Oral Language | Reading | Writing

Meet Monica

Monica smiling.

Monica is 6 years old, and is in kindergarten at an elementary school in a medium sized Midwest town.  Born in Mexico, she and her family moved to the Midwest when she was three years old.  Monica is the second oldest among her four brothers and sisters.  

Her parents know some English, but only speak Spanish in their household.  Her father has his own lawn care business and her mother works at a local food pantry. Monica thoroughly enjoys school and she one day wants to be a teacher.  At home, Monica loves to play the role of a teacher with her brothers and sisters.  Her favorite subject is reading.  Monica’s official English language Proficiency level is 3.8 (WIDA). 

Monica receives daily ESL instruction through a pull-out program taught by a certified ESL teacher. She receives this instruction in a small group with 8 students at the intermediate to advanced levels of English proficiency.  Her school has a one-to-one technology program and provides each student with an iPad for use at school and at home.  Her regular classroom teacher does not yet have received specific training on how to work with ELLs.

When Monica is not studying, she enjoys spending time with her family.  They often rent movies from RedBox every other Friday and order pizza.  This is Monica’s favorite time because her family is together laughing at movies.

Directions: Review the oral language samples below. Then, review and complete the SOLOM-R Google Form. You may also open the form in a new link if you want to complete it as you view the videos.

Oral Language Sample 1: Crossing Guard

Oral Language Sample 2: School Rooms

Reading sample: Jen and Max Build a House

Directions: Download and print the Running Record Form below. Complete the form as you view the video of the student’s reading below. Review the comprehension Q&A. Then complete the Running Record Evaluation Google Form below.  

Reading Comprehension Questions and Answers

1. What did Dad have in the van?
[Correct Answer: A box; a big box; a house; a toy house.]

Monica: Box

2. What did Jen & Max ask their dad?
[Correct Answer: What is in the box?]

Monica: [Shrugs] 

3. What was in the box?
[Correct Answer: a house; a toy house.]

Monica: House 

4. Who helped them build it?
[Correct Answer: Mom; their mom.]

Monica: Dad

5. Would you like to build a toy house? Why?
[Correct Answer: any response relevant to the question and book.]  

Monica: Yes. So I can play inside.


Directions: Read the student’s writing samples below. Then complete the writing evaluation Google Form for the samples below. 

Sample 1: “Ocean”

Monica writing sample #1.

Sample 2: “Pig”

Monica writing sample #2.