Boilermaker Educators win at ’24 Fall Undergraduate Research Expo

More than 20 Boilermaker Educator undergraduates participated in educational research projects in Purdue University’s 2024 Fall Undergraduate Research Expo, and three won poster awards.

A male student presenting his poster to a viewer.
Joel Berringer discussing his research poster with an attendee. (All photos provided)


Joel Berringer holding up his poster.
Joel Berringer

1st Place: Joel N. Berringer, Social Studies Education major
The Intersection of Academics and Mental Health: A Comprehensive Model for Student Success 
Mentor: Panayota Y. Mantzicopoulos-James

Allison Peterson standing in front of her poster.
Allison Peterson

2nd Place: Allison R. Peterson, Biology and Science Education major
Impact of Structured Revision Intervention During the Peer Review Process on Scientific Writing Self-Efficacy in Undergraduate Biology Students
Mentors: Stephanie M Gardner; Jillian Cornell

Anjali Devi Gupta standing in front of her poster.
Anjali Devi Gupta

3rd Place: Anjali D. Gupta, Chemistry Education and Chemistry major
Tracking the Demographic Differences Between Traditional Public Schools and Sectors of Charter Schools in Indianapolis 
Mentor: Bryan J. Duarte

Congratulations, all!

More info: 2024 Fall Award Recipients

Source: Toni Rogat,