Educational Leadership and Policy Studies


Purdue’s educational leadership and policy studies program prepares people who are committed to teaching and departmental leadership, administrative, or professional positions. Our graduates assume positions as building-level administrators, superintendents, central office administrators, educational leadership researchers, and educational policymakers.

All of our graduate programs are hybrid. The Doctor of Philosophy with a concentration in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and the Ed. Specialist degrees are coordinated with the Indiana District Level (Superintendent) license and is offered in a cohort format. The Doctor of Philosophy with a concentration in Higher Education is for post-Master’s degree students who are interested in preparing for service and leadership in a broad range of roles in Colleges and Universities. The Building Level (Principal) licensure program is an add-on to a Master’s degree or Ed.S. degree.


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Our Faculty

Our faculty has diverse backgrounds in P-12 schooling, educational policy, and research.

Assistant Professor Educational Leadership & Policy StudiesEducational Studies
Website: Curriculum Vitae
Clinical Assistant Professor Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-0094
Associate Clinical Professor Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesEducational Studies
Department Head, Professor Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 496-6068
Clinical Assistant Professor; Holmes Scholars Faculty Research Coordinator Educational Leadership & Policy StudiesEducational Studies
Work Phone: 765-494-9746
Associate Professor Educational Leadership and Policy StudiesEducational Studies
Work Phone: (765) 494-9731

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