Social Studies Education


How do we create good citizens? In Purdue’s social studies education program, you’ll explore how schools, communities and cultures can enhance the civic development of our youth and how you can inspire young people to assume the mantle of responsible citizenship.

Graduate education in social studies at Purdue University affords students a range of programmatic choices and numerous resources to support their graduate education.

Students who enter our master’s program generally wish to enhance their knowledge and skills as a social studies teacher. Many of our Ph.D. students enter our program to become a social studies leader in K-12 education or at the university level in the United States or globally. We tailor our programs to incorporate students’ individual aspirations, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to assume leadership roles in K-12 schools and in universities.

Our world-renowned faculty members are involved in research projects throughout the United States and Europe. Particular faculty interests include history, economic, and civic education; the use of technology in social studies; and civic and economic education in post-Soviet European countries.


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Our Faculty

Our faculty are involved in a wide range of research activities and projects related to the field of Social Studies Education. See our list of faculty and see an overview of their research projects at the following links: