinates the College’s current and future efforts in these quickly evolving areas.


We offer courses, graduate certificates, and degree programs that provide training for students in the analyses of large sets of numerical, textual, and multimodal data and practical applications of AI tools. In addition, we are leveraging our comparative advantage in P-12 education to provide professional development and training to our school-based colleagues. The College is home to faculty scholars, centers and funded grant projects engaged in interdisciplinary research to leverage AI tools and to collect and analyze data that seeks to transform learning and teaching, inform policy and make a difference in the lives of culturally and linguistically diverse students, families and communities.

Laura Bofferding
Mathematics Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

John Broome
Clinical Associate Professor
Social Studies Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Hua Hua Chang
Charles R. Hicks Chair Professor
Professor of Statistics (Courtesy)
Educational Psychology & Research Methodology
Department of Educational Studies

Wanju Huang
Clinical Associate Professor
Learning Design & Technology
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Yingying Jiang
Visiting Clinical Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology and Research Methodology
Department of Educational Studies

Signe E. Kastberg
Professor and Mary Endres Chair in Elementary Education
Mathematics Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Yuanfang Liu
Ross-Lynn Research Scholar
Departmental Administrative Staff
Department of Educational Studies

Victoria Lowell
Clinical Professor
Learning Design and Technology
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Melissa McIntire
Graduate Student

Jason Wade Morphew
Assistant Professor of Engineering Education
Director of Undergraduate Curriculum and Advanced Learning Technologies for SCALE
INSPIRE Research Institute for Pre-College Engineering
Center for Advancing the Teaching and Learning of STEM (CATALYST)

Rita Neidlinger
Assistant to the Dean
Office of the Dean
Education Administration

Zafer Ozen
Research Assistant
Gifted Education
Department of Educational Studies

Nielsen Pereira
Director of the Gifted Education Resource Institute (GERI)
Associate Professor
Gifted, Creative and Talented Studies
Department of Educational Studies

Richard A. Price
Assistant Professor
Special Education
Department of Educational Studies

Toni K. Rogat
Associate Department Head
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology & Research Methodology
Department of Educational Studies

Ala Samarapungavan
Interim Department Head
Educational Psychology & Research Methodology
Department of Educational Studies

Amogh Sirnoorkar
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Science Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Anne Traynor
Associate Professor
Educational Psychology & Research Methodology
Department of Educational Studies

Phillip J. VanFossen
Interim Dean
Director & James F. Ackerman Distinguished Professor of Social Studies Education
Faculty Athletic Representative for Purdue University

William Watson, Chair
Director of Purdue Center for Serious Games and Learning in Virtual Environments
Learning Design and Technology
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Wayne E. Wright
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Programs and Faculty Development
Professor and Barbara I. Cook Chair of Literacy and Language
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Yan Ping Xin
Special Education
Department of Educational Studies

Development of an Undergraduate degree concentration in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Learning Science and Engineering

  • $40,000
  • Innovation Hub
  • Amogh Sirnoorkar, Sanjay Rebello, and Lynn A. Bryan

Promoting Equity and Research Using Adaptive Testing to Support Individualized Instruction at Scale

  • $499,867
  • National Science Foundation
  • Hua Hua Chang
  • 10/2023-9/2025

Collaborative Research: Individualizing Instruction and Improving Research using Adaptive Testing (i3RAT)

  • $158,416
  • National Science Foundation
  • Hua Hua Chang
  • 09/2022-08/2024

Nurturing Multiplicative Reasoning in Students with Learning Disabilities in a Computerized Conceptual-modeling Environment (NMRSD-CCME)

  • $2,969,894.00
  • National Science Foundation
  • Yan Ping Xin, Ron Tzur, Luo Si
  • 2008-2015
  • More info

AI Education Integration in South Korea, Taiwan, and the United States


  • Wanju Huang, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Sunnie Watson, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Bill Watson, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University

Doctoral Students

  • Chi-Jia Hsieh, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Seoljoo Kang, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Wonjin Yu, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University

Analysis of value-based Reasoning in Generative-AI Platforms

  • Bill Bridges, Department of Physics, Kansas State University
  • Tyler Garcia, Department of Physics, Kansas State University
  • Justin Hess, School of Engineering Education, Purdue University
  • Amogh Sirnoorkar, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University

CARE Lab Robotics with Community Engagement Project

CARE (Computer Science Education, Artificial Intelligence Education, Robotics, Emerging Technologies in Education [e.g. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality])

The CARE lab implemented one robotics project with our community partner, Imagination Station at Lafayette, on April 7th, 2024 (

ChatGPT and Generative AI as a New Partner in Language Teaching and Learning

  • Victoria Lowell, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University
  • Curtis J. Bonk, Learning, Design, and Adult Education, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Belle Li, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University
  • Zhuo Zhang, Department of Learning Technologies, Design and School Library Media; Towson University
  • Chaoran Wang, Writing Department, Colby College
  • Xiangning Li, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge

Development and analysis of physics research-based assessments using Generative-AI

  • Amogh Sirnoorkar, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Sai Munikoti, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington
  • Ian Arnold, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University
  • Sanjay Rebello, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University

Development of an Instrument to Measure AI-integrated SDL Personal Attributes for Global Language Learners

  • Victoria Lowell, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University
  • Curtis J. Bonk, Learning, Design, and Adult Education, Indiana University Bloomington
  • Belle Li, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University
  • Zhuo Zhang, Department of Learning Technologies, Design and School Library Media; Towson University
  • Chaoran Wang, Writing Department, Colby College

From Words to Worlds: Language Education as the Gateway to AI Literacy

  • Victoria Lowell, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University
  • Belle Li, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University

Investigating the Integration of AI and Extended Reality Technologies

  • Victoria Lowell, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University
  • Weijian Yan, Purdue University
  • Belle Li, Department of Learning Design and Technology, Purdue University

Mapping the landscape of artificial intelligence in physics education research

  • Amir Bralin, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University
  • Marla Grover, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University
  • Sanjay Rebello, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Amogh Sirnoorkar, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University

Promoting analogical reasoning in physics using Generative-AI

  • Amogh Sirnoorkar, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University
  • Ian Arnold, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University
  • Sanjay Rebello, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Purdue University

Artificial Intelligence (MS in AI) – This program is a university-wide graduate program that includes courses from the College of Education.

Educational Psychology & Research Methodology

Learning Design and Technology (Residential | Online)

Applications in Data Science

This program is a university-wide undergraduate program that includes courses from the College of Education. View courses here –

EDPS 32700 – Classroom Assessment

EDCI 52800 – Human Performance Technology

EDPS 53100 – Introduction to Measurement and Instrument Design

EDPS 53300 – Introduction to Educational Research I: Methodology (or equivalent course)

EDPS 53400 – Introduction to Educational Research II: Measurement Consideration

EDPS 55600 – Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis Methods in Education I (or equivalent course)

EDPS 55700 – Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis Methods in Education II (or equivalent course)

EDCI 55700 – Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students

EDCI 56400 – Integration and Management of Technology for Learning

EDCI 57700 – Strategic Assessment and Evaluation

EDCI 59100/PHYS 59000: – “Artificial Intelligence in STEM Education”

EDCI 62100 – Technology for Qualitative Research

EDPS 63200 – Seminar in Research Procedures in Education – Recent topics include Meta-analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Computerized Adaptive Testing, Multilevel Modeling (variable title; can be taken multiple times)

EDPS 63500 – Psychometric Theory and Application

EDPS 63600 – Item Response Theory

EDPS 63800 – Factor Analytic Procedures

How to Train Your AI Learning Coach: A Personalized Learning Adventure

Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute New Summer Camp Course – Visit website.

DiCerbo, Kristen; Wright, Wayne, et. al. (2024, April 19). AI-ED Fusion: Symposium on STEM Education in the Age of AI. Purdue University.

Grant, Melva; Kastberg, Signe; et al. (2024, April 5). Power Friday: Emerging Educational Technologies – Enhancing Learning with VR, XR, & AI [Presentation]. Power Friday, Purdue University.

Cheng, Y. (2024, March 28). How Early, Accurate, and Fair Can We Predict Student Learning in Foundational STEM Courses? [Presentation]. Craft Data Science Insights: A 40-Minute Exploration, Purdue University.

Zhang, S. (2024, March 26). Exploring the NAEP Math Achievement Gap: Insights from Test-Taking Process Data [Presentation]. Craft Data Science Insights: A 40-Minute Exploration, Purdue University.

Zheng, C. (2024, March 20). Psychometrics Empowering Large Language Models in Chinese Essay Automated Scoring [Presentation]. Craft Data Science Insights: A 40-Minute Exploration, Purdue University.

He, Q. (2024, February 26). Sequence Mining on Process Data in Digital-Based Large-Scale Assessments [Presentation]. Craft Data Science Insights: A 40-Minute Exploration, Purdue University.

Kwon, K. (2023, September 15). AI Education: Lessons Learned for Empowering Teachers and Enriching Student Learning [Presentation]. Power Friday, Purdue University.

Chang, H. (2023, December 1). Integrating Psychometric Tools into AI Development [Panel Presentation]. Trustworthy AI Lab for Education Summit.

Chang, H. (2023, October 4). Building Adaptive Testing Tools to Improve Classroom Assessment in Large Introductory STEM [Presentation]. Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian Science Education, CfA Science Education Department, Harvard University.

Chang, H. (2022, June 15). A New Perspective of Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT): From Testing to Personalized Learning [Presentation]. 2022 NCME Career Contribution Award Presentation.

Chang, H. (2018, April 14). From Adaptive Testing to Adaptive Learning [AERA E.F. Lindquist Award Lecture]. 2018 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. New York, NY.

Huang, W., & Yu, W. (2024, April 14). Top-down vs. Grassroot: A comparative study on AI integration barriers in K-12 in South Korea and the United States [Conference presentation]. 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States.

Huang, W., & Yu, W. (2023, December 1). Artificial intelligence (AI) and education – voices from K-12 educators in South Korea and the United States [Conference presentation]. Trustworthy AI Lab for Education Summit, Notre Dame, IN, United States.

Huang, W. & Yu, W. (2023, November 10). The collaboration between AI and educators. Indiana Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (IACTE) webinar.

Huang, W., & Yu, W. (2023, October 15-19). AI education integration in South Korea from early adopter’s perspectives: A case study [Conference presentation]. AECT 2023 Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.

Jiang, Y., Xie, L., Lin, G., & Mo, F. Widening the Debate: The Academic Community’s Perception of ChatGPT. 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Jiang, Y. (2023, December 1). Exploring ChatGPT: Policy and Regulation of Digital Frameworks Through Twitter Discourse [Conference presentation]. Trustworthy AI Lab for Education Summit, Notre Dame, IN, United States.

Sirnoorkar, A. (2024, February). Leveraging Generative-AI in physics education. Physics Education Research group seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University.

Sirnoorkar, A., Laverty, J.T., Zollman, D., Rebello, S. & Bryan, L.A. (2023, December). Exploring student and AI generated assumptions to varying degree of promoting. Proceedings, International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE), India.

Sirnoorkar, A. (2023, October). Development and analysis of assessments that promote sensemaking in physics. Physics Education Research group seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University.

Yu, W., & Huang, W. (2024, April 11). AI is no more a magic box: A case study of an AI educational program [Conference presentation]. 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States.

Yu, W., Kang, S., & Huang, W. (2023, December 1). C.A.R.E (computer science, artificial intelligence, robotics, and emerging technologies) @ Purdue [Conference presentation]. Trustworthy AI Lab for Education Summit, Notre Dame, IN, United States.

Yu, W. (2023, April 13-16). Investigating the barriers to introducing Artificial Intelligence (AI) education for elementary school teachers in South Korea [Conference presentation]. 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, United States.

Cetintas, S., Si, L., Xin, Y. P., & Tzur, R. (2013, October). Probabilistic latent class models for predicting student performance. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Conference on information & knowledge management (pp. 1513-1516). ACM

Cetintas, S, Si, L., Xin, Y. P., Zhang, D., Park, J. Y. & Tzur, R. (2010). A Joint Probabilistic Classification Model of Relevant and Irrelevant Sentences in Mathematical Word Problems. Journal of Educational Data Mining, 2(1), 83-101.

Cetintas, S., Si, L., Xin, Y. P., and Hord, C. (2010). Automatic Detection of Off-Task Behaviors in Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Machine Learning Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 3( 3), 228-236.

Cetintas, S., Si, L., Xin, Y. P., Hord, C. (2010). Predicting Correctness of Problem Solving in ITS with a Temporal Collaborative Filtering Approach. In Vincent Aleven, Judy Kay, Jack Mostow, editors, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 10th International Conference, ITS 2010, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Proceedings, Part I. Volume 6094 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 15-24, Springer.

Cetintas, S., Si, L., Xin, Y. P. and Hord, C. (2009). Predicting correctness of problem solving from low-level log data in intelligent tutoring systems. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM)

Cetintas, S., Si, L., Xin, Y. P., Hord, C. & Zhang, D. (2009). Learning to identify students’ off-task behavior in intelligent tutoring systems. In V. Dimitrova, R. Mizoguchi, B. du Boulay, A. Graesser (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 701-¬703). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press.

Cetintas, S., Si, Luo., Xin, Y. P., Zhang, D., Park, J. (2009). Automatic text classification of mathematical word problems. In Proceedings of the 22nd International FLAIRS Conference (pp. 27-32). AAAI Press.

Jiang, Y., Xie, L., Lin, G., & Mo, F. (2024). Widen the debate: What is the academic community’s perception on ChatGPT?. Education and Information Technologies, 1-20.

Xin, Y. P., Tzur, Si, L. Hord, C., Liu, J., Park, J. Y. (2017). An intelligent tutor-assisted math problem-solving intervention program for students with learning difficulties. Learning Disability Quarterly, 40(1), 4-16. doi:10.1177/0731948716648740

Ozen, Z. (2024). Developing a first-level gifted identification tool: A machine learning application. Dissertation Chair: Nielsen Pereira

Karakis, N. (2021). Predictors of early postsecondary stem persistence of high-achieving students: an explanatory study using machine learning techniques. Dissertation Chair: Nielsen Pereira

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