Department of Educational Studies
About Us

Welcome to the Department of Educational Studies!

At Purdue University, our nationally known faculty are engaged in discovery, learning, and engagement. As a department, we are committed to creating knowledge through discovery and developing exemplary learning experiences for aspiring teachers, administrators, psychologists, and scholars, while contributing to the welfare and advancement of human society through education with a lens focused on equity, inclusion, and advocacy.

In support of the learning mission of the college and Purdue University, the Department of Educational Studies aims to develop innovative, engaged, and skilled professionals through our high-quality graduate and undergraduate programs. At the graduate level, we offer PhD programs in Educational Psychology and Research Methodology, Counseling Psychology (accredited by American Psychological Association), Gifted Education, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, and Special Education. Our Master’s level programs include Applied Behavior Analysis, licensure or certificate programs in Gifted, Creative, and Talented (GCT) Studies, Building and District Level Administration, Special Education and Educational Psychology and Research Methodology. At the undergraduate level, we house the special education major and a certificate program in Collaborative Leadership, which is open to all Purdue University undergraduates. We offer foundational courses taken by teacher education majors across the university. We contribute to the betterment of the community through engagement efforts with our centers, such as the Gifted Education Research and Resource Institute (GER2I), and the Purdue Counseling and Guidance Center (PCGC), and our outreach work with community partners and local schools.

Dr. Ala Samarapungavan
Interim Head, Educational Studies, and Professor of Educational Psychology


The Department of Educational Studies supports the mission of the College and it strategic plan. Our department’s mission is to discover and develop human potential in diverse learning environments.


We affirm our belief in:

  • Academic and intellectual freedom
  • The worth and dignity of the individual
  • Civility in our interactions
  • Cooperation, collaboration, and collegiality
  • Cultural and individual diversity