GER2I Directory
Gifted, Creative and Talented Education Faculty
Educational Psychology; Higher Education; Gifted, Creative and TalentedEducational Studies
Director of the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute (GER2I), Associate Professor
Gifted, Creative and Talented StudiesEducational Studies
Associate Director of the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute (GER2I), Clinical Associate Professor, & High-ability Certificate/Licensure Advisor
Gifted, Creative and TalentedEducational Studies
GER²I Staff
Pamela Dexter
Program Manager
Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute
(765) 494-7241
Sara Lee
Administrative Assistant
Gifted Education Research & Resource Institute
(765) 494-7243
Graduate Staff and Volunteers
Alia Nerys Pineda Medina
GER²I Graduate Assistant
GER²I Super Saturday/Super Summer Program Coordinator
(765) 496-2847
BRNG 3159
Brenda Matos
GER²I Graduate Assistant
Academic Coordinator of GER²I Summer Program
(765) 496-2864
BRNG 3159
Anthony Careth
GER²I Graduate Assistant
GER²I Summer Residential Life Coordinator
(765) 494-7243 Phone
BRNG 3125
Advisory Board
- Dr. Bill Asher (MS ’51, PhD ’55)
Professor Emeritus, Purdue University - Ms. Kathleen Bandolik
Retired Principal, O.A. Thorpe Academy - Dr. Nina Buchanan (PhD ’84)
Professor Emerita, University of Hawaii Hilo - Dr. Pam R. Clinkenbeard (MS ’80, PhD ’84)
Professor of Educational Foundations, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - Dr. David Dai (PhD)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Educational and Counseling Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York - Dr. Janice Davidson (BA ’66, HDR ’97)
Owner/President, Davidson Group, Ex-Officio Board Member - Dr. Felicia Dixon (PhD ’96)
Professor Emerita, Ball State University - Dr. Matt Fugate
Assistant Professor, University of Houston-Downtown - Dr. Jan Hansen (Ph.D. ’88)
President/CEO, Educate Tanzania - Mrs. Dorothy L. Huang (MS ’72)
Realtor, Remax of Naperville - Dr. Penny Britton Kolloff (PhD ’83)
Professor Emerita, IL State University - Dr. Sidney Moon (MS ’85, Ph.D. ’91)
Professor Emerita, Purdue University - Jack Palmer
Marketing Coordinator, Frontier Builders - Dr. Scott Peters (Ph.D. ’09)
Associate Professor of Educational Foundations, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater - Dr. Ann Robinson (PhD ‘ 83)
Center for Gifted Education, University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Mr. Gregg Rutter (BA ’78, MAT ’08)
Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator, Nay Ah Shing Schools Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe - Dr. Kathleen Steele (BA ’70, MS ’72, PhD ’81)
Superintendent, Crawfordsville, Community School Corporation - Alfonso José Uribe
USM Colombia S.A. - Dr. Gilman W. Whiting (PhD ’04)
Professor, Vanderbilt University - Dr. Vicki Vaughn (PhD ’91)
Retired Principal & GT Coordinator, Edgelea Elementary School - Dr. Yang Yang (PhD ’12)
Director of Student Life, Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science
Contact the GER2I main office at (765) 494-7243 or by email at