College honors Class of 2024 at Teacher Pinning reception

The College honored 86 of its 113 May graduates at a pinning ceremony and reception on May 10, held in the Beering Hall lobby and outside. All “Boilermaker Educator” graduates were invited to attend, whether they were receiving an education degree from the College of Education or from one of its partner colleges such as Agriculture, Health and Human Sciences, Liberal Arts, College of Science, or the Purdue Polytechnic Institute.

A family of eight smiling for a photo outside of Beering Hall
The College held a Teacher Education reception outside of Beering Hall to celebrate new graduates.
 (Purdue University photos/Addison Ott)

More than 500 family, friends, and College faculty and staff gathered to celebrate the new Boilermaker Educators.

“Thank you for your commitment to this most important of professions,” said Phillip J. VanFossen, interim dean of the College. “Indeed, there is perhaps no job with more consequence than that of being a teacher. So thank you for choosing to be Boilermaker Educators. Boilermaker Educators help their students make Giant Leaps. Boilermaker Educators help equip their students with tools to build a better world; and Boilermaker educators have an ‘ever true’ commitment to lifelong learning.”

Interim Dean VanFossen makes a speech at a podium.
Interim Dean Phillip J. VanFossen led students in reciting the Teacher’s Creed

VanFossen invited the students to wear their new Teacher Education pins given by the College and to recite the Teacher Pledge together.

I am dedicated to ensuring that every child I teach receives a quality education.

I will create a learning environment that encourages academic, social, and emotional achievement.

I will hold high expectations for all students and myself.

I will respect the hard-won gains of those educators in whose steps I walk and gladly share the very best practices with those who follow.

I am a teacher. I change the world one student at a time.

A College of Education graduate standing in front of a Purdue themed background. She is holding a graduation cap decorated with the words "Made to Teach".
The graduate cap says it all for this student.

VanFossen made closing remarks, welcoming the newest Boilermaker Educators to the teaching profession.

“We’re so pleased that we can celebrate this amazing group of future educators and their guests before they line up for the commencement ceremony,” said Jennifer Barce, assistant dean for teacher education. “We hope they’ll keep in touch with us as we know that they will grow into excellent leaders and future mentors.”

Congratulations, Class of 2024!