Required Indiana Licensure Tests (Graduate Programs)


All tests are subject to change by the Indiana Department of Education.

Recent testing updates by the Indiana Department of Education may result in changes to previously required content and/or pedagogy exam(s). Please verify which exams are required for your specific program area prior to taking your exam(s).

Information on Indiana and Praxis requirements, including registration and preparation materials can be found at Indiana RequiredTest ( A calendar to see when certain tests are being offered and where can be found at Schedule Your Praxis Test (

You can find the schedule for Indiana exam offerings here.

Content Test Attempt Deadlines for Student Teaching (Initial Licensure Programs Only):

Official score reports issued directly from the testing vendor must be received by OTEL by December 1 for Spring Student Teaching, and by July 1 for Fall Student Teaching. Please plan your testing date accordingly. To determine when your score will be released, based on testing date, go to the Praxis website at Getting Your Praxis Scores (For Test Takers) (

You must list Purdue University (1631) as both your educator preparation program AND as a score recipient institution.

PLEASE NOTE: The release of your exam score to our office can take one to six weeks from your testing date. Exams which include a constructed response take longer for the score to be released. Exams which include a constructed response are indicated with double asterisks.

Important Information

  • You must always code Purdue University (1631) as a score recipient when you register for all Praxis exams. Failure to do so will incur additional costs to have your official score(s) resent.
  • If you test in Indiana at a testing center and your Praxis profile address is in Indiana, your score report will be sent automatically to the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE).
  • If your Praxis profile address is not in Indiana, or you test outside of Indiana, or use the Praxis test “At Home” option, your scores are NOT automatically sent to the IDOE. To have your scores sent to the IDOE, you must select the Indiana Department of Education (state code 7238) as a score recipient when you register.
  • For all methods of Praxis testing, to request additional score reports you must select Purdue University (1631) and/or the IDOE (state code 7238) with each additional score report request if you want either Purdue and/or the IDOE to receive it. There is an additional cost to have your official score(s) resent. There is an additional cost to have your official score report resent from the testing vendor. Visit the Praxis website Sending Your Praxis Scores ( for more information.
Content Area Test (prior to licensure)
5412 Educational Leadership: Administration & Supervision
Cut Score
Content Area Test (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5412 Educational Leadership: Administration & Supervision150

No Test Available

Content Area Test (prior to licensure)
6991 School Superintendent Assessment (SSA)**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (prior to licensure)Cut Score
6991 School Superintendent Assessment (SSA)**162
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge
5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary – Required for Fall 2025 student teachers forward. (Optional 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025. Required if not licensable by 7/1/2025)
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge145
5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary – Required for Fall 2025 student teachers forward. (Optional 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025. Required if not licensable by 7/1/2025)159
All Grade (P-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
All Grade (P-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge
5547 Special Education: Severe to Profound
5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary – Required for Fall 2025 student teachers forward. (Optional 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025. Required if not licensable by 7/1/2025)
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge145
5547 Special Education: Severe to Profound156
5205 Teaching Reading: Elementary – Required for Fall 2025 student teachers forward. (Optional 7/1/2024 to 6/30/2025. Required if not licensable by 7/1/2025)159
All Grade (P-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
All Grade (P-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test Cut Score
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge145
Content Area Test
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge
5547 Special Education: Severe to Profound
Cut Score
Content Area Test Cut Score
5355 Special Education: Foundational Knowledge145
5547 Special Education: Severe to Profound156
Content Area Test
5547 Special Education: Severe to Profound
Cut Score
Content Area Test Cut Score
5547 Special Education: Severe to Profound156
Content Area Test
5358 Gifted Education
Cut Score
Content Area Test Cut Score
5358 Gifted Education157
Content Area Test
5362 English to Speakers of Other Languages
Cut Score
Content Area Test Cut Score
5362 English to Speakers of Other Languages155

Note: Graduate Addition programs are additions to an Indiana Instructional Professional Educator’s License

Graduate Initial- Online Transition to Teaching (Grades 5-12)

Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5101 Business Education: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5101 Business Education: Content Knowledge154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5701 Agriculture
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5701 Agriculture147
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5101 Business Education: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5101 Business Education: Content Knowledge154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5122 Family & Consumer Sciences (available until 8/31/2025) OR
5123 Family and Consumer Sciences (available beginning 9/1/2024)
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5122 Family & Consumer Sciences (available until 8/31/2025) OR153
5123 Family and Consumer Sciences (available beginning 9/1/2024)151
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5052 Health Occupations
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5052 Health Occupations152
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5561 Marketing Education
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5561 Marketing Education157
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
No Test Available
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
No Test AvailableN/A
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5652 Computer Science
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5652 Computer Science149
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5051 Technology Education (available until 8/31/2025) OR
5053 Technology and Engineering Education (available beginning 9/1/2024)
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5051 Technology Education (available until 8/31/2025) OR159
5053 Technology and Engineering Education (available beginning 9/1/2024)157
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5115 Music: Instrumental and General Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5115 Music: Instrumental and General Knowledge150
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5641 Theatre
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5641 Theatre154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5134 Art: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5134 Art: Content Knowledge158
All Grade (P-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
All Grade (P-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5116 Music: Vocal and General Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5116 Music: Vocal and General Knowledge153
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5551 Health Education
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5551 Health Education155
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5224 Journalism
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5224 Journalism153
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5038 English Language Arts: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5038 English Language Arts: Content Knowledge167
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5165 Mathematics
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5165 Mathematics159
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5091 Physical Education: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5091 Physical Education: Content Knowledge145
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5246 Chemistry
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5246 Chemistry146
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5572 Earth & Space Science
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5572 Earth & Space Science154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5236 Biology
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5236 Biology154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5485 Physical Science
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5485 Physical Science157
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5266 Physics
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5266 Physics145
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5911 Economics
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5911 Economics144
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5921 Geography
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5921 Geography156
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5931 Government/Political Science
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5931 Government/Political Science149
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5941 World and U.S. History: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5941 World and U.S. History: Content Knowledge148
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5391 Psychology
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5391 Psychology154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5952 Sociology
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5952 Sociology154
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5624 Principles of Learning & Teaching: Grades 7-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
No test identified by IDOE
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
No test identified by IDOEN/A
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
0634 American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)
Cut Score
170 or 3+
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
0634 American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)170 or 3+
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5665 Chinese (Mandarin): World Language**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5665 Chinese (Mandarin): World Language**161
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5174 French: World Language**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5174 French: World Language**159
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5183 German: World Language**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5183 German: World Language**163
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
No test identified by IDOE
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
No test identified by IDOEN/A
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5661 Japanese: World Language**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5661 Japanese: World Language**156
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
No test identified by IDOE
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
No test identified by IDOEN/A
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5601 Latin
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5601 Latin152
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5671 Russian: World Language**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5671 Russian: World Language**130
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
5195 Spanish: World Language**
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
5195 Spanish: World Language**166
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157
Content Area Test (before student teaching)
No test identified by IDOE
Cut Score
Content Area Test (before student teaching)Cut Score
No test identified by IDOEN/A
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**
Cut Score
Secondary (5-12) Pedagogy (prior to licensure)Cut Score
5625 Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12**157

The following exams were replaced on September 1, 2023, and are no longer used for Indiana licensure. However, if these exams were passed by August 31, 2023, they remain valid for licensure.

Licensure Content Area
Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention
Exceptional Needs: Intense Intervention
Earth/Space Science
Life Science (Biology)
Content Area Test
5543 Special Education: Core Knowledge & Mild to Moderate Applications**
5545 Special Education: Core Knowledge & Severe to Profound Applications**
5245 Chemistry: Content Knowledge
5571 Earth & Space Sciences: Content Knowledge
5235 Biology: Content Knowledge
5265 Physics: Content Knowledge
Cut Score
Licensure Content AreaContent Area TestCut Score
Exceptional Needs: Mild Intervention5543 Special Education: Core Knowledge & Mild to Moderate Applications**155
Exceptional Needs: Intense Intervention5545 Special Education: Core Knowledge & Severe to Profound Applications**158
Chemistry5245 Chemistry: Content Knowledge155
Earth/Space Science5571 Earth & Space Sciences: Content Knowledge152
Life Science (Biology)5235 Biology: Content Knowledge150
Physics5265 Physics: Content Knowledge140

Please Note

**Exams which include a constructed response are indicated. Exams which include a constructed response take longer for the score to be released.