College of Education
Department of Educational Studies

Discovering and Developing Human Potential in Diverse Learning Environments

Our nationally known faculty are engaged in the discovery, application, and dissemination of new knowledge centered on three key themes: Educating Diverse Learners, STEM Learning, and Effective Teaching.

We pride ourselves in preparing students for positions as university professors, researchers, special education professionals, counseling psychologists, and testing, measurement and evaluation specialists. Our graduates work in schools, higher education, and private industry.

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Featured News

Smith awarded Purdue’s highest undergraduate teaching honor

Purdue chose Jennifer Smith, associate clinical professor of special education, as one of the five 2024 Charles B. Murphy Award winners.

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Message from the Head

Welcome to Educational Studies (EDST)!

The Department of Educational Studies (EDST) is home to six program areas: Counseling and Development; Gifted, Creative, and Talented Studies; Educational Leadership and Policy Studies; Educational Psychology and Research Methodology; Special Education; and Online Special Education. EDST is also home to the Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center (PCGC), the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute (GER2I), and the Purdue University Psychometric Investigation Lab (PUPIL).

Our mission is to discover and develop human potential in diverse learning environments through excellence in research, teaching, and engagement. We pride ourselves in preparing students for positions as university professors, researchers, special education professionals, educational administrators and leaders, counseling psychologists, and testing, measurement, and evaluation specialists. Our graduates work in schools, higher education, and private industry.

Welcome to Purdue and the Department of Educational Studies! My door is always open if you have questions or concerns. The main EDST office is on the fifth floor of Beering Hall, Room 5108.

Christine Kiracofe
Department Head

Ricky Pride in front of a colorful wall.
Dr. Richard A. (Ricky) Price

Dr. Richard A. (Ricky) Price is an assistant professor of special education in the Department of Educational Studies. 

How would you briefly describe your research interests?
I chose to have a career at Purdue’s College of Education due to the emphasis on high quality teacher education and community engagement. I think it is imperative in higher education that we train high quality teachers, but that we also engage with the community, doing with and not for.

Briefly describe a research or project you have completed.
My research focuses on supporting students with significant support needs in the transition from high school into employment. Currently, I am working on a project to determine the work-related transition assessments that exist in supporting the career development of students with significant support needs.

Are there any recent or forthcoming publications you are excited about?
Currently I just had a publication published in which we interviewed employers about their successful hiring practices regarding employees with disabilities.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not conducting research?
It seems that school is a hobby of mine since I keep going back to it and now I’m in higher education, haha. Outside of school and research, I love exploring. Specifically, local and unique breweries, or traveling and exploring other states and countries.

Fan Cao
Fan Cao

Fan Cao is a first-year PhD student studying special education in the Department of Educational Studies. 

Where are you from, and what did you do prior to your PhD program?
I am from China. Before starting my PhD, I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Soochow University and my Master’s degree from Tongji University.

Why did you choose Purdue and your area of concentration?
I chose Purdue because it is an internationally renowned university with rich academic resources. My focus is on special education, particularly using technology to support students with autism and learning disabilities.

What are your areas of research interests? What led to your interest in these areas?
My research interests are in educational technology, specifically in applying it to special education. My interest in these areas stems from a desire to help students with autism and learning disabilities.

Tell us about your prior research experience?
Yes, my previous research has centered on educational technology, exploring how it can enhance learning experiences for students.

Where do you hope to be in five years?
In 5 years, I hope to be in Indiana, successfully working toward completing my degree in the United States.

What advice do you have for other new fellow graduate student researchers?
Take full advantage of the resources at Purdue and stay focused on your research goals.