6th Grade Civics Course Design and Resources
Civics is more than learning history and government—it requires putting that understanding into ACTION as engaged citizens. Resources from the Center for Civic Education enhanced by Indiana specific and differentiated support materials created by the Ackerman Center create a menu of options for designing YOUR 6th grade Civics Course.

We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution
We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution
- Engaging question and answer format in grade level appropriate textbook
- Focus on the values and principles of democracy that inform our government
- Ackerman Center materials incorporate the Indiana Constitution
- Ackerman Center materials provide differentiated graphic organizers and assessments to support instruction
- Discount code to purchase student books

Project Citizen
Project based learning focused on the Role of Citizens
- Identify a public policy challenge or problem
- Research the issue by reading, interviewing, and gathering data
- Propose solutions and evaluate them
- Create a display board or slideshow
- Present a case for their policy solution at a simulated public hearing
- Ackerman Center materials include integration of Indiana Literacy Standards
Find the Ackerman Center Civics Course on the Purdue College of Education Professional Development Portal for Educators
VERY LOW COST for access to all resources coming soon—check the portal or email amurphyk@purdue.edu.
Coming Late July