Teaching Resource Center

The Teaching Resource Center (TRC) is the home on campus for our Teacher Education students, as well as students from all of our Education programs. It is a multifaceted facility with an inspiring Education-focused library, study space, art room, and computer lab. The TRC was formerly called the Technology Resources Center until the Summer of 2021.

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Note! You can use the TRC online catalog to search TRC holdings and place a hold on items you need to pick up. Then email TRC@purdue.edu to make pickup arrangements. If you need help, call: 765-494-5677. Thank you!

What people are saying about the TRC

“I find myself spending most of my time between classes in the TRC. I love knowing that I can find everything I need for all of my education classes here. Projects are so much easier to finish when the materials you need are all in one place!”

“The TRC is a wonderful resource for me and other students! It is a great place to come and get help with projects with many educational tools right at your fingertips! It also makes a great place to meet group members when working on projects!”

“The TRC is amazing. It is my home away from home. Anytime I’m not in class, I’m here working on some assignment. It has great resources for us future teachers.”

“The TRC is the best place to work on assignments as an education major–   the books and resources are there, the computers are there, and best of all, fellow education students are there! I have spent countless hours in the TRC throughout my Purdue years and always enjoy the friendly staff.”

“The TRC is so helpful as an education major. The staff is wonderful…I only wish I had discovered it sooner.”

Want to add your comment?  Click here to fill out our FEEDBACK form!

TRC Hours

Fall and Spring Hours:
9:00am – 5:00pm
Mon. – Fri.

Spring Break Hours:
9:00am – 1:00pm

Summer Hours:
May – Aug. 20
9:00am – 1:00pm
Mon. – Fri.

Contact the Teaching Resource Center at (765) 494-5677 or by email at trc@purdue.edu.
Beering Hall Room 3287